最大化 Collatz 猜想程序的效率 Python
Maximizing Efficiency of Collatz Conjecture Program Python
我写这个程序纯粹是为了娱乐。它需要一个数字输入并找到每个 Collatz 序列的长度,直到并包括该数字。
我想在算法上或数学上让它更快(即我知道我可以通过 运行 多个并行版本或用 C++ 编写它来让它更快,但那有什么乐趣呢?)。
在 dankal444
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
# Get Range to Check
top_range = int(input('Top Range: '))
def collatz(top_range):
# Initialize mem
mem = np.zeros(top_range + 1, dtype = np.int64)
for start in range(2, top_range + 1):
# If mod4 == 1: (3x + 1)/4
if start % 4 == 1:
mem[start] = mem[(start + (start >> 1) + 1) // 2] + 3
# If 4mod == 3: 3(3x + 1) + 1 and continue
elif start % 4 == 3:
num = start + (start >> 1) + 1
num += (num >> 1) + 1
count = 4
while num >= start:
if num % 2:
num += (num >> 1) + 1
count += 2
num //= 2
count += 1
mem[start] = mem[num] + count
# If 4mod == 2 or 0: x/2
mem[start] = mem[(start // 2)] + 1
return mem
mem = collatz(top_range)
# Plot each starting number with the length of it's sequence
plt.scatter([*range(1, len(mem) + 1)], mem, color = 'black', s = 1)
在您的代码中应用 numba 确实有很大帮助。
我删除了 tqdm,因为它对性能没有帮助。
import time
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
def collatz2(top_range):
mem = np.zeros(top_range + 1, dtype=np.int64)
for start in range(2, top_range + 1):
# If mod(4) == 1: Value 2 or 3 Cached
if start % 4 == 1:
mem[start] = mem[(start + (start >> 1) + 1) // 2] + 3
# If mod(4) == 3: Use Algorithm
elif start % 4 == 3:
num = start
count = 0
while num >= start:
if num % 2:
num += (num >> 1) + 1
count += 2
num //= 2
count += 1
mem[start] = mem[num] + count
# If mod(4) == 2 or 4: Value 1 Cached
mem[start] = mem[(start // 2)] + 1
return mem
def collatz(top_range):
mem = [0] * (top_range + 1)
for start in range(2, top_range + 1):
# If mod(4) == 1: Value 2 or 3 Cached
if start % 4 == 1:
mem[start] = mem[(start + (start >> 1) + 1) // 2] + 3
# If mod(4) == 3: Use Algorithm
elif start % 4 == 3:
num = start
count = 0
while num >= start:
if num % 2:
num += (num >> 1) + 1
count += 2
num //= 2
count += 1
mem[start] = mem[num] + count
# If mod(4) == 2 or 4: Value 1 Cached
mem[start] = mem[(start // 2)] + 1
return mem
# profiling here
def main():
top_range = 1_000_000
mem = collatz(top_range)
mem2 = collatz2(top_range)
assert np.allclose(np.array(mem), mem2)
对于 top_range = 1_000 优化函数快了约 100 倍。对于 top_range = 1_000_000,优化后的函数快了大约 600 倍:
79 def main():
81 1 3.0 3.0 0.0 top_range = 1_000_000
83 1 24633045.0 24633045.0 98.7 mem = collatz(top_range)
85 1 39311.0 39311.0 0.2 mem2 = collatz2(top_range)
我写这个程序纯粹是为了娱乐。它需要一个数字输入并找到每个 Collatz 序列的长度,直到并包括该数字。
我想在算法上或数学上让它更快(即我知道我可以通过 运行 多个并行版本或用 C++ 编写它来让它更快,但那有什么乐趣呢?)。
编辑: 在 dankal444
的帮助下进一步优化代码from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
# Get Range to Check
top_range = int(input('Top Range: '))
def collatz(top_range):
# Initialize mem
mem = np.zeros(top_range + 1, dtype = np.int64)
for start in range(2, top_range + 1):
# If mod4 == 1: (3x + 1)/4
if start % 4 == 1:
mem[start] = mem[(start + (start >> 1) + 1) // 2] + 3
# If 4mod == 3: 3(3x + 1) + 1 and continue
elif start % 4 == 3:
num = start + (start >> 1) + 1
num += (num >> 1) + 1
count = 4
while num >= start:
if num % 2:
num += (num >> 1) + 1
count += 2
num //= 2
count += 1
mem[start] = mem[num] + count
# If 4mod == 2 or 0: x/2
mem[start] = mem[(start // 2)] + 1
return mem
mem = collatz(top_range)
# Plot each starting number with the length of it's sequence
plt.scatter([*range(1, len(mem) + 1)], mem, color = 'black', s = 1)
在您的代码中应用 numba 确实有很大帮助。
我删除了 tqdm,因为它对性能没有帮助。
import time
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
def collatz2(top_range):
mem = np.zeros(top_range + 1, dtype=np.int64)
for start in range(2, top_range + 1):
# If mod(4) == 1: Value 2 or 3 Cached
if start % 4 == 1:
mem[start] = mem[(start + (start >> 1) + 1) // 2] + 3
# If mod(4) == 3: Use Algorithm
elif start % 4 == 3:
num = start
count = 0
while num >= start:
if num % 2:
num += (num >> 1) + 1
count += 2
num //= 2
count += 1
mem[start] = mem[num] + count
# If mod(4) == 2 or 4: Value 1 Cached
mem[start] = mem[(start // 2)] + 1
return mem
def collatz(top_range):
mem = [0] * (top_range + 1)
for start in range(2, top_range + 1):
# If mod(4) == 1: Value 2 or 3 Cached
if start % 4 == 1:
mem[start] = mem[(start + (start >> 1) + 1) // 2] + 3
# If mod(4) == 3: Use Algorithm
elif start % 4 == 3:
num = start
count = 0
while num >= start:
if num % 2:
num += (num >> 1) + 1
count += 2
num //= 2
count += 1
mem[start] = mem[num] + count
# If mod(4) == 2 or 4: Value 1 Cached
mem[start] = mem[(start // 2)] + 1
return mem
# profiling here
def main():
top_range = 1_000_000
mem = collatz(top_range)
mem2 = collatz2(top_range)
assert np.allclose(np.array(mem), mem2)
对于 top_range = 1_000 优化函数快了约 100 倍。对于 top_range = 1_000_000,优化后的函数快了大约 600 倍:
79 def main():
81 1 3.0 3.0 0.0 top_range = 1_000_000
83 1 24633045.0 24633045.0 98.7 mem = collatz(top_range)
85 1 39311.0 39311.0 0.2 mem2 = collatz2(top_range)