了解为什么我的 Postgres 查询在没有索引的情况下会更快

Understanding why my Postgres queries are faster without indexes

我们继承了一个 Postgresql 驱动的数据仓库,但存在一些严重的性能问题。我们已经为我们的一位客户选择了一个数据库,并且正在对查询进行基准测试。我们挑选了查询并发现了几个常见的 tables,它们是从所有查询中选出的,我们认为这是我们性能不佳的核心。我们特别关注冷启动性能,当没有数据加载到共享缓冲区时,这是我们客户的常见情况。我们进行了一个大型查询并将其剥离到最慢的部分;

explain (analyze, buffers, costs, format json)
            poi."SKUId" as "SKUId",
            poi."ConvertedLineTotal" as "totalrevenue",
            poi."TotalDispachCost" as "totaldispachcost",
            poi."Quantity" as "quantitysold"
        from public.processedorder o
        join public.processedorder_item poi on poi."OrderId" = o."OrderId"
        WHERE o."ReceivedDate" >= '2020-09-01' and o."ReceivedDate" <= '2021-01-01';

事实上,将其进一步简化为单个 table,这似乎特别慢;

explain (analyze, buffers, costs, format json)
select o."OrderId", o."ChannelId"
from public.processedorder o
WHERE o."ReceivedDate" >= '2020-09-01' and o."ReceivedDate" <= '2021-01-01'

这个已处理的订单 table 有大约 210 万行,每个月添加大约 35/40k 行。

table 看起来像这样 - 相当宽;

CREATE TABLE public.processedorder (
    "OrderId" int4 NOT NULL,
    "ChannelId" int4 NOT NULL,
    "ShippingId" int4 NOT NULL,
    "CountryId" int4 NOT NULL,
    "LocationId" int4 NOT NULL,
    "PackagingId" int4 NOT NULL,
    "ConvertedTotal" numeric(18, 6) NOT NULL,
    "ConvertedSubtotal" numeric(18, 6) NOT NULL,
    "ConvertedShippingCost" numeric(18, 6) NOT NULL,
    "ConvertedShippingTax" numeric(18, 6) NOT NULL,
    "ConvertedTax" numeric(18, 6) NOT NULL,
    "ConvertedDiscount" numeric(18, 6) NOT NULL,
    "ConversionRate" numeric(18, 6) NOT NULL,
    "Currency" varchar(3) NOT NULL,
    "OriginalTotal" numeric(18, 6) NOT NULL,
    "OriginalSubtotal" numeric(18, 6) NOT NULL,
    "OriginalShippingCost" numeric(18, 6) NOT NULL,
    "OrignalShippingTax" numeric(18, 6) NOT NULL,
    "OriginalTax" numeric(18, 6) NOT NULL,
    "OriginalDiscount" numeric(18, 6) NOT NULL,
    "ReceivedDate" timestamp NOT NULL,
    "DispatchByDate" timestamp NOT NULL,
    "ProcessedDate" timestamp NOT NULL,
    "HoldOrCancel" bool NOT NULL,
    "CustomerHash" varchar(100) NOT NULL,
    "EmailHash" varchar(100) NOT NULL,
    "GetPostalCode" varchar(10) NOT NULL,
    "TagId" uuid NOT NULL,
    "timestamp" timestamp NOT NULL,
    "IsRMA" bool NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
    "ConversionType" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    "ItemWeight" numeric(18, 6) NULL,
    "TotalWeight" numeric(18, 6) NULL,
    "PackageWeight" numeric(18, 6) NULL,
    "PackageCount" int4 NULL,
    CONSTRAINT processedorder_tagid_unique UNIQUE ("TagId")

我们感到困惑的是,在数据库的本地副本上,我们 运行 在 receivedDate 上使用简单索引的最小查询,它 returns 4 秒内出结果-

create INDEX if not exists ix_processedorder_btree_receieveddate ON public.processedorder USING btree ("ReceivedDate" DESC);


