什么是 lldb 的 gdb 高级命令的等价物?

What is lldb's equivalent one of gdb's advance command?


例如我正在使用 OpenCV 的 solvePnP() 函数,它需要很多参数:




幸运的是,gdb 中有 advance 命令。官方文档是here,写着:

advance location

Continue running the program up to the given location. An argument is required, which should be of one of the forms described in Specify Location. Execution will also stop upon exit from the current stack frame. This command is similar to until, but advance will not skip over recursive function calls, and the target location doesn’t have to be in the same frame as the current one.

这个 gdb advance 命令真的很有帮助。 LLDB 中的等效命令是什么?

我在lldb官方的gdb => lldb命令映射网页中搜索过,https://lldb.llvm.org/use/map.html,没有找到

编辑:我忘了说,我的 gdb 用法是

(gdb) b main
(gdb) r
(gdb) advance solvePnP

检查 lldb 的 sif 命令。 sif 表示 **Step Into Function



sif -- Step through the current block, stopping if you step directly into a function whose name matches the TargetFunctionName.