
Latest Available Holdings by Quarter


我们每季度都会收到投资部门提交的持股报告。它们按参考日期、投资、持有和货币类型加载,使每一行都不同。此数据放在 MSFT SQL 服务器的数据库中。有时,一项投资不会提交该季度的持股。在这种情况下,我们希望提取最新的可用季度持股量(可能是 3 或 4 个季度前),这样在对多个参考日期进行趋势分析时就不会出现差距。

除了差距之外,我们还需要将上次提交的数据提前到整个table的MAX([Reference Date])。对于以下,此日期为 6/30/2021。

我们有一个日期维度 table。对于提交的提交,[数据可用性] 列应显示 'Include Latest from Previous Submissions'.

第一个 DDL 中显示了问题(第二个 DDL 示例中显示了修复):




CREATE TABLE dbo.TestInvestments
    ( [Reference Date] DATE, [Investment] [nvarchar](1000) NOT NULL, [holding] [nvarchar](1000) NOT NULL, [Currency Type] [varchar](100) NULL, [Data Availability] varchar(22), [Current Value] [float] NULL, [Current Cost] [float] NULL, [Realized] [Float] NULL)
INSERT INTO TestInvestments
    ( [Reference Date], [Investment], [holding], [Currency Type], [Data Availability], [Current Value], [Current Cost], [Realized])

    ('2019-12-31', 'Investment 1', 'Quality Care', 'LOCAL', 'Current Qtr Submission', 0, 0, 15757000),
    ('2019-12-31', 'Investment 1', 'Quality Care', 'USD', 'Current Qtr Submission', 0, 0, 15757000),
    ('2019-12-31', 'Investment 1', 'TransUnion', 'LOCAL', 'Current Qtr Submission', 0, 0, 631410000),
    ('2019-12-31', 'Investment 1', 'TransUnion', 'USD', 'Current Qtr Submission', 0, 0, 631410000),
    ('2020-03-31', 'Investment 1', 'Quality Care', 'LOCAL', 'Current Qtr Submission', 0, 0, 15757000),
    ('2020-03-31', 'Investment 1', 'Quality Care', 'USD', 'Current Qtr Submission', 0, 0, 15757000),
    ('2020-12-31', 'Investment 2', 'West Corp.', 'LOCAL', 'Current Qtr Submission', 63872528, 54756087, 0),
    ('2020-12-31', 'Investment 2', 'West Corp.', 'USD', 'Current Qtr Submission', 63872528, 54756087, 0),
    --End of Addition
    ('2021-06-30', 'Investment 3', 'Tinkers', 'USD', 'Current Qtr Submission', 12536, 26541, 0)


CREATE TABLE dbo.TestInvestmentsFixed
    ( [Reference Date] DATE, [Investment] [nvarchar](1000) NOT NULL, [holding] [nvarchar](1000) NOT NULL, [Currency Type] [varchar](100) NULL, [Data Availability] varchar(100), [Current Value] [float] NULL, [Current Cost] [float] NULL, [Realized] [Float] NULL)
INSERT INTO TestInvestmentsFixed
    ( [Reference Date], [Investment], [holding], [Currency Type], [Data Availability], [Current Value], [Current Cost], [Realized])