Hash Join  (cost=166953.18..286705.36 rows=201855 width=19) (actual time=3078.441..4176.251 rows=198552 loops=1)
  Hash Cond: (poi."OrderId" = o."OrderId")
  Buffers: shared hit=3 read=160623
  ->  Seq Scan on processedorder_item poi  (cost=0.00..108605.28 rows=2434228 width=23) (actual time=0.158..667.435 rows=2434228 loops=1)
        Buffers: shared read=84263
  ->  Hash  (cost=164773.85..164773.85 rows=174346 width=4) (actual time=3077.990..3077.991 rows=173668 loops=1)
        Buckets: 262144 (originally 262144)  Batches: 1 (originally 1)  Memory Usage: 8154kB
        Buffers: shared read=76360
        ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on processedorder o  (cost=3703.48..164773.85 rows=174346 width=4) (actual time=27.285..3028.721 rows=173668 loops=1)
              Recheck Cond: (("ReceivedDate" >= '2020-09-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND ("ReceivedDate" <= '2021-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))
              Heap Blocks: exact=75882
              Buffers: shared read=76360
              ->  Bitmap Index Scan on ix_receiveddate  (cost=0.00..3659.89 rows=174346 width=0) (actual time=17.815..17.815 rows=173668 loops=1)
                    Index Cond: (("ReceivedDate" >= '2020-09-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND ("ReceivedDate" <= '2021-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))
                    Buffers: shared read=478

然后我们将这个索引应用到我们的登台服务器(数据库的相同副本)和 运行 查询,但是这次需要 44 秒; https://explain.tensor.ru/archive/explain/9610c603972ba89aac4e223072f27575:0:2021-12-08

Gather  (cost=112168.21..275565.45 rows=174360 width=19) (actual time=42401.776..44549.996 rows=145082 loops=1)
  Workers Planned: 2
  Workers Launched: 2
  Buffers: shared hit=149058 read=50771
  ->  Hash Join  (cost=111168.21..257129.45 rows=72650 width=19) (actual time=42397.903..44518.824 rows=48361 loops=3)
        Hash Cond: (poi."OrderId" = o."OrderId")
        Inner Unique: true
        Buffers: shared hit=445001 read=161024
        ->  Parallel Seq Scan on processedorder_item poi  (cost=0.00..117223.50 rows=880850 width=23) (actual time=0.302..1426.753 rows=702469 loops=3)
              Filter: ((NOT "ContainsComposites") AND ("SKUId" <> 0))
              Rows Removed by Filter: 108940
              Buffers: shared read=84260
        ->  Hash  (cost=105532.45..105532.45 rows=173408 width=4) (actual time=42396.156..42396.156 rows=173668 loops=3)
              Buckets: 262144 (originally 262144)  Batches: 1 (originally 1)  Memory Usage: 8154kB
              Buffers: shared hit=444920 read=76764
              ->  Index Scan using ix_processedorder_receieveddate on processedorder o  (cost=0.43..105532.45 rows=173408 width=4) (actual time=0.827..42152.428 rows=173668 loops=3)
                    Index Cond: (("ReceivedDate" >= '2020-09-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND ("ReceivedDate" <= '2021-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))
                    Buffers: shared hit=444920 read=76764

最后,根据常识显然行不通,我们只是删除临时服务器上的索引并在 4 秒内找到 returns 数据(就像我们的本地机器 with索引) https://explain.tensor.ru/archive/explain/486512e19b45d5cbe4b893fdecc434b8:0:2021-12-08

Gather  (cost=1000.00..200395.65 rows=177078 width=4) (actual time=2.556..4695.986 rows=173668 loops=1)
  Workers Planned: 2
  Workers Launched: 2
  Buffers: shared read=41868
  ->  Parallel Seq Scan on processedorder o  (cost=0.00..181687.85 rows=73782 width=4) (actual time=0.796..4663.511 rows=57889 loops=3)
        Filter: (("ReceivedDate" >= '2020-09-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND ("ReceivedDate" <= '2021-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))
        Rows Removed by Filter: 642941
        Buffers: shared read=151028

在每个查询之前 运行 我从 SSH 执行: echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches; service postgresql restart;

我们也在测试前运行一个vacuum full; analyze;

