AppleScript 循环打印所有文件夹名称路径

AppleScript Loop Print All File Folder Names Path

帮助我需要在 IDE 的输出中打印文件夹中包含的所有文件夹和文件名。到目前为止,这是我的代码:

set Music_Collection_Folder to POSIX file "/Volumes/A_Live HD/Music/Collection" as alias
set the_string to ""
tell application "Finder"
repeat with this_item in (get items of ("/Volumes/A_Live HD/Music/Collection"))
set the_string to the_string & name of this_item & tab & modification date of this_item & tab & size of this_item & tab & kind of this_item & return
end repeat
end tell

您创建了目标文件夹的别名。 使用它!

Finder 不知道 POSIX 路径是什么

repeat with this_item in (get items of Music_Collection_Folder) ...