    ('2019-12-31', 'Investment 1', 'Quality Care', 'LOCAL', 'Current Qtr Submission', 0, 0, 15757000),
    ('2019-12-31', 'Investment 1', 'Quality Care', 'USD', 'Current Qtr Submission', 0, 0, 15757000),
    ('2019-12-31', 'Investment 1', 'TransUnion', 'LOCAL', 'Current Qtr Submission', 0, 0, 631410000),
    ('2019-12-31', 'Investment 1', 'TransUnion', 'USD', 'Current Qtr Submission', 0, 0, 631410000),
    ('2020-03-31', 'Investment 1', 'Quality Care', 'LOCAL', 'Current Qtr Submission', 0, 0, 15757000),
    ('2020-03-31', 'Investment 1', 'Quality Care', 'USD', 'Current Qtr Submission', 0, 0, 15757000),
    --Data added here.  TransUnion not brought forward from 12/31/19
    ('2020-06-30', 'Investment 1', 'Quality Care', 'LOCAL', 'Include Latest from Previous Submissions', 0, 0, 15757000),
    ('2020-06-30', 'Investment 1', 'Quality Care', 'USD', 'Include Latest from Previous Submissions', 0, 0, 15757000),
    ('2020-09-30', 'Investment 1', 'Quality Care', 'LOCAL', 'Include Latest from Previous Submissions', 0, 0, 15757000),
    ('2020-09-30', 'Investment 1', 'Quality Care', 'USD', 'Include Latest from Previous Submissions', 0, 0, 15757000),    
    ('2020-12-31', 'Investment 1', 'Quality Care', 'LOCAL', 'Include Latest from Previous Submissions', 0, 0, 15757000),
    ('2020-12-31', 'Investment 1', 'Quality Care', 'USD', 'Include Latest from Previous Submissions', 0, 0, 15757000),        
    ('2021-03-31', 'Investment 1', 'Quality Care', 'LOCAL', 'Include Latest from Previous Submissions', 0, 0, 15757000),
    ('2021-03-31', 'Investment 1', 'Quality Care', 'USD', 'Include Latest from Previous Submissions', 0, 0, 15757000),
    ('2021-06-30', 'Investment 1', 'Quality Care', 'LOCAL', 'Include Latest from Previous Submissions', 0, 0, 15757000),
    ('2021-06-30', 'Investment 1', 'Quality Care', 'USD', 'Include Latest from Previous Submissions', 0, 0, 15757000),
    --End of Addition
    ('2020-12-31', 'Investment 2', 'West Corp.', 'LOCAL', 'Current Qtr Submission', 63872528, 54756087, 0),
    ('2020-12-31', 'Investment 2', 'West Corp.', 'USD', 'Current Qtr Submission', 63872528, 54756087, 0),
    --This data is added
    ('2021-03-31', 'Investment 2', 'West Corp.', 'LOCAL', 'Include Latest from Previous Submissions', 63872528, 54756087, 0), 
    ('2021-03-31', 'Investment 2', 'West Corp.', 'USD', 'Include Latest from Previous Submissions', 63872528, 54756087, 0),
    ('2021-06-30', 'Investment 2', 'West Corp.', 'LOCAL', 'Include Latest from Previous Submissions', 63872528, 54756087, 0),     
    ('2021-06-30', 'Investment 2', 'West Corp.', 'USD', 'Include Latest from Previous Submissions', 63872528, 54756087, 0),
    --End of Addition
    ('2021-06-30', 'Investment 3', 'Tinkers', 'USD', 'Current Qtr Submission', 12536, 26541, 0)

当前解决方案(不是 working/and 是光标):我认为这太过分了,不能不在 fiddle 中,但我重新创建了这个来自我目前使用的解决方案。这带来了不应该因为像 TransUnion 这样的持股而带来的持股。我将介绍的这个重新创建的脚本似乎还有一些其他问题:

/*                       *******************     USD Only in this section - below USD is the Local       *******************************   */

IF OBJECT_ID('TEMPDB.dbo.#TestInvestments_USD_Only') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TestInvestments_USD_Only
IF OBJECT_ID('TEMPDB.dbo.#TestInvestments_LatestAvailable_USD') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TestInvestments_LatestAvailable_USD

/*create temp table for USD Holdings only - Local Currency is unioned later*/
Select * into #TestInvestments_USD_Only from TestInvestments where [Currency Type] = 'USD' 

/* Table to contain the missing holdings*/
CREATE TABLE #TestInvestments_LatestAvailable_USD(
   [Reference Date] date  NOT NULL
  ,Investment nvarchar (200) NOT NULL
  ,[Holding Key] int NOT NULL
  ,Holding nvarchar (200) NOT NULL
  ,[Currency Type] [varchar](100) NULL
  ,[Data Availability] varchar(100) NULL
  ,[Current Value] [float] NULL
  ,[Current Cost] [float] NULL
  ,[Realized] [float] NULL
  ,primary key(Investment, [Holding Key], [Reference Date])