有谁能解释为什么会发生这种情况,因为这对我们来说毫无意义 - 我希望查询对索引的执行速度最快,因为我们正在查询一小部分数据(订单记录跨度 9年,我们只选择 3 个月)。

服务器本身是 Postgres 10.4 运行在 Amazon AWS E2 i3.2xlarge 实例上使用几个 io2 EBS 块存储驱动器 运行在 RAID 0 中托管 psql 数据。

work_mem is 150MB
shared_buffers is set to 15Gb (60gb server total ram)
effective_io_concurrency = 256 

-----更新1 根据 f运行ks 的建议,我们尝试添加一个似乎没有帮助的新索引

Gather  (cost=1000.86..218445.54 rows=201063 width=19) (actual time=4.412..61616.676 rows=198552 loops=1)
  Output: poi."SKUId", poi."ConvertedLineTotal", poi."TotalDispachCost", poi."Quantity"
  Workers Planned: 2
  Workers Launched: 2
  Buffers: shared hit=239331 read=45293
  ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.86..197339.24 rows=83776 width=19) (actual time=3.214..61548.378 rows=66184 loops=3)
        Output: poi."SKUId", poi."ConvertedLineTotal", poi."TotalDispachCost", poi."Quantity"
        Buffers: shared hit=748815 read=136548
        Worker 0: actual time=2.494..61658.415 rows=65876 loops=1
          Buffers: shared hit=247252 read=45606
        Worker 1: actual time=3.033..61667.490 rows=69100 loops=1
          Buffers: shared hit=262232 read=45649
        ->  Parallel Index Only Scan using ix_processedorder_btree_receieveddate_orderid on public.processedorder o  (cost=0.43..112293.34 rows=72359 width=4) (actual time=1.811..40429.474 rows=57889 loops=3)
              Output: o."ReceivedDate", o."OrderId"
              Index Cond: ((o."ReceivedDate" >= '2020-09-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (o."ReceivedDate" <= '2021-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))
              Buffers: shared hit=97131 read=76571
              Worker 0: actual time=1.195..40625.809 rows=57420 loops=1
                Buffers: shared hit=31847 read=25583
              Worker 1: actual time=1.850..40463.813 rows=60469 loops=1
                Buffers: shared hit=34898 read=25584
        ->  Index Scan using ix_processedorder_item_orderid on public.processedorder_item poi  (cost=0.43..1.12 rows=2 width=23) (actual time=0.316..0.361 rows=1 loops=173668)
              Output: poi."OrderItemId", poi."OrderId", poi."SKUId", poi."Quantity", poi."ConvertedLineTotal", poi."ConvertedLineSubtotal", poi."ConvertedLineTax", poi."ConvertedLineDiscount", poi."ConversionRate", poi."OriginalLineTotal", poi."OriginalLineSubtotal", poi."OriginalLineTax", poi."OriginalLineDiscount", poi."Currency", poi."ContainsComposites", poi."TotalDispachCost", poi."TagId", poi."timestamp"
              Index Cond: (poi."OrderId" = o."OrderId")
              Buffers: shared hit=651684 read=59977
              Worker 0: actual time=0.316..0.362 rows=1 loops=57420
                Buffers: shared hit=215405 read=20023
              Worker 1: actual time=0.303..0.347 rows=1 loops=60469
                Buffers: shared hit=227334 read=20065


我们重新[​​=78=] 两个查询中较大的那个

explain (analyze, buffers, verbose, costs, format json)
            poi."SKUId" as "SKUId",
            poi."ConvertedLineTotal" as "totalrevenue",
            poi."TotalDispachCost" as "totaldispachcost",
            poi."Quantity" as "quantitysold"
        from public.processedorder o
        join public.processedorder_item poi on poi."OrderId" = o."OrderId"
        WHERE o."ReceivedDate" >= '2020-09-01' and o."ReceivedDate" <= '2021-01-01';

这次启用了轨道 io 计时 - 我们 运行 这两次,一次有索引,另一次没有索引 - 这些是计划;

有索引: https://explain.tensor.ru/archive/explain/d763d7e1754c4ddac8bb61e403b135d2:0:2021-12-09

