Windbg 如何获取应用程序内存的分配
Windbg How do I get the distribution of application memory
在address-summary里,我发现MEM_COMMIT里面有4.423GB,但是我在eeheap里面只能拿到405618688字节,我通过了! heap -s 可以拿到内存很small.Memory。
现在我不知道,我该如何调查 MEM COMMIT 的剩余内存。
!地址-摘要MEM_COMMIT 4.423 GB
0:000> !address -summary
--- Usage Summary ---------------- RgnCount ----------- Total Size -------- %ofBusy %ofTotal
Free 579 7df9`74541000 ( 125.974 TB) 98.42%
<unknown> 912 206`7c9dc000 ( 2.025 TB) 99.99% 1.58%
Image 972 0`06a01000 ( 106.004 MB) 0.00% 0.00%
Heap 81 0`05a27000 ( 90.152 MB) 0.00% 0.00%
Stack 114 0`02a80000 ( 42.500 MB) 0.00% 0.00%
Other 9 0`001de000 ( 1.867 MB) 0.00% 0.00%
TEB 38 0`0004c000 ( 304.000 kB) 0.00% 0.00%
PEB 1 0`00001000 ( 4.000 kB) 0.00% 0.00%
--- Type Summary (for busy) ------ RgnCount ----------- Total Size -------- %ofBusy %ofTotal
MEM_MAPPED 220 200`062b0000 ( 2.000 TB) 98.74% 1.56%
MEM_PRIVATE 935 6`7edfe000 ( 25.982 GB) 1.25% 0.02%
MEM_IMAGE 972 0`06a01000 ( 106.004 MB) 0.00% 0.00%
--- State Summary ---------------- RgnCount ----------- Total Size -------- %ofBusy %ofTotal
MEM_FREE 579 7df9`74541000 ( 125.974 TB) 98.42%
MEM_RESERVE 296 205`709f6000 ( 2.021 TB) 99.79% 1.58%
MEM_COMMIT 1831 1`1b0b9000 ( 4.423 GB) 0.21% 0.00%
--- Protect Summary (for commit) - RgnCount ----------- Total Size -------- %ofBusy %ofTotal
PAGE_READWRITE 862 1`0e1cc000 ( 4.221 GB) 0.20% 0.00%
PAGE_READONLY 579 0`0659a000 ( 101.602 MB) 0.00% 0.00%
PAGE_EXECUTE_READ 159 0`04f2b000 ( 79.168 MB) 0.00% 0.00%
PAGE_NOACCESS 80 0`01550000 ( 21.312 MB) 0.00% 0.00%
PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE 19 0`002ba000 ( 2.727 MB) 0.00% 0.00%
PAGE_WRITECOPY 94 0`001aa000 ( 1.664 MB) 0.00% 0.00%
PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_GUARD 38 0`00074000 ( 464.000 kB) 0.00% 0.00%
--- Largest Region by Usage ----------- Base Address -------- Region Size ----------
Free 21e`6c05c000 7bd5`f48f4000 ( 123.836 TB)
<unknown> 7dfd`d8ac0000 1f7`68898000 ( 1.966 TB)
Image 7ff9`71121000 0`009ba000 ( 9.727 MB)
Heap 218`83c71000 0`00eff000 ( 14.996 MB)
Stack 22`cad80000 0`0017c000 ( 1.484 MB)
Other 218`f1b50000 0`00181000 ( 1.504 MB)
TEB 22`ca410000 0`00002000 ( 8.000 kB)
PEB 22`ca40f000 0`00001000 ( 4.000 kB)
!eeheap -gc 405618688 字节。
0:000> !eeheap -gc
Number of GC Heaps: 12
Heap 0 (00000218F3182A40)
generation 0 starts at 0x00000218F34C9DB0
generation 1 starts at 0x00000218F3477478
generation 2 starts at 0x00000218F3461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
00000218F3460000 00000218F3461000 00000218F3A0BDC8 00000218F3F02000 0x5aadc8(5942728) 0xaa1000(11145216)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021BF3461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021BF3460000 0000021BF3461000 0000021BF449E8D0 0000021BF44BF000 0x103d8d0(17029328) 0x105e000(17162240)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021CB3461000
0000021CB3460000 0000021CB3461000 0000021CB3464FF0 0000021CB3472000 0x3ff0(16368) 0x11000(69632)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x15ec688 (22988424) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x1aff000 (28307456) bytes.