--cartesian join to create a table of row numbers (65,536 rows)
create table #nums(n integer not null primary key);
  p1 as (select 0 as n union all select 0), -- 2
  p2 as (select 0 as n from p1 cross join p1 as b), -- 4
  p3 as (select 0 as n from p2 cross join p2 as b), -- 16
  p4 as (select 0 as n from p3 cross join p3 as b), -- 256
  p5 as (select 0 as n from p4 cross join p4 as b) -- 65536
insert into #nums(n) select row_number() over(order by (select 0)) from p5;

--Create Variables for all of the USD columns to store the missing rows
@prev_Investment nvarchar(200) ,@Investment nvarchar(200),
@prev_HoldingKey int, @HoldingKey int,
@prev_ReferenceDate date ,@ReferenceDate date,
@prev_Holding nvarchar(200) ,@Holding nvarchar(200),
@prev_CurrencyType varchar(100) ,@CurrencyType varchar(100),
@prev_DataAvailability varchar(100),@DataAvailability varchar(100),
@prev_CurrentValue float ,@CurrentValue float,
@prev_CurrentCost float ,@CurrentCost float,
@prev_Realized float ,@Realized float,
@qdiff integer;

--Begin loop for USD to look for missing rows based on Investment, holdingkey and reference date, and add missing data to a variables

  c cursor forward_only static read_only for
    select Investment, [Holding Key], [Reference Date],Holding,[Currency Type],[Data Availability],[Current Value],[Current Cost],[Realized]
     from #TestInvestments_USD_Only
    union all
    select Investment, [Holding Key], ref_date, NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,  NULL,  NULL
    from (select dateadd(q,1,max([reference date])) as ref_date from #TestInvestments_USD_Only) as a
    cross join (select distinct Investment from #TestInvestments_USD_Only) as b
    cross join (select distinct [Holding Key] from #TestInvestments_USD_Only) as c
    --cross join (select distinct [Currency Type] from #TestInvestments_USD_Only) as d
    order by Investment, [Holding Key], [Reference Date], [Current Value] desc;
open c;

--Set the most recent data = to the reference date we are currently looking at (if missing data, then set the latest data = current quarter in the loop)
fetch next from c into @Investment,@HoldingKey,@ReferenceDate,@Holding,@CurrencyType,@DataAvailability,@CurrentValue,@CurrentCost,@Realized;  

--Insert the missing data into the temp table
while @@fetch_status = 0 begin
  fetch next from c into @Investment,@HoldingKey,@ReferenceDate,@Holding,@CurrencyType,@DataAvailability,@CurrentValue,@CurrentCost,@Realized;
  set @qdiff = datediff(q, @prev_ReferenceDate, @ReferenceDate);
  if @prev_Investment = @Investment and
     @prev_HoldingKey = @HoldingKey and
     @qdiff > 1
    insert into #TestInvestments_LatestAvailable_USD([Investment],[Holding Key],[Reference Date],[Holding],[Currency Type],[Data Availability],[Current Value],[Current Cost],Realized)
        @prev_Investment,@prev_HoldingKey,eomonth(dateadd(q, #nums.n, @prev_ReferenceDate)),@prev_Holding,@prev_CurrencyType,@prev_DataAvailability,@prev_CurrentValue,@prev_CurrentCost,@prev_Realized
      from #nums
      where #nums.n < @qdiff + iif(@CurrentValue = -1, 1, 0);


/*                       *******************     Local Currency Only in this section - below USD is the Local       *******************************   */

IF OBJECT_ID('TEMPDB.dbo.#TestInvestments_Local_Only') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TestInvestments_Local_Only
IF OBJECT_ID('TEMPDB.dbo.#Local_nums') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Local_nums
IF OBJECT_ID('TEMPDB.dbo.#TestInvestments_LatestAvailable_Local') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TestInvestments_LatestAvailable_Local

/*create temp table for USD Holdings only - Local Currency is unioned later*/
Select * into #TestInvestments_Local_Only from TestInvestments where [Currency Type] = 'Local' 

--create temp table to hold the local missing holdings
CREATE TABLE #TestInvestments_LatestAvailable_Local(
  [Reference Date] date  NOT NULL
  ,Investment nvarchar (200) NOT NULL
  ,[Holding Key] int NOT NULL
  ,Holding nvarchar (200) NOT NULL
  ,[Currency Type] [varchar](100) NULL
  ,[Data Availability] varchar(100) NULL
  ,[Current Value] [float] NULL
  ,[Current Cost] [float] NULL
  ,[Realized] [float] NULL
  ,primary key(Investment, [Holding Key], [Reference Date])

