如何在 C++ 中显示文本文件?

how to display text file in c++?

我想在我的 C++ 程序中显示文本文件,但没有出现,程序刚刚结束。我在这里使用结构。我以前使用过这种方法,但现在我不确定为什么它不起作用。我希望有人能帮助我。非常感谢。

struct Records{
    int ID;
    string desc;
    string supplier;
    double price;
    int quantity;
    int rop;
    string category;
    string uom; 
void inventory() {
    int ID, quantity, rop;
    string desc, supplier, category, uom;
    double price;

    ifstream file("sample inventory.txt");
    if (file.fail()) {
        cout << "Error opening records file." <<endl;
    int i = 0;
    while(! file.eof()){
        file >> ID >> desc >> supplier >> price >> quantity >> rop >> category >> uom;
        record[i].ID = ID;
        record[i].desc = desc;
        record[i].supplier = supplier;
        record[i].price = price;
        record[i].quantity = quantity;
        record[i].rop = rop;
        record[i].category = category;
        record[i].uom = uom;
    for (int a = 0; a < 15; a++) {
        cout << "\n\t";
        cout.width(10); cout << left << record[a].ID;
        cout.width(10); cout << left << record[a].desc;
        cout.width(10); cout << left << record[a].supplier;
        cout.width(10); cout << left << record[a].price;
        cout.width(10); cout << left << record[a].quantity;
        cout.width(10); cout << left << record[a].rop;
        cout.width(10); cout << left << record[a].category;
        cout.width(10); cout << left << record[a].uom << endl;

这是 txt 文件:

很遗憾,您的文本文件不是典型的 CSV 文件,由逗号等字符分隔。行中的条目似乎由制表符分隔。但这是我的猜测。反正。源文件的结构使其更难阅读。

此外,该文件有一个 header 并且在读取第一行并尝试将单词“ID”读入一个 int 变量时,此转换将失败。流的 failbit 已设置,从那时起,对该流的任何 iostream 函数的所有进一步访问将不再执行任何操作。它会忽略你所有进一步的阅读请求。

额外的困难是您在数据字段中有 spaces。但是格式化输入 >> 的提取器运算符将停止,如果它看到白色 space。所以,可能只读取一条记录中的一半字段。

解决方法:必须先读取header文件,再读取数据行。 接下来,您必须知道文件是否真的是制表符分隔的。有时制表符会转换为 spaces。在那种情况下,我们需要重新创建一个字段在 a 记录中的起始位置。




#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>

const std::string fileName{"r:\sample inventory.txt"};

struct Record {
    int ID;
    std::string desc;
    std::string supplier;
    double price;
    int quantity;
    int rop;
    std::string category;
    std::string uom;

using Database = std::vector<Record>;

int main() {

    // Open the source text file with inventory data and check, if it could be opened
    if (std::ifstream ifs{ fileName }; ifs) {

        // Here we will store all data
        Database database{};

        // Read the first header line and throw it away
        std::string line{};
        std::string header{};

        if (std::getline(ifs, header)) {

            // Now read all lines containing record data
            while (std::getline(ifs, line)) {

                // Now, we read a line and can split it into substrings. Assuming the tab as delimiter
                // To be able to extract data from the textfile, we will put the line into a std::istrringstream
                std::istringstream iss{ line };

                // One Record
                Record record{};
                std::string field{};

                // Read fields and put in record
                if (std::getline(iss, field, '\t')) record.ID = std::stoi(field);
                if (std::getline(iss, field, '\t')) record.desc = field;
                if (std::getline(iss, field, '\t')) record.supplier = field;
                if (std::getline(iss, field, '\t')) record.price = std::stod(field);
                if (std::getline(iss, field, '\t')) record.quantity = std::stoi(field);
                if (std::getline(iss, field, '\t')) record.rop = std::stoi(field);
                if (std::getline(iss, field, '\t')) record.category = field;
                if (std::getline(iss, field))       record.uom = field;


            // Now we read the complete database
            // Show some debug output.
            std::cout << "\n\nDatabase:\n\n\n";
            // Show all records
            for (const Record& r : database)
                std::cout << std::left << std::setw(7) << r.ID << std::setw(20) << r.desc 
                <<  std::setw(20) << r.supplier << std::setw(8) << r.price << std::setw(7) 
                << r.quantity << std::setw(8) << r.rop << std::setw(20) << r.category << std::setw(8) << r.uom << '\n';
    else std::cerr << "\nError: COuld not open source file '" << fileName << "'\n\n";


所以,让我们采用下一种方法,根据它们在 header 字符串中的位置提取数据。因此,我们将检查每个 header 字符串的起始位置,并使用此信息稍后将完整的行拆分为子字符串。

我们将使用字段描述符列表并在 header 行中搜索它们的起始位置和宽度。


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
#include <array>

const std::string fileName{"r:\sample inventory.txt"};

struct Record {
    int ID;
    std::string desc;
    std::string supplier;
    double price;
    int quantity;
    int rop;
    std::string category;
    std::string uom;
constexpr size_t NumberOfFieldsInRecord = 8u;
using Database = std::vector<Record>;

int main() {

    // Open the source text file with inventory data and check, if it could be opened
    if (std::ifstream ifs{ fileName }; ifs) {

