枚举返回 int 而不是字符串 C#

Enum returning int instead of string C#

枚举 Class 我打算在这里提取男性和女性的价值

public class Employee
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public DateTime DoB { get; set; }
    public enum MF { Male,Female }
    public MF Gender { get; set; } //here's my target

数据访问层是我从我的数据库 msql 中提取的地方

public IList<Employee> GetAllEmployees()
    string query = "EXEC GetAllEmployees";
    string constring = "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=ProjectDatabase;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False";
    IList<Employee> AllEmployees = new List<Employee> {};

    using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constring))
        using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, con))
        List<Employee> customers = new List<Employee>();
        //cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
        using (SqlDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
        while (sdr.Read())
           AllEmployees.Add(new Employee
              ID     = Convert.ToInt32(sdr["ID"]),
              Name   = sdr["Name"].ToString(),
              DoB    = (DateTime)sdr["DoB"],
              Gender = (MF)Enum.Parse(typeof(MF), (string)sdr["Gender"]), //here's where it extracts the Gender value as 0 or 1 instead in plain words
                    return AllEmployees;


        public IList<Employee> GetEmployees(string name,MF gender)
            EmployeeDAL EDAL = new EmployeeDAL();

            if (name == "")
                return EDAL.GetAllEmployees(); //Ignore this for now

                return EDAL.GetFilteredEmployees(name,gender); //this gets used in this case


public IList<Employee> GetEmployees(JArray PostData)
   string Name = (string)PostData[0]["Name"];
   MF Gender = (MF)Enum.Parse(typeof(MF), (string)PostData[0]["Gender"]);//grabed from a post request from AngularJS code
   EmployeeBLL EBLL = new EmployeeBLL();
   return EBLL.GetEmployees(Name,Gender);

大家好,对于 AngularJS POST 请求,我想将我的性别枚举用于 return 男性或女性,但我一直得到 0 表示男性,1 表示女性.我该如何解决?评论中的所有其他详细信息。

对您来说,由于命名方式,枚举看起来像字符串,但实际上它们是数字,至少在计算机看来是这样。您可以调用 .ToString() 获取名称作为一个 stirng。