如何创建抽象工厂来实例化 java 中的对象

how to create abstract factory to instantiate objects in java



public abstract class Worker {
    String phoneNumber;
    String firstName;
    String lastName;
    String workerType;
    String ifu;
    String imageParth;
  public String getWorkerType() {
        return workerType;

// 扩展工人

package worker.domain.worker;

public class Electrician extends Worker{
    public Electrician() {}
    public Electrician(String phoneNumber, String firstName, String lastName, String ifu, String workerType,
            String imageParth) {
        super(phoneNumber, firstName, lastName, ifu,workerType, imageParth);
    public String getWorkerType() {
        return "Electrician";


package worker.domaine.worker;

public class Mason extends Worker{
    public Mason() {};

    public Mason(String phoneNumber, String firstName, String lastName, String ifu,String workerType,
            String imageParth) {
        super(phoneNumber, firstName, lastName, ifu, workerType, imageParth);
    String getworkerType() {
        return "Mason";

// 接口 WorkerAbstractFactory

package worker.domaine.worker;

public interface WorkerAbstractFactory {
    Worker createWorker(String typeWorker);


public class WorkerFactory implements WorkerAbstractFactory{

    public Worker createWorker(String typeWorker) {
        Worker worker = null;
        if(worker != null) {
            switch (typeWorker) {
            case "Electrician":
                Electrician electrician =new Electrician();
                electrician = new Electrician (electrician.getPhoneNumber(), electrician.getFirstName(), electrician.getLastName(), electrician.getIfu(), electrician.getWorkerType(),electrician.getImageParth());
            case "Mason":
                Mason mason =new Mason();
                mason = new Mason (mason.getPhoneNumber(), mason.getFirstName(), mason.getLastName(), mason.getIfu(), mason.getworkerType(),mason.getImageParth());


public class WorkerFactoryProvider {
     public static WorkerAbstractFactory getWorkerFactory(String workerCategory) {
         //WorkerFactory workerFactory = new WorkerFactory();
         WorkerFactory workerFactory = new WorkerFactory();
         if (workerCategory != null) {
             switch (workerCategory) {
                case "Electrician":
                    Worker worker1 = workerFactory.createWorker("Electrician");
                    String a=worker1.getWorkerType();
                case "Mason":
                    Worker worker2 = workerFactory.createWorker("Mason");
                    String b=worker2.getWorkerType();
         return null;

你觉得这样可行吗?现在,如果我真的想要一个具体的对象,那该怎么做呢?因为我想写一个方法来根据类型计算每个工人的工资,例如我如何在方法中使用我的抽象工厂来 return 我每个类型。

您有一个 class 工人类型层次结构。要实例化那些你可以只使用一个独立的工厂class,你在这里不需要抽象工厂。例如,这就足够了:

public class WorkerFactory {            
    public Worker createWorker(String workerType) {
        switch (workerType) {
            case "Electrician": return new Electrician();                    
            case "Mason": return new Mason();

抽象工厂模式更精细,允许为相关的对象层次注入不同的具体工厂,这样客户端就不需要意识到差异。例如,您可以有一个抽象的 TransportationFactory:

interface Transportation {
    void travelTo(String destination);

interface TransportationFactory {
    Transportation simple();
    Transportation luxurious();


class WaterTransportationFactory {
   Transportation simple() {
       return new Kayak();
   Transportation luxurious() {
       return new Yacht();


class LandTransportationFactory {
   Transportation simple() {
       return new Bike();
   Transportation luxurious() {
       return new RaceCar();


class Client {

    private TransportationFactory transportationFactory;

    public Client(TransportationFactory transportationFactory) {
        this.transportationFactory = transportationFactory;

    public void travel(String destination) {

    public void travelInStyle(String destination) {


编辑:您可以更改 simple/luxurious 方法以将示例的样式与 getWorkerType 方法相匹配。如果可能的话,我更愿意避免条件逻辑,让创建的 classes 自己决定它们的可用性。这进一步分离,允许以最少的代码更改添加层次结构成员:

enum TransportationType {

interface Transportation {

    void travelTo(String destination);

    // allow the class to specify its own type
    TransportationType getType();

// intermediate interface to distinguish Water from Land
interface WaterTransportation extends Transportation {

class Kayak implements WaterTransportation {

    void travelTo(String destination) {
        // splash splash

    TransportationType getType() {
        return TransportationType.SIMPLE;

class WaterTransportationFactory {

   private WaterTransportation[] waterTransportations;

   // Inject all available beans implementing WaterTransportation
   // e.g. using Spring or some other dependency injection mechanism
   public WaterTransportationFactory(WaterTransportation[] waterTransportations) {
       this.waterTransportations = waterTransportations;

   public Transportation create(TransportationType type) {
       for(WaterTransportation waterTransportation : waterTransportations) { 
           if (waterTransportation.getType() == type) {
               // we are returning the same instance every time
               // this could be ok for singleton beans
               // but if you really need a fresh instance you could use builders (see below)
               return waterTransportation;
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("No implementation for WaterTransportation type=" + type);


KayakBuilder implements WaterTransportationBuilder {
    KayakBuilder name(String name) { ... };
    KayakBuilder weight(String weightInKg) { ... };
    KayakBuilder year(String yearBuilt) { ... };
    KayakBuilder speed(String averageSpeed) { ... };
    Kayak build() { return kayak; }

有关构建器的更多信息,请参阅此 full exposition of the Builder pattern

class WaterTransportationFactory {

   private WaterTransportationBuilder[] builders;

   // Inject all available WaterTransportationBuilders
   // e.g. using Spring or some other dependency injection mechanism
   public WaterTransportationFactory(WaterTransportationBuilder[] builders) {
       this.builders = builders;

   // extra arguments can be passed to build the instance
   public Transportation create(TransportationType type, String name, int weightInKg, int yearBuilt, int averageSpeed) {
       for(WaterTransportationBuilder builder: builders) { 
           if (builder.getType() == type) {
               return builder
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("No implementation for WaterTransportation type=" + type);