在 New Relic 计数列中显示完整数字

Show full number on New Relic count column

当我在 New Relic 中搜索 SELECT count(*) FROM requests WHERE foo = 'bar' FACET dateOf(eventtime) SINCE 3 days ago 时,它给了我以下 table:

December 9, 2021 1.76 M

但是,我想知道 6 之后的数字是多少,但 New Relic 没有显示。如何让 New Relic 显示完整的数字?

Andy Cunningham 在 newrelic discuss

中建议了 3 个选项
  1. You can, however, access the JSON widget type to get the raw values.

  2. multiply the count() function by 1, like so:

SELECT count(*)*1 AS 'Total' FROM 
  1. you may want to look at using the Query API instead. This will allow you to get the query results in JSON format


SELECT abs(count(*)) FROM requests WHERE foo = 'bar' FACET dateOf(eventtime) SINCE 3 days ago