Gather  (cost=111153.17..252254.44 rows=201029 width=19) (actual time=36978.100..39083.705 rows=198552 loops=1)
  Output: poi."SKUId", poi."ConvertedLineTotal", poi."TotalDispachCost", poi."Quantity"
  Workers Planned: 2
  Workers Launched: 2
  Buffers: shared hit=138354 read=60159
  I/O Timings: read=16453.227
  ->  Hash Join  (cost=110153.17..231151.54 rows=83762 width=19) (actual time=36974.257..39044.116 rows=66184 loops=3)
        Output: poi."SKUId", poi."ConvertedLineTotal", poi."TotalDispachCost", poi."Quantity"
        Hash Cond: (poi."OrderId" = o."OrderId")
        Buffers: shared hit=444230 read=160640
        I/O Timings: read=37254.816
        Worker 0: actual time=36972.516..39140.086 rows=79787 loops=1
          Buffers: shared hit=155175 read=48507
          I/O Timings: read=9382.648
        Worker 1: actual time=36972.438..39138.754 rows=77496 loops=1
          Buffers: shared hit=150701 read=51974
          I/O Timings: read=11418.941
        ->  Parallel Seq Scan on public.processedorder_item poi  (cost=0.00..114682.68 rows=1014089 width=23) (actual time=0.262..1212.102 rows=811409 loops=3)
              Output: poi."OrderItemId", poi."OrderId", poi."SKUId", poi."Quantity", poi."ConvertedLineTotal", poi."ConvertedLineSubtotal", poi."ConvertedLineTax", poi."ConvertedLineDiscount", poi."ConversionRate", poi."OriginalLineTotal", poi."OriginalLineSubtotal", poi."OriginalLineTax", poi."OriginalLineDiscount", poi."Currency", poi."ContainsComposites", poi."TotalDispachCost", poi."TagId", poi."timestamp"
              Buffers: shared read=84260
              I/O Timings: read=1574.316
              Worker 0: actual time=0.073..1258.453 rows=870378 loops=1
                Buffers: shared read=30133
                I/O Timings: read=535.914
              Worker 1: actual time=0.021..1256.769 rows=841299 loops=1
                Buffers: shared read=29126
                I/O Timings: read=538.814
        ->  Hash  (cost=104509.15..104509.15 rows=173662 width=4) (actual time=36972.511..36972.511 rows=173668 loops=3)
              Output: o."OrderId"
              Buckets: 262144 (originally 262144)  Batches: 1 (originally 1)  Memory Usage: 8154kB
              Buffers: shared hit=444149 read=76380
              I/O Timings: read=35680.500
              Worker 0: actual time=36970.996..36970.996 rows=173668 loops=1
                Buffers: shared hit=155136 read=18374
                I/O Timings: read=8846.735
              Worker 1: actual time=36970.783..36970.783 rows=173668 loops=1
                Buffers: shared hit=150662 read=22848
                I/O Timings: read=10880.127
              ->  Index Scan using ix_processedorder_btree_receieveddate on public.processedorder o  (cost=0.43..104509.15 rows=173662 width=4) (actual time=0.617..36736.881 rows=173668 loops=3)
                    Output: o."OrderId"
                    Index Cond: ((o."ReceivedDate" >= '2020-09-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (o."ReceivedDate" <= '2021-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))
                    Buffers: shared hit=444149 read=76380
                    I/O Timings: read=35680.500
                    Worker 0: actual time=0.018..36741.158 rows=173668 loops=1
                      Buffers: shared hit=155136 read=18374
                      I/O Timings: read=8846.735
                    Worker 1: actual time=0.035..36733.684 rows=173668 loops=1
                      Buffers: shared hit=150662 read=22848
                      I/O Timings: read=10880.127

然后,更快的运行,没有索引; https://explain.tensor.ru/archive/explain/d0815f4b0c9baf3bdd512bc94051e768:0:2021-12-09