Heap 1 (00000218F31AE470)
generation 0 starts at 0x00000219334C05F8
generation 1 starts at 0x0000021933471E28
generation 2 starts at 0x0000021933461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021933460000 0000021933461000 0000021933A20610 0000021933EE2000 0x5bf610(6026768) 0xa81000(11014144)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021C03461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021C03460000 0000021C03461000 0000021C0451F4E8 0000021C04520000 0x10be4e8(17556712) 0x10bf000(17559552)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021CC3461000
0000021CC3460000 0000021CC3461000 0000021CC3462030 0000021CC3472000 0x1030(4144) 0x11000(69632)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x167eb28 (23587624) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x1b40000 (28573696) bytes.
Heap 2 (00000218F31DD200)
generation 0 starts at 0x00000219734967E0
generation 1 starts at 0x000002197346DFB0
generation 2 starts at 0x0000021973461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021973460000 0000021973461000 00000219734987F8 0000021973E52000 0x377f8(227320) 0x9f1000(10424320)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021C13461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021C13460000 0000021C13461000 0000021C14B631F8 0000021C14B83000 0x17021f8(24125944) 0x1722000(24256512)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021CD3461000
0000021CD3460000 0000021CD3461000 0000021CD3461018 0000021CD3462000 0x18(24) 0x1000(4096)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x1739a08 (24353288) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x2113000 (34680832) bytes.
Heap 3 (00000218F3208F70)
generation 0 starts at 0x00000219B34B7828
generation 1 starts at 0x00000219B3489AB8
generation 2 starts at 0x00000219B3461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
00000219B3460000 00000219B3461000 00000219B3A17840 00000219B3EC2000 0x5b6840(5990464) 0xa61000(10883072)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021C23461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021C23460000 0000021C23461000 0000021C24B43768 0000021C24B83000 0x16e2768(23996264) 0x1722000(24256512)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021CE3461000
0000021CE3460000 0000021CE3461000 0000021CE3462030 0000021CE3472000 0x1030(4144) 0x11000(69632)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x1c99fd8 (29990872) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x2183000 (35139584) bytes.
Heap 4 (00000218F3234CE0)
generation 0 starts at 0x00000219F34DC428
generation 1 starts at 0x00000219F34730F0
generation 2 starts at 0x00000219F3461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
00000219F3460000 00000219F3461000 00000219F3BAA440 00000219F3EE2000 0x749440(7640128) 0xa81000(11014144)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021C33461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021C33460000 0000021C33461000 0000021C3410D580 0000021C3412E000 0xcac580(13288832) 0xccd000(13422592)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021CF3461000
0000021CF3460000 0000021CF3461000 0000021CF3465030 0000021CF3472000 0x4030(16432) 0x11000(69632)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x13f99f0 (20945392) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x174e000 (24436736) bytes.
Heap 5 (0000021D7EDD1EF0)
generation 0 starts at 0x0000021A334F9AF8
generation 1 starts at 0x0000021A33485C40
generation 2 starts at 0x0000021A33461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021A33460000 0000021A33461000 0000021A33A59B10 0000021A33F02000 0x5f8b10(6261520) 0xaa1000(11145216)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021C43461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021C43460000 0000021C43461000 0000021C444BCE08 0000021C4451C000 0x105be08(17153544) 0x10bb000(17543168)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021D03461000
0000021D03460000 0000021D03461000 0000021D03461018 0000021D03462000 0x18(24) 0x1000(4096)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x1654930 (23415088) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x1b5c000 (28688384) bytes.