--cartesian join to create a table of row numbers (65,536 rows)
create table #Local_nums(n integer not null primary key);
  p1 as (select 0 as n union all select 0), -- 2
  p2 as (select 0 as n from p1 cross join p1 as b), -- 4
  p3 as (select 0 as n from p2 cross join p2 as b), -- 16
  p4 as (select 0 as n from p3 cross join p3 as b), -- 256
  p5 as (select 0 as n from p4 cross join p4 as b) -- 65536
insert into #Local_nums(n) select row_number() over(order by (select 0)) from p5;

--Create Variables for all of the USD columns to store the missing rows

@local_prev_Investment nvarchar(200) ,@local_Investment nvarchar(200),
@local_prev_HoldingKey int, @local_HoldingKey int,
@local_prev_ReferenceDate date ,@local_ReferenceDate date,
@local_prev_Holding nvarchar(200) ,@local_Holding nvarchar(200),
@local_prev_CurrencyType varchar(100) ,@local_CurrencyType varchar(100),
@local_prev_DataAvailability varchar(100),@local_DataAvailability varchar(100),
@local_prev_CurrentValue float ,@local_CurrentValue float,
@local_prev_CurrentCost float ,@local_CurrentCost float,
@local_prev_Realized float ,@local_Realized float,
@local_qdiff integer;
--Begin loop for USD to look for missing rows and add them as variables
  d cursor forward_only static read_only for
    select Investment, [Holding Key], [Reference Date],Holding,[Currency Type],[Data Availability],[Current Value],[Current Cost],[Realized]
     from #TestInvestments_Local_Only
    union all
    select Investment, [Holding Key], ref_date, NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,  NULL,  NULL
    from (select dateadd(q,1,max([reference date])) as ref_date from #TestInvestments_Local_Only) as a
    cross join (select distinct Investment from #TestInvestments_Local_Only) as b
    cross join (select distinct [Holding Key] from #TestInvestments_Local_Only) as d
    --cross join (select distinct [Currency Type] from #TestInvestments_Local_Only) as d
    order by Investment, [Holding Key], [Reference Date], [Current Value] desc;
open d;

--Set the most recent data = to the reference date we are currently looking at (if missing data, then set the latest data = current quarter in the loop)
fetch next from d into @local_Investment,@local_HoldingKey,@local_ReferenceDate,@local_Holding,@local_CurrencyType,@local_DataAvailability,@local_CurrentValue,@local_CurrentCost,@local_Realized;  

--Insert the missing data into the temp table
while @@fetch_status = 0 begin
  fetch next from d into @local_Investment,@local_HoldingKey,@local_ReferenceDate,@local_Holding,@local_CurrencyType,@local_DataAvailability,@local_CurrentValue,@local_CurrentCost,@local_Realized;
  set @local_qdiff = datediff(q, @local_prev_ReferenceDate, @local_ReferenceDate);
  if @local_prev_Investment = @local_Investment and
     @local_prev_HoldingKey = @local_HoldingKey and
     @local_qdiff > 1
    insert into #TestInvestments_LatestAvailable_Local([Investment],[Holding Key],[Reference Date],[Holding],[Currency Type],[Data Availability],[Current Value],[Current Cost],Realized)
        @local_prev_Investment,@local_prev_HoldingKey,eomonth(dateadd(q, #Local_nums.n, @local_prev_ReferenceDate)),@local_prev_Holding,@local_CurrencyType,@local_DataAvailability,@local_CurrentValue,@local_CurrentCost,@local_Realized  
      from #Local_nums
      where #Local_nums.n < @local_qdiff + iif(@local_CurrentValue = -1, 1, 0);
close d
deallocate d

/*Had to add an extra quarter to get the maximum reference date for the current quarter, otherwise the max date was the max date that the fund reported
Below, I delete anything that went past the current MAX reference date for ALL FUNDS (not just a specific fund)*/

