如何 collapse/pivot 多个 pandas 列

How to collapse/pivot multiple pandas columns


# DataFrame using arrays.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# create dataset
data = {'Gender':['287F', '287F', '287F', '287F','287F', '287F', '189M', '189M','189M', '189M', 
                  '189M', '189F','287M', '189F', '287M', '287M','287M','189F', '189F', '287M'],
        'Group':['F1', 'D1', 'F2', 'D2','F1', 'D1', 'F2', 'D2','F1', 'D1', 'F3', 'D3','F2', 'D2', 'F4', 'D4','F3','D3', 'F4', 'D4'],
        'Dog_10_UID': ['T-X', 'T-X', 'G-A', 'G-A','T-X', 'T-X', 'G-A', 'G-A','T-X', 'T-X', 'C-A', 'C-A','G-A', 'G-A', 'F-L', 'F-L','C-A','C-A', 'F-L', 'F-L'],
        'Dog_10_name': ['Tex', 'Tex', 'Gina', 'Gina','Tex', 'Tex', 'Gina', 'Gina','Tex', 'Tex', 'Carla', 'Carla','Gina', 'Gina', 'Flora', 'Flora','Carla','Carla', 'Flora', 'Flora'],
         'Dog_20_UID': ['T-X', 'T-X', 'G-A', 'G-A','T-X', 'T-X', 'G-A', 'G-A','T-X', 'T-X', 'C-A', 'C-A','G-A', 'G-A', 'F-L', 'F-L','C-A','C-A', 'F-L', 'F-L'],
        'Dog_20_name': ['Tex', 'Tex', 'Gina', 'Gina','Tex', 'Tex', 'Gina', 'Gina','Tex', 'Tex', 'Carla', 'Carla','Gina', 'Gina', 'Flora', 'Flora','Carla','Carla', 'Flora', 'Flora'],

data = pd.DataFrame(data)


Dog_10_UID & Dog_20_UID 导致单列 Dog_UID

Dog_10_name & Dog_20_name 导致单列 Dog_name

Dog_10_txt & Dog_20_txt 导致单列 Dog_txt

Dog_10_index & Dog_20_index 导致单列 Dog_index


Gender, code_num, Date, Location, Age, Group, Dog_UID, Dog_name,Dog_txt,Dog_index


# 'Gender','code_num', 'Date', 'Location', 'Age', 'Group' should remain constant while collapsing/pivoting Columns starting with 'Dog_'

keys = [x for x in data if x.startswith('Dog_')]

df  = data.melt(id_vars=['Gender','code_num', 'Date', 'Location', 'Age', 'Group'], var_name=['Dog_UID','Dog_name', 'Dog_txt', 'Dog_index'], 


第一步是DataFrame.set_index, Create MultiIndex by all columns which are not processing by split and reshape by DataFrame.stack

df = data.set_index(['Gender','code_num', 'Date', 'Location', 'Age', 'Group'])
df.columns = df.columns.str.split('_', expand=True)
df = df.stack(1)
df.columns = df.columns.map(lambda x: f'{x[0]}_{x[1]}')
cols = ['Dog_UID', 'Dog_name', 'Dog_txt', 'Dog_index']
df = df.reset_index(level=-1, drop=True)[cols].reset_index()
print (df.head())
  Gender  code_num        Date Location   Age Group Dog_UID Dog_name Dog_txt  \
0   287F      1001  10-22-1923      PHX  18yr    F1     T-X      Tex     >11   
1   287F      1001  10-22-1923      PHX  18yr    F1     T-X      Tex     >12   
2   287F      1001  10-22-1923      PHX  18yr    D1     T-X      Tex      51   
3   287F      1001  10-22-1923      PHX  18yr    D1     T-X      Tex      52   
4   287F      1002  10-22-1923      PHX  18yr    F2     G-A     Gina      61   

0         11  
1         12  
2         51  
3         52  
4         61  


temp = data.copy()
cols = ['Gender', 'code_num', 'Date', 'Location', 'Age', 'Group']
stubnames = ['Dog_UID', 'Dog_name', 'Dog_txt', 'Dog_index']
pattern = r"(?P<first>.+)_(?P<num>\d+)_(?P<last>.+)"
repl = lambda m: f"{m.group('first')}_{m.group('last')}-{m.group('num')}"
temp.columns = temp.columns.str.replace(pattern, repl, regex=True)
out = (pd.wide_to_long(temp, 
                       stubnames = stubnames, 
                       i = cols, 
                       j = 'num', 
                       sep = '-', 
                      suffix = '.+')


  Gender  code_num        Date Location   Age Group  num Dog_UID Dog_name Dog_txt  Dog_index
0   287F      1001  10-22-1923      PHX  18yr    F1   10     T-X      Tex     >11         11
1   287F      1001  10-22-1923      PHX  18yr    F1   20     T-X      Tex     >12         12
2   287F      1001  10-22-1923      PHX  18yr    D1   10     T-X      Tex      51         51
3   287F      1001  10-22-1923      PHX  18yr    D1   20     T-X      Tex      52         52
4   287F      1002  10-22-1923      PHX  18yr    F2   10     G-A     Gina      61         61

另一个选项是 pivot_longer from pyjanitor -> 你的列有一个模式,(以 UID 或名称或 txt 或索引结尾);我们将使用该模式重塑数据:

# pip install pyjanitor
import janitor
import pandas as pd
outcome = (data.pivot_longer(index=cols,, 
                             names_pattern=['UID$', 'name$', 'txt$', 'index$'])


  Gender  code_num        Date Location   Age Group Dog_UID Dog_name Dog_txt  Dog_index
0   287F      1001  10-22-1923      PHX  18yr    F1     T-X      Tex     >11         11
1   287F      1001  10-22-1923      PHX  18yr    D1     T-X      Tex      51         51
2   287F      1002  10-22-1923      PHX  18yr    F2     G-A     Gina      61         61
3   287F      1002  10-22-1923      PHX  18yr    D2     G-A     Gina     >11         11
4   287F      1003  10-22-1923      PHX  18yr    F1     T-X      Tex     >91         91