Unity 不在播放模式下渲染动画

Unity not rendering animation in playmode

我的门动画在编辑器中播放一切正常,但在播放模式下,它似乎没有渲染,但碰撞似乎工作正常。 Here's what happens.

Animator 已设置like this


您的对象似乎被标记为 static,因此网格被组合成一个静态场景网格。

Many systems in Unity can precompute information about static GameObjects in the Editor. Because the GameObjects do not move, the results of these calculations are still valid at runtime. This means that Unity can save on runtime calculations, and potentially improve performance.

正如名称 static 已经暗示的那样:这些对象是静态的,不能被 Animator 移动。