Heap 6 (0000021D7EDFD920)
generation 0 starts at 0x0000021A73495A38
generation 1 starts at 0x0000021A73469D68
generation 2 starts at 0x0000021A73461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021A73460000 0000021A73461000 0000021A73A15A50 0000021A73E92000 0x5b4a50(5982800) 0xa31000(10686464)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021C53461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021C53460000 0000021C53461000 0000021C549CAFA8 0000021C549CB000 0x1569fa8(22454184) 0x156a000(22454272)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021D13461000
0000021D13460000 0000021D13461000 0000021D13461018 0000021D13462000 0x18(24) 0x1000(4096)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x1b1ea10 (28437008) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x1f9b000 (33140736) bytes.
Heap 7 (0000021D7EE29690)
generation 0 starts at 0x0000021AB35B3700
generation 1 starts at 0x0000021AB3580548
generation 2 starts at 0x0000021AB3461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021AB3460000 0000021AB3461000 0000021AB39D3718 0000021AB3FC2000 0x572718(5711640) 0xb61000(11931648)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021C63461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021C63460000 0000021C63461000 0000021C649CCBF8 0000021C649ED000 0x156bbf8(22461432) 0x158c000(22593536)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021D23461000
0000021D23460000 0000021D23461000 0000021D23461018 0000021D23462000 0x18(24) 0x1000(4096)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x1ade328 (28173096) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x20ed000 (34525184) bytes.
Heap 8 (0000021D7EE55400)
generation 0 starts at 0x0000021AF3496810
generation 1 starts at 0x0000021AF3472A28
generation 2 starts at 0x0000021AF3461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021AF3460000 0000021AF3461000 0000021AF39F6828 0000021AF3E92000 0x595828(5855272) 0xa31000(10686464)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021C73461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021C73460000 0000021C73461000 0000021C7492E5F8 0000021C7494F000 0x14cd5f8(21812728) 0x14ee000(21946368)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021D33461000
0000021D33460000 0000021D33461000 0000021D33461830 0000021D33462000 0x830(2096) 0x1000(4096)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x1a63650 (27670096) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x1f1f000 (32632832) bytes.
Heap 9 (0000021D7EE81170)
generation 0 starts at 0x0000021B334DE9E0
generation 1 starts at 0x0000021B334A73C8
generation 2 starts at 0x0000021B33461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021B33460000 0000021B33461000 0000021B33A409F8 0000021B33E82000 0x5df9f8(6158840) 0xa21000(10620928)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021C83461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021C83460000 0000021C83461000 0000021C849E9DF8 0000021C84A0A000 0x1588df8(22580728) 0x15a9000(22712320)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021D43461000
0000021D43460000 0000021D43461000 0000021D43461018 0000021D43462000 0x18(24) 0x1000(4096)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x1b68808 (28739592) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x1fca000 (33333248) bytes.
Heap 10 (0000021D7EEADD80)
generation 0 starts at 0x0000021B73544EC8
generation 1 starts at 0x0000021B73504C18
generation 2 starts at 0x0000021B73461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021B73460000 0000021B73461000 0000021B73AEAEE0 0000021B73F42000 0x689ee0(6856416) 0xae1000(11407360)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021C93461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021C93460000 0000021C93461000 0000021C955DEF78 0000021C955DF000 0x217df78(35118968) 0x217e000(35119104)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021D53461000
0000021D53460000 0000021D53461000 0000021D53468450 0000021D53472000 0x7450(29776) 0x11000(69632)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x280f2a8 (42005160) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x2c5f000 (46526464) bytes.
Heap 11 (0000021D7EED9980)
generation 0 starts at 0x0000021BB34C6550
generation 1 starts at 0x0000021BB34784A8
generation 2 starts at 0x0000021BB3461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021BB3460000 0000021BB3461000 0000021BB3906568 0000021BB3EA2000 0x4a5568(4871528) 0xa41000(10752000)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021CA3461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021CA3460000 0000021CA3461000 0000021CA55A4DB8 0000021CA55A5000 0x2143db8(34880952) 0x2144000(34881536)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021D63461000
0000021D63460000 0000021D63461000 0000021D6346CF88 0000021D63472000 0xbf88(49032) 0x11000(69632)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x25f52a8 (39801512) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x2b85000 (45633536) bytes.
