如何将记录列表与 JavaScript 中的父记录指针树结合起来?

How to combine list of records with tree of parent record pointers in JavaScript?


const listOfRecords = Array.from({ length: 10000 }, (x, i) => ({ id: i + 1 }))

const treeOfParents = {
  id: 1,
  children: [
      id: 1,
      children: [
          id: 3,
          children: [
              id: 3,
              children: [
                  id: 5,
                  id: 10,
                  id: 17,
                  id: 321,
          id: 401,
          children: [
              id: 401,
              children: [
                  id: 405,
                  id: 410,
                  id: 417,
                  id: 499,
          id: 1010,
          children: [
              id: 1021,
              children: [
                  id: 1023,
                  id: 1026,
                  id: 1051,
                  id: 1065,
      id: 1099,
      children: [
          id: 1099,
          children: [
              id: 1103,
              children: [
                  id: 1104,
                  id: 1111,
                  id: 1200,
                  id: 1400,
          id: 1591,
          children: [
              id: 1591,
              children: [
                  id: 1591,
                  id: 1701,
                  id: 1821,
                  id: 1900,


console.log(JSON.stringify(treeOfParents, null, 2))

function traverse(tree) {
  const traversed = iterativeDFS(tree)
  let i = 0
  while (i < traversed.length) {
    let current = traversed[i++]
    let next = traversed[i]

    // mutable hack
    current.records = []

    if (!next) return

    // get diff to know how many records to add.
    let diff = next.id - current.id
    let records = listOfRecords.splice(0, diff)

function iterativeDFS(start) {
  const stack = [start]
  const result = []
  while (stack.length) {
    const node = stack.pop()
    node.children?.forEach(child => {
  return result

我刚刚通过递增一个ID生成了一个包含10,000条记录的列表,并根据我的数据组成了一棵树,这是一棵部分树。树中的节点按顺序 连接到列表中的 ID, 它会在某些点收集块。我的意思是,例如,在深度 3(位置 0.0.0),它从 1 到 3。这意味着在级别 2(位置 0.0),它包括记录 1 和 2。但是然后到深度 4(位置 0.0 .0.0),没有处理新记录,但是到深度 5(位置,我们又添加了 2 条记录(id: 5 现在)。所以在深度 4 处,我们应该再添加 2 条记录


const filledTree = {
  id: 1,
  children: [
      id: 1,
      records: [ { id: 1 }, { id: 2 } ],
      children: [
          id: 3,
          children: [
              id: 3,
              records: [ { id: 3 }, { id: 4 } ],
              children: [
                  id: 5,
                  records: [ { id: 5 }, ..., { id: 9 } ],
                  id: 10,
                  records: [ { id: 10 }, ..., { id: 16 } ],

注意它是如何仅在遍历中的下一个节点发生变化时才添加记录的。并将所有节点添加到 id - 1.

如何在 JavaScript 中为此构建算法?到目前为止(以上)我所拥有的是令人费解的,我感到困惑。


function traverse(tree) {
  const traversed = collect(tree)
  let i = 0
  while (i < traversed.length) {
    let current = traversed[i++]
    let next = traversed[i]

    // mutable hack
    current.records = []

    if (!next) return

    // get diff to know how many records to add.
    let diff = next.id - current.id
    if (diff) {
      let records = listOfRecords.splice(0, diff)

function collect(start) {
  const list = []
  recursiveDFS(start, node => list.push(node))
  return list

function recursiveDFS(start, callback) {
  start.children?.forEach(child => {
    recursiveDFS(child, callback)