如何用 payload2 的相应值重新排列 payload1
How to re-arrange the payload1 with the corresponding values of payload2
我是 Mule 的新手并且遇到了一个场景。
Payload1 是从 csv 文件中获取的,payload2 是传入的 payload; Payload2 可能有多个对象。输出字段需要根据 payload1(即 csv 格式)和 payload2 的相应值进行排列。比较需要全部小写。
payload1 = "Name,Roll Number,Standard,Name of School,Address,Marks in Maths" //this is an input from a csv file
//below is the input from different payload which is in camelcase.
payload2 = [
"address": "Street 123",
"standard": "IV",
"marksInMaths": "90",
"rollNumber": "5",
"name": "XYZ",
"nameofSchool": "Best School"
"Name" : "XYZ",
"Roll Number": "5",
"Standard" : "IV",
"Name of School": "Best School",
"Address": "Street 123",
"Marks in Maths": "90"
除了映射之外,您还需要注意阅读 CSV 的方式。如果您不禁用 CSV reader 中的 headers(读取操作上的 mime-type 属性),有效负载将为空 collection(因为您有一个 collection 共 object 没有 object,只有字段名称作为元数据)。另一种选择是将 CSV 读取为 plain/text,然后使用 splitBy 函数获取名称数组。
%dw 2.0
output application/json
// Be aware that I disable the headers to get them as values. If not it is not possible with CSV. Another way is to read it as text and then use splitBy
var payload1 = read("Name,Roll Number,Standard,Name of School,Address,Marks in Maths", "application/csv", {header: false})
var payload2 = [
"address": "Street 123",
"standard": "IV",
"marksInMaths": "90",
"rollNumber": "5",
"name": "XYZ",
"nameofSchool": "Best School"
// remove spaces and apply lowercase
fun normalize(value:String) = lower(dw::core::Strings::remove(value," "))
fun normalize(value:Object) =
value mapObject ((value, key, index) -> {(normalize(key)): value})
var namesMap = payload1[0] mapObject (value, key, index) ->
(normalize(value)): value
payload2 map ((item, index) ->
do {
var normalizedItem = normalize(item)
// iterate the namesMap to get the right order
namesMap mapObject ((value, key, index) ->
// get the key from the namesMap and look the value in the payload2's item
(value): normalizedItem[key]
神奇的是在映射之前创建了 namesMap,这样就很容易创建映射了。
我是 Mule 的新手并且遇到了一个场景。
Payload1 是从 csv 文件中获取的,payload2 是传入的 payload; Payload2 可能有多个对象。输出字段需要根据 payload1(即 csv 格式)和 payload2 的相应值进行排列。比较需要全部小写。
payload1 = "Name,Roll Number,Standard,Name of School,Address,Marks in Maths" //this is an input from a csv file
//below is the input from different payload which is in camelcase.
payload2 = [
"address": "Street 123",
"standard": "IV",
"marksInMaths": "90",
"rollNumber": "5",
"name": "XYZ",
"nameofSchool": "Best School"
"Name" : "XYZ",
"Roll Number": "5",
"Standard" : "IV",
"Name of School": "Best School",
"Address": "Street 123",
"Marks in Maths": "90"
除了映射之外,您还需要注意阅读 CSV 的方式。如果您不禁用 CSV reader 中的 headers(读取操作上的 mime-type 属性),有效负载将为空 collection(因为您有一个 collection 共 object 没有 object,只有字段名称作为元数据)。另一种选择是将 CSV 读取为 plain/text,然后使用 splitBy 函数获取名称数组。
%dw 2.0
output application/json
// Be aware that I disable the headers to get them as values. If not it is not possible with CSV. Another way is to read it as text and then use splitBy
var payload1 = read("Name,Roll Number,Standard,Name of School,Address,Marks in Maths", "application/csv", {header: false})
var payload2 = [
"address": "Street 123",
"standard": "IV",
"marksInMaths": "90",
"rollNumber": "5",
"name": "XYZ",
"nameofSchool": "Best School"
// remove spaces and apply lowercase
fun normalize(value:String) = lower(dw::core::Strings::remove(value," "))
fun normalize(value:Object) =
value mapObject ((value, key, index) -> {(normalize(key)): value})
var namesMap = payload1[0] mapObject (value, key, index) ->
(normalize(value)): value
payload2 map ((item, index) ->
do {
var normalizedItem = normalize(item)
// iterate the namesMap to get the right order
namesMap mapObject ((value, key, index) ->
// get the key from the namesMap and look the value in the payload2's item
(value): normalizedItem[key]
神奇的是在映射之前创建了 namesMap,这样就很容易创建映射了。