GC Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x14459f90 (340107152) bytes.
GC Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x182d4000 (405618688) bytes.
0:000> !heap -s
LFH Key : 0xa893144b6b979747
Termination on corruption : ENABLED
Heap Flags Reserv Commit Virt Free List UCR Virt Lock Fast
(k) (k) (k) (k) length blocks cont. heap
00000218f1710000 00000002 65320 14712 64928 5575 163 16 2 c LFH
External fragmentation 38 % (163 free blocks)
00000218f1660000 00008000 64 4 64 2 1 1 0 0
00000218f16f0000 00001002 3516 2388 3124 200 58 3 0 0 LFH
00000218f3360000 00001002 60 8 60 2 1 1 0 0
00000218f3450000 00041002 60 8 60 5 1 1 0 0
0000021d7fa40000 00001002 3516 1460 3124 89 25 3 0 0 LFH
0000021d7fc00000 00001002 60 8 60 5 1 1 0 0
0000021d7fbc0000 00001002 452 32 60 5 2 1 0 0 LFH
不幸的是,我无法编译 Github 存储库中给出的代码。但是我在源代码中看到的内容对我来说完全有意义。
该代码创建了 400 个带有 link 的图像对象,并将它们添加到列表中:
for (int i = 0; i < 400; i++)
list.Add(new TestDto { ImageUrl = "" });
我猜 Excel 导出器将加载这些图像。 link 中的图像是 2560×1440 像素,颜色深度为 24 位,因此未压缩大小为 2560×1440×3 = 11 MB。其中 400 个是 4.42 GB。
根据 , Bitmaps will be allocated via VirtualAlloc(),这就是您所看到的。
在这种情况下,Dmitry Vostokov 的转储分析策略可能很有趣。他在做什么:他正在将内存转换为位图,他声称仅通过查看生成的图片就可以诊断出很多问题。你可以在 one of his books. In your case I'd expect to see at least 400 repeating patterns of the image. Maybe you want to try dump2picture 的封面上看到这方面的例子,只是为了好玩。
在address-summary里,我发现MEM_COMMIT里面有4.423GB,但是我在eeheap里面只能拿到405618688字节,我通过了! heap -s 可以拿到内存很small.Memory。 现在我不知道,我该如何调查 MEM COMMIT 的剩余内存。
!地址-摘要MEM_COMMIT 4.423 GB
0:000> !address -summary
--- Usage Summary ---------------- RgnCount ----------- Total Size -------- %ofBusy %ofTotal
Free 579 7df9`74541000 ( 125.974 TB) 98.42%
<unknown> 912 206`7c9dc000 ( 2.025 TB) 99.99% 1.58%
Image 972 0`06a01000 ( 106.004 MB) 0.00% 0.00%
Heap 81 0`05a27000 ( 90.152 MB) 0.00% 0.00%
Stack 114 0`02a80000 ( 42.500 MB) 0.00% 0.00%
Other 9 0`001de000 ( 1.867 MB) 0.00% 0.00%
TEB 38 0`0004c000 ( 304.000 kB) 0.00% 0.00%
PEB 1 0`00001000 ( 4.000 kB) 0.00% 0.00%
--- Type Summary (for busy) ------ RgnCount ----------- Total Size -------- %ofBusy %ofTotal
MEM_MAPPED 220 200`062b0000 ( 2.000 TB) 98.74% 1.56%
MEM_PRIVATE 935 6`7edfe000 ( 25.982 GB) 1.25% 0.02%
MEM_IMAGE 972 0`06a01000 ( 106.004 MB) 0.00% 0.00%
--- State Summary ---------------- RgnCount ----------- Total Size -------- %ofBusy %ofTotal
MEM_FREE 579 7df9`74541000 ( 125.974 TB) 98.42%
MEM_RESERVE 296 205`709f6000 ( 2.021 TB) 99.79% 1.58%
MEM_COMMIT 1831 1`1b0b9000 ( 4.423 GB) 0.21% 0.00%
--- Protect Summary (for commit) - RgnCount ----------- Total Size -------- %ofBusy %ofTotal
PAGE_READWRITE 862 1`0e1cc000 ( 4.221 GB) 0.20% 0.00%
PAGE_READONLY 579 0`0659a000 ( 101.602 MB) 0.00% 0.00%
PAGE_EXECUTE_READ 159 0`04f2b000 ( 79.168 MB) 0.00% 0.00%
PAGE_NOACCESS 80 0`01550000 ( 21.312 MB) 0.00% 0.00%
PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE 19 0`002ba000 ( 2.727 MB) 0.00% 0.00%
PAGE_WRITECOPY 94 0`001aa000 ( 1.664 MB) 0.00% 0.00%
PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_GUARD 38 0`00074000 ( 464.000 kB) 0.00% 0.00%
--- Largest Region by Usage ----------- Base Address -------- Region Size ----------
Free 21e`6c05c000 7bd5`f48f4000 ( 123.836 TB)
<unknown> 7dfd`d8ac0000 1f7`68898000 ( 1.966 TB)
Image 7ff9`71121000 0`009ba000 ( 9.727 MB)
Heap 218`83c71000 0`00eff000 ( 14.996 MB)
Stack 22`cad80000 0`0017c000 ( 1.484 MB)
Other 218`f1b50000 0`00181000 ( 1.504 MB)
TEB 22`ca410000 0`00002000 ( 8.000 kB)
