Artifactory - 无法更新统计信息,错误找不到给定路径的 versionID

Artifactory - Failed to update stats with error couldn't find versionIDs for the given paths

我的 Artifactory 日志以惊人的频率显示以下错误。根据 Artifactory 的说法,元数据服务正常运行,除了日志垃圾邮件外,它似乎没有引起任何问题。有人知道如何解决这个问题吗?

[jfrt ] [ERROR] [af10ed1c492f4e88] [s.MetadataEventServiceImpl:346] [art-exec-6 ] - Unable to send statistics event to Metadata Server. Caught exception: Failed executing api/v1/stats, with response code: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error and response message: {"cause":"Internal error while processing request","message":"Failed to update stats with error couldn't find versionIDs for the given paths: couldn't find versionIDs for the given paths"}

这是一个已知问题(内部记录为 META-1180)。这已得到修复并随 Artifactory 7.29 一起发布。此版本的 Artifactory 计划在未来几周内发布。