Discord 机器人寻找来自用户的消息

Discord bot look for message from user


        elif str(reaction) == "❌":
            await verif_channel.send(":warning: Please provide a reason :warning:")
                deny_channel = member.guild.get_channel(889690902359080970)
                msg = await self.bot.wait_for("message", timeout=600)
                why = msg.content
                embed_reason = discord.Embed(
                    title=":warning: You have been denied! :warning:",
                    description="You have been denied from the server for the following reason: (You are still allowed to reverify by reacting to the message in <#734570330064028002>) \n\n"
                    "{}".format(f"Reason: {why}"),
                    color=int(hex_color, 16))
                await member.send(embed=embed_reason)
                await verif_channel.send(f"❌ I have denied {member.mention}")

                embed2 = discord.Embed(
                    title="Verification Request",
                    description=f"Verification request of {member.mention}",
                    color=int(hex_color, 16)
                embed2.add_field(name="How did you find this server?", value=found, inline=False)
                embed2.add_field(name="How old are you?", value=age, inline=False)
                embed2.add_field(name="This is a server related question", value=about, inline=False)
                embed2.add_field(name="What are you looking to get out of this server?", value=seek, inline=False)
                embed2.add_field(name="User was:", value=f"Denied for {why}", inline=False)
                embed2.set_footer(text=f"User ID: {member.id}")

                channel = member.guild.get_channel(863099566672707594)

                await channel.purge(limit=4)
                await deny_channel.send(embed=embed2)

            except discord.Forbidden:
                await verif_channel.send(f"❌ Denied {member.mention}\n"
                                         f"User has blocked DMs")

我正在尝试更改它,以便机器人将在频道中查找对消息做出反应的用户的消息。我尝试了几种不同的方法,但我真的不知道如何获得对消息做出反应的用户的 ID。

检查消息是否由特定人员发送的最佳方法是使用 check function。请查看下面的代码。

# Define the check function within your code
def check(msg):
    return msg.author == reaction.author and not msg.author.bot
    # This checks if the author of the message is the author of the ❌ reaction
    # AND checks if the message author is a bot or not

msg = await self.bot.wait_for("message", check=check, timeout=600)

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