How to make the program go back to the top of the code with a while loop?
我需要包括一个有 5 条生命的递减生命计数器。我需要使用一个 while 循环,一旦玩家失去生命,它需要将他们送回代码中向左和向右之间的选择。我是 python 的新手,所以我不是很熟悉它,感谢任何帮助。
answer = input("Do you want to go on an adventure? (Yes/No) ")
if answer.lower().strip() == "yes":
while x > 0:
print("You have ",x,"lives left.")
if x > 0:
if x == 0:
answer= input("You are lost in the forest and the path splits. Do you go left or right? (Left/Right) ").lower().strip()
if answer == "left":
answer = input("An evil witch tries to cast a spell on you, do you run or attack? (Run/Attack) ").lower().strip()
if answer == "attack":
print("She turned you into a green one-legged chicken, you lost!")
elif answer == "run":
print("Wise choice, you made it away safely.")
answer = input("You see a car and a plane. Which would you like to take? (Car/Plane) ").lower().strip()
if answer == "plane":
print("Unfortunately, there is no pilot. You are stuck!")
elif answer == "car":
print("You found your way home. Congrats, you won!")
elif answer != "plane" or answer != "car":
print("You spent too much time deciding...")
print("You are frozen and can't talk for 100 years...")
elif answer == "right":
import random
num = random.randint(1, 3)
answer = input("Pick a number from 1 to 3: ")
if answer == str(num):
print("I'm also thinking about {} ".format(num))
print("You woke up from this dream.")
elif answer != num:
print("You fall into deep sand and get swallowed up. You lost!")
print("You can't run away...")
print("That's too bad!")
- 您应该尝试在您的代码中添加注释,这对您和其他人都有帮助。
- 我认为要获得用户答案,您应该使用不同的变量。它会让事情变得更容易。
while x > 0:
print("You have ",x,"lives left.")
if x > 0:
if x == 0:
# Try to write imported modules at the top, it's a good practice.
import random
# Start the game
answer_start = input("Do you want to go on an adventure? (Yes/No) ")
# user chooses to play
if answer_start.lower().strip() == "yes":
# function for displaying the lives
def display_lives():
print("You have ",lives,"lives")
#display lives
# As long lives are more than 0, this will keep going.
while lives>0:
#First choice
answer1= input("You are lost in the forest and the path splits. Do you go left or right? (Left/Right) ").lower().strip()
#User chooses left
if answer1 == "left":
answer2 = input("An evil witch tries to cast a spell on you, do you run or attack? (Run/Attack) ").lower().strip()
if answer2 == "attack":
print("She turned you into a green one-legged chicken, you lost!")
# User is running away
elif answer2 == "run":
print("Wise choice, you made it away safely.")
answer3 = input("You see a car and a plane. Which would you like to take? (Car/Plane) ").lower().strip()
if answer3 == "plane":
print("Unfortunately, there is no pilot. You are stuck!")
elif answer3 == "car":
print("You found your way home. Congrats, you won!")
elif answer3 != "plane" or answer3 != "car":
print("You spent too much time deciding...")
print("You are frozen and can't talk for 100 years...")
elif answer1 == "right":
num = random.randint(1, 3)
answer4 = input("Pick a number from 1 to 3: ")
if answer4 == str(num):
print("I'm also thinking about {} ".format(num))
print("You woke up from this dream.")
elif answer4 != num:
print("You fall into deep sand and get swallowed up. You lost!")
print("You can't run away...")
#Player chose not to play or player out of lives.
print("That's too bad!")
我需要包括一个有 5 条生命的递减生命计数器。我需要使用一个 while 循环,一旦玩家失去生命,它需要将他们送回代码中向左和向右之间的选择。我是 python 的新手,所以我不是很熟悉它,感谢任何帮助。
answer = input("Do you want to go on an adventure? (Yes/No) ")
if answer.lower().strip() == "yes":
while x > 0:
print("You have ",x,"lives left.")
if x > 0:
if x == 0:
answer= input("You are lost in the forest and the path splits. Do you go left or right? (Left/Right) ").lower().strip()
if answer == "left":
answer = input("An evil witch tries to cast a spell on you, do you run or attack? (Run/Attack) ").lower().strip()
if answer == "attack":
print("She turned you into a green one-legged chicken, you lost!")
elif answer == "run":
print("Wise choice, you made it away safely.")
answer = input("You see a car and a plane. Which would you like to take? (Car/Plane) ").lower().strip()
if answer == "plane":
print("Unfortunately, there is no pilot. You are stuck!")
elif answer == "car":
print("You found your way home. Congrats, you won!")
elif answer != "plane" or answer != "car":
print("You spent too much time deciding...")
print("You are frozen and can't talk for 100 years...")
elif answer == "right":
import random
num = random.randint(1, 3)
answer = input("Pick a number from 1 to 3: ")
if answer == str(num):
print("I'm also thinking about {} ".format(num))
print("You woke up from this dream.")
elif answer != num:
print("You fall into deep sand and get swallowed up. You lost!")
print("You can't run away...")
print("That's too bad!")
- 您应该尝试在您的代码中添加注释,这对您和其他人都有帮助。
- 我认为要获得用户答案,您应该使用不同的变量。它会让事情变得更容易。
while x > 0:
print("You have ",x,"lives left.")
if x > 0:
if x == 0:
# Try to write imported modules at the top, it's a good practice.
import random
# Start the game
answer_start = input("Do you want to go on an adventure? (Yes/No) ")
# user chooses to play
if answer_start.lower().strip() == "yes":
# function for displaying the lives
def display_lives():
print("You have ",lives,"lives")
#display lives
# As long lives are more than 0, this will keep going.
while lives>0:
#First choice
answer1= input("You are lost in the forest and the path splits. Do you go left or right? (Left/Right) ").lower().strip()
#User chooses left
if answer1 == "left":
answer2 = input("An evil witch tries to cast a spell on you, do you run or attack? (Run/Attack) ").lower().strip()
if answer2 == "attack":
print("She turned you into a green one-legged chicken, you lost!")
# User is running away
elif answer2 == "run":
print("Wise choice, you made it away safely.")
answer3 = input("You see a car and a plane. Which would you like to take? (Car/Plane) ").lower().strip()
if answer3 == "plane":
print("Unfortunately, there is no pilot. You are stuck!")
elif answer3 == "car":
print("You found your way home. Congrats, you won!")
elif answer3 != "plane" or answer3 != "car":
print("You spent too much time deciding...")
print("You are frozen and can't talk for 100 years...")
elif answer1 == "right":
num = random.randint(1, 3)
answer4 = input("Pick a number from 1 to 3: ")
if answer4 == str(num):
print("I'm also thinking about {} ".format(num))
print("You woke up from this dream.")
elif answer4 != num:
print("You fall into deep sand and get swallowed up. You lost!")
print("You can't run away...")
#Player chose not to play or player out of lives.
print("That's too bad!")