最小起订量:Return null 来自具有可空类型的模拟方法
Moq : Return null from a mocked method with nullable type
我在抽象 class 中有一个隐式运算符,类似于下面将数据转换为提供的类型。
public abstract class MyClass
private object dataHolder; // just for representation
// at implementation it tries to convert dataHolder object
// or returns null if failed
public abstract T? Convert<T>();
public static implicit operator byte[]?(MyClass obj) => obj.Convert<byte[]?>();
我正在尝试为此创建单元测试 class
public void MyTestMethod()
Mock<MyClass> mockedClass = new() { CallBase = true };
mockedClass.Setup(x => x.Convert<byte[]?>()); // no return statement
// this should be null using implicit operator
byte[]? output = mockedClass.Object;
// however I am receiving an empty byte[] (length 0).
public void VerifyThatImplicitOperatorWorksAsExpected()
Mock<MyClass> mockedClass = new() { CallBase = true };
mockedClass.Setup(x => x.Convert<byte[]?>()).Returns<byte[]?>(null);
byte[]? output = mockedClass.Object;
// Verify that the Convert method was called.
mockedClass.Verify(x => x.Convert<byte[]?>(), Times.Once);
我在抽象 class 中有一个隐式运算符,类似于下面将数据转换为提供的类型。
public abstract class MyClass
private object dataHolder; // just for representation
// at implementation it tries to convert dataHolder object
// or returns null if failed
public abstract T? Convert<T>();
public static implicit operator byte[]?(MyClass obj) => obj.Convert<byte[]?>();
我正在尝试为此创建单元测试 class
public void MyTestMethod()
Mock<MyClass> mockedClass = new() { CallBase = true };
mockedClass.Setup(x => x.Convert<byte[]?>()); // no return statement
// this should be null using implicit operator
byte[]? output = mockedClass.Object;
// however I am receiving an empty byte[] (length 0).
public void VerifyThatImplicitOperatorWorksAsExpected()
Mock<MyClass> mockedClass = new() { CallBase = true };
mockedClass.Setup(x => x.Convert<byte[]?>()).Returns<byte[]?>(null);
byte[]? output = mockedClass.Object;
// Verify that the Convert method was called.
mockedClass.Verify(x => x.Convert<byte[]?>(), Times.Once);