如何获取动画 Window 的引用?

How to get a reference to the Animation Window?


The wiki has what I need 动画 window 但我不确定 how/if 我可以通过脚本访问动画 window。



然而,假设已经有某个 AnimationWindow (CTRL + 6) window 打开你可以简单地做例如

private AnimationWindow animationWindow;


// If there is no AnimationWindow open this will also open one
if(animationWindow == null) animationWindow = EditorWindow.GetWindow<AnimationWindow>();

aniamtionWindow.frame = targetFrame;


using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] [Min(0)] private int frame;

    private AnimationWindow animationWindow;

    private void Update()
        if(animationWindow == null) animationWindow = EditorWindow.GetWindow<AnimationWindow>();

        animationWindow.frame = frame;

确保将任何使用 UnityEditor 命名空间的脚本放在名为 Editor 的文件夹中,或者将脚本的相应部分用预处理器标签 (#if UNITY_EDITOR .. .#endif)