通过扩展自动合成 Swift 结构或枚举的 Equatable 一致性
Automatic synthesis of Equatable conformance for Swift struct or enum through an extension
Swift 文档说 Equatable
一致性的自动合成可用于结构和具有关联值的枚举,前提是在结构或枚举的原始定义中声明了一致性,而不是通过扩展,在这种情况下,必须提供 ==
struct Point {
var x: Double
var y: Double
extension Point: Equatable {}
print(Point(x: 10, y: 10) == Point(x: 5, y: 5)) // prints false
enum Outcome {
case success
case failure(reason: String)
extension Outcome: Equatable {}
print(Outcome.failure(reason: "Chance") == Outcome.failure(reason: "Chance")) // prints true
automatic synthesis of Equatable conformance is available for structs, and enums with associated values
这意味着对于使用基本值类型的结构和枚举,无需声明明确符合 Equatable,因为它将由 Swift 本身自动提供所以
extension Point: Equatable {}
conformance is declared in the original definition of the struct or enum, and not through an extension, in which case an implementation of the == operator must be provided.
这意味着只能在声明该值的模块内部遵守 Equatable 协议。您不能将它扩展到该模块之外以提供一致性。
您可以使用此参考资料了解更多详情 https://swiftdoc.org/v3.0/protocol/equatable/
综合提案 (SE-0185) 与您链接的文档有所不同:
Users must opt-in to automatic synthesis by declaring their type as Equatable or Hashable without implementing any of their requirements. This conformance must be part of the original type declaration or in an extension in the same file (to ensure that private and fileprivate members can be accessed from the extension).
Extension outside of file declaring struct 'Point' prevents automatic synthesis of '==' for protocol 'Equatable'