我不想渲染重复项目并在 item_number 中显示有多少重复项目,但地图不这样做

I do not want duplicate items to be rendered and to show in item_number how many duplicate items there are but the map does not do this

{arrOfProducts.map((项目, 索引) => { return ( ); }, 0)} ;


arrOfProducts.reduce((acc, curr) => {
const foundedIndex = acc.findIndex(i => curr.id === i.id)
if(foundedIndex !== -1){
    const item = acc[foundedIndex]
    return [...acc.slice(0, foundedIndex), {...item, count: item.count+1}, ...acc.slice(foundedIndex+1)]
return [...acc, {...curr, count: 1}]
}, [])