PEB 22`ca40f000 0`00001000 ( 4.000 kB)
!eeheap -gc 405618688 字节。
0:000> !eeheap -gc
Number of GC Heaps: 12
Heap 0 (00000218F3182A40)
generation 0 starts at 0x00000218F34C9DB0
generation 1 starts at 0x00000218F3477478
generation 2 starts at 0x00000218F3461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
00000218F3460000 00000218F3461000 00000218F3A0BDC8 00000218F3F02000 0x5aadc8(5942728) 0xaa1000(11145216)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021BF3461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021BF3460000 0000021BF3461000 0000021BF449E8D0 0000021BF44BF000 0x103d8d0(17029328) 0x105e000(17162240)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021CB3461000
0000021CB3460000 0000021CB3461000 0000021CB3464FF0 0000021CB3472000 0x3ff0(16368) 0x11000(69632)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x15ec688 (22988424) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x1aff000 (28307456) bytes.
Heap 1 (00000218F31AE470)
generation 0 starts at 0x00000219334C05F8
generation 1 starts at 0x0000021933471E28
generation 2 starts at 0x0000021933461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021933460000 0000021933461000 0000021933A20610 0000021933EE2000 0x5bf610(6026768) 0xa81000(11014144)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021C03461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021C03460000 0000021C03461000 0000021C0451F4E8 0000021C04520000 0x10be4e8(17556712) 0x10bf000(17559552)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021CC3461000
0000021CC3460000 0000021CC3461000 0000021CC3462030 0000021CC3472000 0x1030(4144) 0x11000(69632)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x167eb28 (23587624) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x1b40000 (28573696) bytes.
Heap 2 (00000218F31DD200)
generation 0 starts at 0x00000219734967E0
generation 1 starts at 0x000002197346DFB0
generation 2 starts at 0x0000021973461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021973460000 0000021973461000 00000219734987F8 0000021973E52000 0x377f8(227320) 0x9f1000(10424320)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021C13461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021C13460000 0000021C13461000 0000021C14B631F8 0000021C14B83000 0x17021f8(24125944) 0x1722000(24256512)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021CD3461000
0000021CD3460000 0000021CD3461000 0000021CD3461018 0000021CD3462000 0x18(24) 0x1000(4096)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x1739a08 (24353288) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x2113000 (34680832) bytes.
Heap 3 (00000218F3208F70)
generation 0 starts at 0x00000219B34B7828
generation 1 starts at 0x00000219B3489AB8
generation 2 starts at 0x00000219B3461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
00000219B3460000 00000219B3461000 00000219B3A17840 00000219B3EC2000 0x5b6840(5990464) 0xa61000(10883072)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021C23461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021C23460000 0000021C23461000 0000021C24B43768 0000021C24B83000 0x16e2768(23996264) 0x1722000(24256512)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021CE3461000
0000021CE3460000 0000021CE3461000 0000021CE3462030 0000021CE3472000 0x1030(4144) 0x11000(69632)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x1c99fd8 (29990872) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x2183000 (35139584) bytes.
