在我的 libgdx 游戏中创建 .jar 时,通过 gradle dist 出现错误

when creating .jar in my libgdx game an error comes out via gradle dist


task dist(type: Jar) {
    manifest {
        attributes 'Main-Class': project.mainClassName
    dependsOn configurations.runtimeClasspath
    from {
        configurations.runtimeClasspath.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }
    with jar

错误说至少有两个名为 LICENSE.txt 的文件被复制到同一个目的地,这是不可能的,因为目录中不能有两个同名的文件。

要修复它,您可以删除项目中的 LICENSE.txt 个文件之一(也许在删除之前手动合并它们)。

或者你可以像错误消息中的 link 添加一个 duplicateStrategy 提示:

task dist(type: Jar) {
    manifest {
        attributes 'Main-Class': project.mainClassName
    dependsOn configurations.runtimeClasspath
    from {
        configurations.runtimeClasspath.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }

    // exclude duplicate files
    duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE

    with jar

EXCLUDE 策略将忽略重复项。

Do not allow duplicates by ignoring subsequent items to be created at the same path.

If an attempt is made to create a duplicate file/entry during an operation, ignore the item. This will leave the file/entry that was first copied/created in place.

您还可以使用 this enum 中的任何其他重复策略。