我可以在 Swagger 的 @ApiOperation 中回应什么

What could i put in response in @ApiOperation of Swagger

在这段代码中,当此方法 return Response.noContent.build();?

时,我可以使用 Status.class @ApiOperation
    @ApiOperation(value = "Delete", notes = "Delete a persisted property from data source.", response = Status.class??)
    public Response delete(String id){
    return Response.noContent().build();

你可以省略response部分,默认使用Void.class。来自 docs:

public abstract Class<?> response

The response type of the operation. In JAX-RS applications, the return type of the method would automatically be used, unless it is javax.ws.rs.core.Response. In that case, the operation return type would default to void as the actual response type cannot be known. (emphasis mine)

Setting this property would override any automatically-derived data type.

If the value used is a class representing a primitive (Integer, Long, ...) the corresponding primitive type will be used.