DELETE FROM #TestInvestments_LatestAvailable_Local WHERE [Reference Date] >= (select DATEADD(q,1,MAX([Reference Date])) from TestInvestments)
DELETE FROM #TestInvestments_LatestAvailable_USD WHERE [Reference Date] >= (select DATEADD(q,1,MAX([Reference Date])) from TestInvestments)

/*statement to insert missing holdings into current TestInvestments table*/

Insert into TestInvestments ([Data Availability],[Investment],[Holding Key],[Holding],[Reference Date],[Currency Type],[Current Value],[Current Cost],Realized)
        select  [Data Availability] = 'Include Latest from Previous Submissions',[Investment],[Holding Key],[Holding],[Reference Date],[Currency Type],[Current Value],[Current Cost],Realized
        from #TestInvestments_LatestAvailable_Local
        select [Data Availability] = 'Include Latest from Previous Submissions',[Investment],[Holding Key],[Holding],[Reference Date],[Currency Type],[Current Value],[Current Cost],Realized
        from #TestInvestments_LatestAvailable_USD



  1. 每个季度的每个组都有一行,即使不存在数据也是如此
  2. 对于没有数据的地方,拉入最近的历史值(交叉应用是完美的)


;WITH cte_GenerateQuarters AS (
    SELECT [Reference Date] = CAST('2019-12-31' AS DATE) /*Start date*/
    SELECT EOMONTH(DATEADD(qq,1,[Reference Date]))
    FROM cte_GenerateQuarters
    WHERE [Reference Date] < '2022-06-30' /*End date*/
cte_DistinctGroups AS (
    /*1 row for each "group"*/
    SELECT Investment,Holding,[Currency Type]
    FROM TestInvestments
    GROUP BY Investment,Holding,[Currency Type]
cte_DistinctRows AS (
    /*Generates 1 row per each date,investment,holding,currency type*/
    SELECT A.*,b.[Reference Date]
    FROM cte_DistinctGroups AS A
    CROSS JOIN cte_GenerateQuarters AS B
,A.[Currency Type]
,A.[Reference Date]
,Realized = ISNULL(B.Realized,C.Realized)
,CASE WHEN B.Realized IS NOT NULL THEN 'Realized = Reported Value' ELSE 'Realized = Pulled from history' END
FROM cte_DistinctRows AS A
LEFT JOIN TestInvestments AS B /*Reported data for specific quarter*/
    on A.Investment = B.Investment
    AND A.Holding = B.Holding
    AND A.[Currency Type] = B.[Currency Type]
    AND A.[Reference Date] = B.[Reference Date]
    /*Pulls in historical quarter data*/
    SELECT TOP(1) *
    FROM TestInvestments AS DTA
    WHERE DTA.Investment = A.Investment
    AND DTA.Holding = A.Holding
    AND DTA.[Currency Type] = A.[Currency Type]
    AND A.[Reference Date] >= DTA.[Reference Date]
    ORDER BY DTA.[Reference Date] DESC
) AS C
OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0) /*Used to in case you need to generate more than 25 quarters via recursion*/


/*                    -----------First part of code only fills the gaps in the data - does not bring forward data to current date---------                  */

/*Get max date to bring holdings forward*/
Drop table if exists #MaxDatefromUholdings
Select Max([Reference Date]) as MaxD 
into #MaxDatefromUholdings from TestInvestmentsFixed

Drop table if exists #Quarter
select distinct LastDayOfQuarter into #Quarter
from trsinvsqlp.ctrl.dbo.datedim
where LastDayOfQuarter between '3/1/2018' and (Select MaxD from #MaxDatefromUholdings) --First date we received holdings to max date of the portfolio

