泛型参数的可为空的 return 值

Nullable return value on a generic argument

我正在尝试使用 Dapper 将模型保存到数据库中。我使用 input/output 参数设置参数,该参数是一个 int,具有用于更新的现有主键值。

public async Task<TKey> SaveAsync<TKey>(IGraph builder, IDataContext context = null)
    var parameters = this.GetParametersFromDefinition(builder, DefinitionDirection.In);

    // See if we have a key defined. If not, we assume this is a new insert.
    // Otherwise we pull the key out and assume it's an update.
    PropertyDefinition key = builder.GetKey();

    if (key != null)
        parameters.Add(key.ResolvedName, key.PropertyValue, null, ParameterDirection.InputOutput);
        throw new InvalidOperationException("The data graph did not have a primary key defined for it.");

    await this.ExecuteProcedure(parameters, builder, context);

    object returnedId = parameters.Get<TKey>(key.ResolvedName);
    return returnedId == null ? default(TKey) : (TKey)returnedId;

private Task ExecuteProcedure(DynamicParameters parameters, IGraph builder, IDataContext context = null)
    ProcedureDefinition mapping = builder.GetProcedureForOperation(ProcedureOperationType.Insert);
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mapping.StoredProcedure))
        throw new InvalidOperationException("No stored procedure mapped to the builder.");

    // Query the database
    return this.SetupConnection(
        (connection, transaction) => connection.ExecuteAsync(
            commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure,
            transaction: transaction));


this.Address.AddressId = await repository.SaveAsync<int>(graph);

当我评估参数时,我在上面看到了我的 input/output 参数。


TKey returnedId = parameters.Get<TKey>(key.ResolvedName);


Exception:Caught: "Attempting to cast a DBNull to a non nullable type! Note that out/return parameters will not have updated values until the data stream completes (after the 'foreach' for Query(..., buffered: false), or after the GridReader has been disposed for QueryMultiple)" (System.ApplicationException) A System.ApplicationException was caught: "Attempting to cast a DBNull to a non nullable type! Note that out/return parameters will not have updated values until the data stream completes (after the 'foreach' for Query(..., buffered: false), or after the GridReader has been disposed for QueryMultiple)" Time: 7/21/2015 10:19:48 PM Thread:[7200]

我假设这是一个问题,因为泛型类型在这种情况下不能为空,因为它是一个整数。这是因为 Dapper 总是 returns 可以为空吗?我刚刚暂时为存储过程的 OUTPUT 分配了一个常量值,以确保为输出分配了一些东西。

我如何解决返回 nullable 的 dapper,我将 int? 作为通用类型传递是唯一的解决方法吗?


我能够使用这种方法解决它。所以不会让我 post 它作为答案。时间到了,我会post回答,除非其他人有更好的想法。

object returnedId = parameters.Get<TKey>(key.ResolvedName);
if (returnedId == null)
    return default(TKey);

return (TKey)returnedId;

如果 DBNull 是一个有效值并且应该表示除 default(TKey) 之外的其他含义(例如:default(int) = 0),并且如果 TKey 始终是值类型,则将 TKey 约束为结构,如下所示:

public async Task<TKey?> SaveAsync<TKey>(IGraph builder, IDataContext context = null) where TKey : struct


TKey? returnedId = parameters.Get<TKey?>(key.ResolvedName);

return 类型的 SaveAsync 将反映键可能为空。如果键永远不应该为 null,并且如果 DBNull 应该默认为 default(TKey),则只需使用以下内容:

public async Task<TKey?> SaveAsync<TKey>(IGraph builder, IDataContext context = null) where TKey : struct
    return parameters.Get<TKey?>(key.ResolvedName).GetValueOrDefault();

如果参数添加的方向为 inputoutput(这就是上面的内容),我会收到此错误。如果方向是输入或输出,它都可以正常工作。


param.add(..., direction: MyVariable.hasValue ? ParameterDirection.Input : ParameterDirection.Ouput)

但似乎 param.Get 应该适用于 inputoutput 参数。