Heap 4 (00000218F3234CE0)
generation 0 starts at 0x00000219F34DC428
generation 1 starts at 0x00000219F34730F0
generation 2 starts at 0x00000219F3461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
00000219F3460000 00000219F3461000 00000219F3BAA440 00000219F3EE2000 0x749440(7640128) 0xa81000(11014144)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021C33461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021C33460000 0000021C33461000 0000021C3410D580 0000021C3412E000 0xcac580(13288832) 0xccd000(13422592)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021CF3461000
0000021CF3460000 0000021CF3461000 0000021CF3465030 0000021CF3472000 0x4030(16432) 0x11000(69632)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x13f99f0 (20945392) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x174e000 (24436736) bytes.
Heap 5 (0000021D7EDD1EF0)
generation 0 starts at 0x0000021A334F9AF8
generation 1 starts at 0x0000021A33485C40
generation 2 starts at 0x0000021A33461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021A33460000 0000021A33461000 0000021A33A59B10 0000021A33F02000 0x5f8b10(6261520) 0xaa1000(11145216)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021C43461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021C43460000 0000021C43461000 0000021C444BCE08 0000021C4451C000 0x105be08(17153544) 0x10bb000(17543168)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021D03461000
0000021D03460000 0000021D03461000 0000021D03461018 0000021D03462000 0x18(24) 0x1000(4096)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x1654930 (23415088) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x1b5c000 (28688384) bytes.
Heap 6 (0000021D7EDFD920)
generation 0 starts at 0x0000021A73495A38
generation 1 starts at 0x0000021A73469D68
generation 2 starts at 0x0000021A73461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021A73460000 0000021A73461000 0000021A73A15A50 0000021A73E92000 0x5b4a50(5982800) 0xa31000(10686464)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021C53461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021C53460000 0000021C53461000 0000021C549CAFA8 0000021C549CB000 0x1569fa8(22454184) 0x156a000(22454272)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021D13461000
0000021D13460000 0000021D13461000 0000021D13461018 0000021D13462000 0x18(24) 0x1000(4096)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x1b1ea10 (28437008) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x1f9b000 (33140736) bytes.
Heap 7 (0000021D7EE29690)
generation 0 starts at 0x0000021AB35B3700
generation 1 starts at 0x0000021AB3580548
generation 2 starts at 0x0000021AB3461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021AB3460000 0000021AB3461000 0000021AB39D3718 0000021AB3FC2000 0x572718(5711640) 0xb61000(11931648)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021C63461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021C63460000 0000021C63461000 0000021C649CCBF8 0000021C649ED000 0x156bbf8(22461432) 0x158c000(22593536)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021D23461000
0000021D23460000 0000021D23461000 0000021D23461018 0000021D23462000 0x18(24) 0x1000(4096)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x1ade328 (28173096) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x20ed000 (34525184) bytes.
Heap 8 (0000021D7EE55400)
generation 0 starts at 0x0000021AF3496810
generation 1 starts at 0x0000021AF3472A28
generation 2 starts at 0x0000021AF3461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021AF3460000 0000021AF3461000 0000021AF39F6828 0000021AF3E92000 0x595828(5855272) 0xa31000(10686464)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021C73461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021C73460000 0000021C73461000 0000021C7492E5F8 0000021C7494F000 0x14cd5f8(21812728) 0x14ee000(21946368)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021D33461000
0000021D33460000 0000021D33461000 0000021D33461830 0000021D33462000 0x830(2096) 0x1000(4096)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x1a63650 (27670096) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x1f1f000 (32632832) bytes.