Gather  (cost=231259.20..372360.47 rows=201029 width=19) (actual time=4829.302..7920.614 rows=198552 loops=1)
  Output: poi."SKUId", poi."ConvertedLineTotal", poi."TotalDispachCost", poi."Quantity"
  Workers Planned: 2
  Workers Launched: 2
  Buffers: shared hit=106720 read=69983
  I/O Timings: read=2431.673
  ->  Hash Join  (cost=230259.20..351257.57 rows=83762 width=19) (actual time=4825.285..7877.981 rows=66184 loops=3)
        Output: poi."SKUId", poi."ConvertedLineTotal", poi."TotalDispachCost", poi."Quantity"
        Hash Cond: (poi."OrderId" = o."OrderId")
        Buffers: shared hit=302179 read=235288
        I/O Timings: read=7545.729
        Worker 0: actual time=4823.181..7978.501 rows=81394 loops=1
          Buffers: shared hit=87613 read=93424
          I/O Timings: read=2556.079
        Worker 1: actual time=4823.645..7979.241 rows=76022 loops=1
          Buffers: shared hit=107846 read=71881
          I/O Timings: read=2557.977
        ->  Parallel Seq Scan on public.processedorder_item poi  (cost=0.00..114682.68 rows=1014089 width=23) (actual time=0.267..2122.529 rows=811409 loops=3)
              Output: poi."OrderItemId", poi."OrderId", poi."SKUId", poi."Quantity", poi."ConvertedLineTotal", poi."ConvertedLineSubtotal", poi."ConvertedLineTax", poi."ConvertedLineDiscount", poi."ConversionRate", poi."OriginalLineTotal", poi."OriginalLineSubtotal", poi."OriginalLineTax", poi."OriginalLineDiscount", poi."Currency", poi."ContainsComposites", poi."TotalDispachCost", poi."TagId", poi."timestamp"
              Buffers: shared read=84260
              I/O Timings: read=4135.860
              Worker 0: actual time=0.034..2171.677 rows=865244 loops=1
                Buffers: shared read=29949
                I/O Timings: read=1394.407
              Worker 1: actual time=0.068..2174.408 rows=827170 loops=1
                Buffers: shared read=28639
                I/O Timings: read=1395.723
        ->  Hash  (cost=224615.18..224615.18 rows=173662 width=4) (actual time=4823.318..4823.318 rows=173668 loops=3)
              Output: o."OrderId"
              Buckets: 262144 (originally 262144)  Batches: 1 (originally 1)  Memory Usage: 8154kB
              Buffers: shared hit=302056 read=151028
              I/O Timings: read=3409.869
              Worker 0: actual time=4820.884..4820.884 rows=173668 loops=1
                Buffers: shared hit=87553 read=63475
                I/O Timings: read=1161.672
              Worker 1: actual time=4822.104..4822.104 rows=173668 loops=1
                Buffers: shared hit=107786 read=43242
                I/O Timings: read=1162.254
              ->  Seq Scan on public.processedorder o  (cost=0.00..224615.18 rows=173662 width=4) (actual time=0.744..4644.291 rows=173668 loops=3)
                    Output: o."OrderId"
                    Filter: ((o."ReceivedDate" >= '2020-09-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (o."ReceivedDate" <= '2021-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))
                    Rows Removed by Filter: 1928823
                    Buffers: shared hit=302056 read=151028
                    I/O Timings: read=3409.869
                    Worker 0: actual time=0.040..4651.203 rows=173668 loops=1
                      Buffers: shared hit=87553 read=63475
                      I/O Timings: read=1161.672
                    Worker 1: actual time=0.035..4637.415 rows=173668 loops=1
                      Buffers: shared hit=107786 read=43242
                      I/O Timings: read=1162.254

第一个查询将受益于数据索引和单个索引中的 id:

CREATE INDEX ix_processedorder_btree_receieveddate ON public.processedorder USING btree ("ReceivedDate" DESC, "OrderId");



  • 使用索引的慢计划从磁盘读取 22848 个块 processedorder,这需要 10.88 秒

  • 使用顺序扫描的快速计划从磁盘读取 43242 个块 processedorder,这需要 1.162 秒


  • 在fast情况下,这些block其实是缓存在内核缓存中的,所以是缓存效果


  • 随机 I/O 比优化器认为的更昂贵
