Flink 拆分流水线

Flink split pipeline

如果管道中有 execute_insert,为什么 flink 将管道拆分为多个作业?

docker-compose exec jobmanager ./bin/flink run --pyModule my.main -d --pyFiles /opt/pyflink/ -d
Job has been submitted with JobID 3b0e179dad500a362525f23e82e2c826
Job has been submitted with JobID 93d122a6331b4b9ec2578fe67e748a8e


        CREATE TABLE mySink (
          id STRING,
          name STRING,
          data_ranges ARRAY<ROW<start BIGINT, end BIGINT>>,
          meta ARRAY<ROW<name STRING, text STRING>>,
          current_hour INT
        ) partitioned by(current_hour) WITH (
          'connector' = 'filesystem',
          'format' = 'avro',
          'path' = '/opt/pyflink-walkthrough/output/table',
          'sink.rolling-policy.rollover-interval' = '1 hour',
          'sink.partition-commit.delay'='1 hour',
table = t_env.from_data_stream(
    ).select('id, name, data_ranges, meta, current_hour').execute_insert("mySink")

如果我注释掉 .execute_insert(“我的接收者”),作业将不会拆分。

docker-compose exec jobmanager ./bin/flink run --pyModule eywa.main -d --pyFiles /opt/pyflink/ -d
Job has been submitted with JobID 814a105559b58d5f65e4de8ca8c0688e

execution behavior 上的文档部分对此进行了解释。简而言之,如果将它们包装在 语句集 中,则可以将当前独立的管道组合成一个作业。请注意,如果您这样做,那么这些管道将被联合规划和优化。