Drop table if exists #MissingHolding
/*Get first date an investment was submitted so cross join doesn't populate dates from the datedim table before this*/
;with tbl_Holding as (
    select  holding,
            [Currency Type],
            min([Reference Date]) ReferenceDateMin,
            max([Reference Date]) ReferenceDateMax
    from TestInvestmentsFixed
    group by holding, investment, [Currency Type]
/*Get all combinations of dates and holdings*/
select  tbl_Holding.holding,
        tbl_Holding.[Currency Type],
into #MissingHolding
from tbl_Holding
    cross join #Quarter
where 1 = 1
    and #Quarter.LastDayOfQuarter >= tbl_Holding.ReferenceDateMin /*Filter cross join - Grab latest available greater than 1st time an investment submitted*/
    and #Quarter.LastDayOfQuarter <= ReferenceDateMax /*LastDayofQuart less than last submission date by investment - omit data where a manager hasn't submitted yet - this is taken care of in second part of code*/
    and not exists (
        select 1
        from TestInvestmentsFixed tbl_ActualHolding
        where tbl_Holding.[Currency Type] = tbl_ActualHolding.[Currency Type]
         and tbl_Holding.investment = tbl_ActualHolding.investment
         --and tbl_Holding.Holdingskey = tbl_ActualHolding.Holdingskey
         and #Quarter.LastDayOfQuarter = tbl_ActualHolding.[Reference Date]
    ) --Finds data in the cross joined table, not currently in TestInvestmentsFixed

Drop table if exists #HoldingsGapsFilled
;with tbl_MissingHolding as (
    select  #MissingHolding.holding as L_holding,
            [L_Data Availability Missing] = 'Include Latest from Previous Submissions',
            #MissingHolding.investment as L_investment,
            #MissingHolding.[Currency Type] as [L_Currency Type],
            max(TestInvestmentsFixed.[Reference Date]) ReferenceDateLast
    from #MissingHolding
        join TestInvestmentsFixed
         on #MissingHolding.holding=TestInvestmentsFixed.Holding
          and #MissingHolding.investment = TestInvestmentsFixed.Investment
          and #MissingHolding.[Currency Type] = TestInvestmentsFixed.[currency type]
          and #MissingHolding.LastDayOfQuarter > TestInvestmentsFixed.[Reference Date] /*Pulls in latest within data gaps available only*/
    group by #MissingHolding.holding,
            #MissingHolding.[Currency Type],
/*Add rest of columns from TestInvestmentsFixed to latest available data*/
select tbl_MissingHolding.*,TestInvestmentsFixed.*
into #HoldingsGapsFilled
from tbl_MissingHolding
    join TestInvestmentsFixed
     on tbl_MissingHolding.L_holding=TestInvestmentsFixed.Holding
          and tbl_MissingHolding.L_investment = TestInvestmentsFixed.Investment
          and tbl_MissingHolding.[L_Currency Type] = TestInvestmentsFixed.[currency type]
          and tbl_MissingHolding.ReferenceDateLast = TestInvestmentsFixed.[Reference Date]

/*         ----------Second part of code brings forward investments from their max submission date from the last date that an investment submitted---------                  */

Drop table if exists #HoldingsSinceLatestSubmission

--Get last submission date for each investment
;With AddFutureStuff as (
    select distinct 
            investment as Distinct_Investment,
            max([Reference Date]) LastSubmissionDate
    from TestInvestmentsFixed
    group by investment
    --Get max date for entire portfolio
    MaxDateofPortfolio as (
    Select max([Reference Date]) as MaxPortfolioDate
    from TestInvestmentsFixed
    --Combine last date an investment submitted with the max date for the entire portfolio
    DatesBetween as ( 
    select Distinct_Investment, LastSubmissionDate, (select MaxPortfolioDate from MaxDateofPortfolio) as MaxPortfolioDate
    from AddFutureStuff
    select #Quarter.LastDayOfQuarter, 
    into #HoldingsSinceLatestSubmission
    from DatesBetween
    --Join TestInvestmentsFixed to pull in all other columns from TestInvestmentsFixed with last submission dates and max portfolio date
    join TestInvestmentsFixed 
    on TestInvestmentsFixed.[Reference Date] = DatesBetween.LastSubmissionDate
    and TestInvestmentsFixed.investment = DatesBetween.Distinct_Investment
    --Cross join to populate table for all dates between last submission date (by investment) and max portfolio date
    cross join #Quarter
    where #quarter.LastDayOfQuarter > LastSubmissionDate and #quarter.LastDayOfQuarter <= MaxPortfolioDate --Ensures cross join is only between latest submission and max Portfolio date
    and LastSubmissionDate <> MaxPortfolioDate --Remove any holdings submitted in the current quarter
    order by TestInvestmentsFixed.Investment, #Quarter.LastDayOfQuarter