PHP Carbon 中的 ceilMinute 和 ceilMinutes 有什么区别?

What is the difference between ceilMinute and ceilMinutes in PHP Carbon?

在 Laravel 8 附带的 Carbon.php 源文件中显示

 * @method        $this               ceilMinute(float $precision = 1)                                                     Ceil the current instance minute with given precision.
 * @method        $this               ceilMinutes(float $precision = 1)                                                    Ceil the current instance minute with given precision.

基本测试显示给定输入“2021-11-26 11:25:10.000000”,两个函数都将其四舍五入为“2021-11-26 11:26:00.000000”.



简短回答:它们 100% 等效。

Carbon 实现几乎所有使用 magic methods. The implementation of __call() basically strips trailing s:

 * Dynamically handle calls to the class.
 * @param string $method     magic method name called
 * @param array  $parameters parameters list
 * @throws UnknownMethodException|BadMethodCallException|ReflectionException|Throwable
 * @return mixed
public function __call($method, $parameters)
    // [...]
    $unit = rtrim($method, 's');

... 并将其用于 fetch a value from the units list:

    if (\in_array($unit, static::$units)) {
        return $this->setUnit($unit, ...$parameters);
protected static $units = [
    // @call setUnit
    // @call addUnit
    // @call setUnit
    // @call addUnit
    // @call setUnit
    // @call addUnit
    // @call setUnit
    // @call addUnit
    // @call setUnit
    // @call addUnit
    // @call setUnit
    // @call addUnit
    // @call setUnit
    // @call addUnit
    // @call setUnit
    // @call addUnit
    // @call setUnit
    // @call addUnit
    // @call setUnit
    // @call addUnit