
Converting data in rows to columns


13435    830169  830264  a    95   y    16
09433    835620  835672  x    46
30945    838405  838620  a    21   c    19
94853    850475  850660  y    15
04958    865700  865978  c    16   a    98


                         a    x    y    c   
13435    830169  830264  95        16
09433    835620  835672       46
30945    838405  838620  21             19
94853    850475  850660            15
04958    865700  865978  98             16

在 linux 上是否有任何代码可以执行此操作? 文件大小为 7.6 MB,总行数约为 450,000 行。变量总数为四个。


如果您知道您有 4 个变量 axyc,并且文件格式为制表符分隔文件,并且您想要如输出所示的确切格式,您可以简单地使用“Brute Force”方法,在该方法中检查字段 46 的内容以获取变量名称和输出字段 57 的值格式如使用 printf.


例如,知道变量名称后,您可以简单地输出 header 行,然后按如下方式处理每条记录:

awk -F"\t" '
  FNR==1 { 
    print "\t\t\t  a    x    y    c"
    printf "%-8s%8s%8s  ", , , 
    if (=="a")
      printf "%-5s", 
    else if (=="a")
      printf "%-5s", 
      printf "%-5s", " "
    if (=="x")
      printf "%-5s", 
    else if (=="x")
      printf "%-5s", 
      printf "%-5s", " "
    if (=="y")
      printf "%-5s", 
    else if (=="y")
      printf "%-5s", 
      printf "%-5s", " "
    if (=="c")
      printf "%-5s\n", 
    else if (=="c")
      printf "%-5s\n", 
      print ""
' tabfile


根据您在 tabfile 中的输入,您将拥有:

$ awk -F"\t" '
>   FNR==1 {
>     print "\t\t\t  a    x    y    c"
>   }
>   {
>     printf "%-8s%8s%8s  ", , , 
>     if (=="a")
>       printf "%-5s", 
>     else if (=="a")
>       printf "%-5s", 
>     else
>       printf "%-5s", " "
>     if (=="x")
>       printf "%-5s", 
>     else if (=="x")
>       printf "%-5s", 
>     else
>       printf "%-5s", " "
>     if (=="y")
>       printf "%-5s", 
>     else if (=="y")
>       printf "%-5s", 
>     else
>       printf "%-5s", " "
>     if (=="c")
>       printf "%-5s\n", 
>     else if (=="c")
>       printf "%-5s\n", 
>     else
>       print ""
>   }
> ' tabfile
                          a    x    y    c
13435     830169  830264  95        16
09433     835620  835672       46
30945     838405  838620  21             19
94853     850475  850660            15
04958     865700  865978  98             16

它提供了所需的输出。这种 one-pass 方法对于 450,000 行输入也将非常有效。由于这对于 command-line 脚本来说有点长,您可以简单地将它放在 awk 脚本中并使用文件名调用它。如果您有任何问题,请告诉我。



#!/usr/bin/awk -f

BEGIN { FS="\t" }
FNR==1 { 
  print "\t\t\t  a    x    y    c"
  printf "%-8s%8s%8s  ", , , 
  if (=="a")
    printf "%-5s", 
  else if (=="a")
    printf "%-5s", 
    printf "%-5s", " "
  if (=="x")
    printf "%-5s", 
  else if (=="x")
    printf "%-5s", 
    printf "%-5s", " "
  if (=="y")
    printf "%-5s", 
  else if (=="y")
    printf "%-5s", 
    printf "%-5s", " "
  if (=="c")
    printf "%-5s\n", 
  else if (=="c")
    printf "%-5s\n", 
    print ""

另存为 awkscript 你会 chmod +x awkscript 然后 运行:

$ ./awkscript tabfile
                          a    x    y    c
13435     830169  830264  95        16
09433     835620  835672       46
30945     838405  838620  21             19
94853     850475  850660            15
04958     865700  865978  98             16
13435   830169  830264  a   95  y   16
09433   835620  835672  x   46
30945   838405  838620  a   21  c   19
94853   850475  850660  y   15
04958   865700  865978  c   16  a   98


printf '\t\t\ta\tx\ty\tc\n'
echo -n "$input" |
awk -v vars='a x y c' '
  BEGIN {NV = split(vars,V)}
     s =  "\t"  "\t" ;
     delete a;
     for(i = 4; i < NF; i = i+2) a[$i] = $(i+1);
     for(i = 1; i <= NV; i++) s = s "\t" a[V[i]];
     print s

与 ruby:

printf '\t\t\ta\tx\ty\tc\n'
echo -n "$input" |
vars='a x y c' ruby -ane '
    BEGIN{v = ENV["vars"].split};
    h = Hash[*$F[3..-1]];
    puts $F[0..2].concat(v.map{|v| h[v]}).join("\t")


            a   x   y   c
13435   830169  830264  95      16  
09433   835620  835672      46      
30945   838405  838620  21          19
94853   850475  850660          15  
04958   865700  865978  98          16


$ perl -lane '
    BEGIN { print join("\t", "", "", "", "a", "x", "y", "c"); }
    my %vars = @F[3..$#F];
    print join("\t", @F[0..2], @vars{qw/a x y c/});
  ' input.tsv
                        a       x       y       c
13435   830169  830264  95              16
09433   835620  835672          46
30945   838405  838620  21                      19
94853   850475  850660                  15
04958   865700  865978  98                      16

第四列和后面的所有内容被作为散列table的key/value对,然后以正确的顺序提取其中存在的变量值,以及第一个三列。大量使用 slices.