        // Here we will store all data
        Database database{};

        // Read the first header line and throw it away
        std::string line{};
        std::string header{};

        if (std::getline(ifs, header)) {

            // Analyse the header
            // We have 8 elements in one record. We will store the positions of header items
            std::array<size_t, NumberOfFieldsInRecord> startPosition{};
            std::array<size_t, NumberOfFieldsInRecord> fieldWidth{};
            const std::array<std::string, NumberOfFieldsInRecord> expectedHeaderNames{ "ID","PROD DESC","SUPPLIER","PRICE","QTY","ROP","CATEGORY","UOM"};
            for (size_t k{}; k < NumberOfFieldsInRecord; ++k)
                startPosition[k] = header.find(expectedHeaderNames[k]);
            for (size_t k{ 1 }; k < NumberOfFieldsInRecord; ++k)
                fieldWidth[k - 1] = startPosition[k] - startPosition[k - 1];
            fieldWidth[NumberOfFieldsInRecord - 1] = header.length() - startPosition[NumberOfFieldsInRecord - 1];

            // Now read all lines containing record data
            while (std::getline(ifs, line)) {

                // Now, we read a line and can split it into substrings. Based on poisition and field width
                // To be able to extract data from the textfile, we will put the line into a std::istrringstream
                std::istringstream iss{ line };

                // One Record
                Record record{};
                std::string field{};

                // Read fields and put in record
                field = line.substr(startPosition[0], fieldWidth[0]);  record.ID = std::stoi(field);
                field = line.substr(startPosition[1], fieldWidth[1]);  record.desc = field;
                field = line.substr(startPosition[2], fieldWidth[2]);  record.supplier = field;
                field = line.substr(startPosition[3], fieldWidth[3]);  record.price = std::stod(field);
                field = line.substr(startPosition[4], fieldWidth[4]);  record.quantity = std::stoi(field);
                field = line.substr(startPosition[5], fieldWidth[5]);  record.rop = std::stoi(field);
                field = line.substr(startPosition[6], fieldWidth[6]);  record.category = field;
                field = line.substr(startPosition[7], fieldWidth[7]);  record.uom = field;


            // Now we read the complete database
            // Show some debug output.
            std::cout << "\n\nDatabase:\n\n\n";

            // Header 
            for (size_t k{}; k < NumberOfFieldsInRecord; ++k)
                std::cout << std::left << std::setw(fieldWidth[k]) << expectedHeaderNames[k];
            std::cout << '\n';

            // Show all records
            for (const Record& r : database)
                std::cout << std::left << std::setw(fieldWidth[0]) << r.ID << std::setw(fieldWidth[1]) << r.desc
                <<  std::setw(fieldWidth[2]) << r.supplier << std::setw(fieldWidth[3]) << r.price << std::setw(fieldWidth[4])
                << r.quantity << std::setw(fieldWidth[5]) << r.rop << std::setw(fieldWidth[6]) << r.category << std::setw(fieldWidth[7]) << r.uom << '\n';
    else std::cerr << "\nError: COuld not open source file '" << fileName << "'\n\n";



我们会把这个留到以后再说。 . .



  1. 根据需要声明变量。不要在函数的顶部声明它们。它使代码更具可读性。
  2. 使用文件的完整路径以避免混淆。例如"c:/temp/sample inventory.txt".
  3. if ( ! file ) 较短。
  4. 循环读取数据,以实际读取为条件while( file >> ID >>... )。这会揭示问题的原因。
  5. 阅读有关 setw 操纵器的信息。
  6. file 的析构函数将关闭流 - 您不需要调用 close()

您的文件格式由 header 和数据组成。你不读header。您正在尝试直接读取数据。您尝试将 header 与各种数据类型进行匹配:字符串、整数、浮点数;但是 header 完全由单词组成。您的尝试将使流无效,所有后续读取尝试都将失败。所以,首先 丢弃 header – 你可以使用 getline.

有些列包含由多个单词组成的数据。 file >> supplier 一个词 ,而不是两个或更多。所以你会得到 "Mongol",而不是 "Mongol Inc." 你的数据格式 需要列之间的分隔符 。否则您将无法分辨该列的结束位置。如果您再次添加分隔符,您可以使用 getline 来读取字段。

CATEGORY 列为空。尝试读取它会导致 从不同的列读取 。添加分隔符也会解决类别列为空的问题。


001,Pencil,Mongol Inc.,8,200,5,,pcs


001 "Pencil" "Mongol Inc." 8 200 5 "" "pcs"

并利用 quoted 操纵符(注意空类别字符串):

const int max_records_count = 50;
Record records[max_records_count];

istream& read_record(istream& is, Record& r) // returns the read record in r
  return is >> r.ID >> quoted(r.desc) >> quoted(r.supplier) >> r.price >> r.quantity >> r.rop >> quoted(r.category) >> quoted(r.uom);

istream& read_inventory(istream& is, int& i) // returns the number of read records in i
  for (i = 0; i < max_records_count && read_record(is, records[i]); ++i)
    ; // no operation
  return is;