大字符串中的 IndexError

IndexError in a large a string

我有一个带有 6000 个 ID 的字符串,每个 ID 有 7 个字符。

当我使用 """DELETE from t1 WHERE "ID" in (%s)""", ids 时,出现以下错误:

[2021-12-09, 10:15:07 -03] {spark_submit.py:523} INFO - c.execute("""DELETE from t1 WHERE "ID" in (%s)""", ids)

[2021-12-09, 10:15:07 -03] {spark_submit.py:523} INFO - IndexError: string index out of range


通过@niko 请求更新:

[2021-12-09, 12:31:14 -03] {spark_submit.py:523} INFO - c.execute("""DELETE from marketing.client WHERE "ID" in (%s)""", (ids,))
[2021-12-09, 12:31:14 -03] {spark_submit.py:523} INFO - psycopg2.errors.SyntaxError: syntax error at or near ")"
[2021-12-09, 12:31:14 -03] {spark_submit.py:523} INFO - LINE 1: DELETE from marketing.client WHERE "ID" in (())

使用 psycopg2,您应该将 tuple 作为第二个参数传递给 execute 方法,其中包含查询的所有参数,例如

c.execute("SELECT * from table where id = %s", (1,))


c.execute("SELECT * from table where id in %s", ((1, 2, 3),))



ids = ",".join(str(x) for x in df.select("ID").rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).collect())

# Make it a tuple of integers
ids = tuple(int(x) for x in df.select("ID").rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).collect())

即由于您正在查询一个 BigInt 列,因此您希望 ids 是一个整数元组。


c.execute("""DELETE from t1 WHERE "ID" in %s""", (ids,))