纯 bash(需要 bash 4.0 或更新版本):


declare -A var

printf '\t\t\ta\tx\ty\tc\n'
while IFS=$'\t' read -ra fld; do
    var[a]=""  var[x]=""  var[y]=""  var[c]=""
    for ((i = 3; i < ${#fld[@]}; i += 2)); do
        var["${fld[i]}"]=${fld[i + 1]}
    printf '%s\t' "${fld[@]:0:3}"
    printf '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' "${var[a]}" "${var[x]}" "${var[y]}" "${var[c]}"
done < file

这是执行此操作的 awk:

awk '
NR==FNR{if ( && !( in seen)) {
            seen[]=++col; cols[col]=
        if ( && !( in seen)) {
            seen[]=++col; cols[col]=
FNR==1{printf fmt, "\t","\t","\t",cols[1],cols[2],cols[3],cols[4]}
{   split("",fields)
    fields[seen[]]=; fields[seen[]]=
    printf fmt, ,,,fields[1],fields[2],fields[3],fields[4]
' file file 



                        a   y   x   c
13435   830169  830264  95  16      
09433   835620  835672          46  
30945   838405  838620  21          19
94853   850475  850660      15      
04958   865700  865978  98          16


awk '

FNR==1{printf fmt, "\t","\t","\t","a","x","y","c"}
{   split("",fields)
    fields[seen[]]=; fields[seen[]]=
    printf fmt, ,,,fields[1],fields[2],fields[3],fields[4]
' file


                        a   x   y   c
13435   830169  830264  95      16  
09433   835620  835672      46      
30945   838405  838620  21          19
94853   850475  850660          15  
04958   865700  865978  98          16


  • 事先不知道四个变量名称(样本输入中的a/c/x/y
  • 变量后面总是有一个非空值
  • 事先不知道 variable/value 对的数量(在单个输入线上)
  • OP 可以按字母顺序打印变量列(OP 的所需输出未指定 if/how 要对四个变量列进行排序)
  • 行的顺序保持不变(输入顺序 == 输出顺序)
  • host 有足够的内存来保存整个输入文件(通过 awk 数组);这允许单次输入文件;如果内存是一个问题(即输入文件无法放入内存),那么将需要一个不同的 coding/design(未在此答案中解决)

另一个awk想法...需要GNU awk使用多维数组以及PROCINFO["sorted_in"]构造:

awk '
BEGIN { FS=OFS="\t" }                             # input/output field delimiters = <tab>

      { first3[FNR]= OFS  OFS               # store first 3 fields

        for (i=4;i<=NF;i=i+2) {                   # loop through rest of fields, 2 at a time
            vars[$i]                              # keep track of variable names
            values[FNR][$i]=$(i+1)                # store the value for this line/variable combo

END   { PROCINFO["sorted_in"]="@ind_str_asc"      # sort vars[] indexes in ascending order

        printf "%s%s", OFS, OFS                   # start printing header line ...
        for (v in vars)                           # loop through variable names ...
            printf "%s%s", OFS, v                 # printing to header line
        printf "\n"                               # terminate header line

        for (i=1;i<=FNR;i++) {                    # loop through our set of lines ...
            printf "%s",first3[i]                 # print the 1st 3 fields and then ...
            for (v in vars)                       # loop through list of all variables ...
                printf "%s%s",OFS,values[i][v]    # printing the associated value; non-existent values default to the empty string ""
            printf "\n"                           # terminate the current line of output
' inputfile



$ cat input4                                         # OP's sample input file w/ 4 variables
13435   830169  830264  a       95      y       16
09433   835620  835672  x       46
30945   838405  838620  a       21      c       19
94853   850475  850660  y       15
04958   865700  865978  c       16      a       98

$ cat input6                                         # 2 additional variables added to OP's original input file
13435   830169  830264  a       95      y       16
09433   835620  835672  x       46      t       375
30945   838405  838620  a       21      c       19
94853   850475  850660  y       15      j       127     t       453
04958   865700  865978  c       16      a       98


############# input4
                        a       c       x       y
13435   830169  830264  95                      16
09433   835620  835672                  46
30945   838405  838620  21      19
94853   850475  850660                          15
04958   865700  865978  98      16

############# input6
                        a       c       j       t       x       y
13435   830169  830264  95                                      16
09433   835620  835672                          375     46
30945   838405  838620  21      19
94853   850475  850660                  127     453             15
04958   865700  865978  98      16