Heap 9 (0000021D7EE81170)
generation 0 starts at 0x0000021B334DE9E0
generation 1 starts at 0x0000021B334A73C8
generation 2 starts at 0x0000021B33461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021B33460000 0000021B33461000 0000021B33A409F8 0000021B33E82000 0x5df9f8(6158840) 0xa21000(10620928)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021C83461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021C83460000 0000021C83461000 0000021C849E9DF8 0000021C84A0A000 0x1588df8(22580728) 0x15a9000(22712320)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021D43461000
0000021D43460000 0000021D43461000 0000021D43461018 0000021D43462000 0x18(24) 0x1000(4096)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x1b68808 (28739592) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x1fca000 (33333248) bytes.
Heap 10 (0000021D7EEADD80)
generation 0 starts at 0x0000021B73544EC8
generation 1 starts at 0x0000021B73504C18
generation 2 starts at 0x0000021B73461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021B73460000 0000021B73461000 0000021B73AEAEE0 0000021B73F42000 0x689ee0(6856416) 0xae1000(11407360)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021C93461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021C93460000 0000021C93461000 0000021C955DEF78 0000021C955DF000 0x217df78(35118968) 0x217e000(35119104)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021D53461000
0000021D53460000 0000021D53461000 0000021D53468450 0000021D53472000 0x7450(29776) 0x11000(69632)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x280f2a8 (42005160) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x2c5f000 (46526464) bytes.
Heap 11 (0000021D7EED9980)
generation 0 starts at 0x0000021BB34C6550
generation 1 starts at 0x0000021BB34784A8
generation 2 starts at 0x0000021BB3461000
ephemeral segment allocation context: none
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021BB3460000 0000021BB3461000 0000021BB3906568 0000021BB3EA2000 0x4a5568(4871528) 0xa41000(10752000)
Large object heap starts at 0x0000021CA3461000
segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
0000021CA3460000 0000021CA3461000 0000021CA55A4DB8 0000021CA55A5000 0x2143db8(34880952) 0x2144000(34881536)
Pinned object heap starts at 0x0000021D63461000
0000021D63460000 0000021D63461000 0000021D6346CF88 0000021D63472000 0xbf88(49032) 0x11000(69632)
Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x25f52a8 (39801512) bytes.
Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x2b85000 (45633536) bytes.
GC Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x14459f90 (340107152) bytes.
GC Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x182d4000 (405618688) bytes.
0:000> !heap -s
LFH Key : 0xa893144b6b979747
Termination on corruption : ENABLED
Heap Flags Reserv Commit Virt Free List UCR Virt Lock Fast
(k) (k) (k) (k) length blocks cont. heap
00000218f1710000 00000002 65320 14712 64928 5575 163 16 2 c LFH
External fragmentation 38 % (163 free blocks)
00000218f1660000 00008000 64 4 64 2 1 1 0 0
00000218f16f0000 00001002 3516 2388 3124 200 58 3 0 0 LFH
00000218f3360000 00001002 60 8 60 2 1 1 0 0
00000218f3450000 00041002 60 8 60 5 1 1 0 0
0000021d7fa40000 00001002 3516 1460 3124 89 25 3 0 0 LFH
0000021d7fc00000 00001002 60 8 60 5 1 1 0 0
0000021d7fbc0000 00001002 452 32 60 5 2 1 0 0 LFH
不幸的是,我无法编译 Github 存储库中给出的代码。但是我在源代码中看到的内容对我来说完全有意义。
该代码创建了 400 个带有 link 的图像对象,并将它们添加到列表中:
for (int i = 0; i < 400; i++)
list.Add(new TestDto { ImageUrl = "" });
我猜 Excel 导出器将加载这些图像。 link 中的图像是 2560×1440 像素,颜色深度为 24 位,因此未压缩大小为 2560×1440×3 = 11 MB。其中 400 个是 4.42 GB。
在这种情况下,Dmitry Vostokov 的转储分析策略可能很有趣。他在做什么:他正在将内存转换为位图,他声称仅通过查看生成的图片就可以诊断出很多问题。你可以在 one of his books. In your case I'd expect to see at least 400 repeating patterns of the image. Maybe you want to try dump2picture 的封面上看到这方面的例子,只是为了好玩。