未指定 class 模板参数的模板化 class 模板成员函数特化

Template member function specialization of a templated class without specifying the class template parameter

在不指定 class 模板参数的情况下特化模板化 class 的模板化成员函数的正确语法是什么?


示例 #1(有效):

#include <iostream>

struct C1
 template <class B>
 void f(void) const;

template <>
void C1::f<int>(void) const { std::cout<<777<<std::endl; }

int main(void)
 C1 c1; c1.f<int>();

示例 #2(有效):

#include <iostream>

template <class A>
struct C2
 template <class B>
 void f(void) const;

template <>
template <>
void C2<int>::f<int>(void) const { std::cout<<888<<std::endl; }

int main(void)
 C2<int> c2; c2.f<int>();
 return 0;

示例 #3(不编译:“封闭 class 模板未明确专门化”):

#include <iostream>

template <class A>
struct C3
 template <class B>
 void f(void) const;

struct D { static int g(void){ return 999; } };

template <class A>
template <>
void C3<A>::f<int>(void) const { std::cout<<A::g()+1<<std::endl; }

template <class A>
template <>
void C3<A>::f<char>(void) const { std::cout<<A::g()+2<<std::endl; }

int main(void)
 C3<D> c3a; c3a.f<int >(); // expect to see 1000
 C3<D> c3b; c3b.f<char>(); // expect to see 1001
 return 0;

如何使示例 #3 起作用?


struct Tag {};

template <class A>
struct C3
 void f_impl(Tag<int>) const;
 void f_impl(Tag<char>) const;
 template<class B>
 void f() const {

struct D { static int g(void){ return 999; } };

template <class A>
void C3<A>::f_impl(Tag<int>) const { std::cout<<A::g()+1<<std::endl; }

template <class A>
void C3<A>::f_impl(Tag<char>) const { std::cout<<A::g()+2<<std::endl; }


 C3<D> c3; c3.f<int>();  // expect to see 1000
 C3<D> c4; c4.f<char>(); // expect to see 1001
