select 中包含 2 个对象的单独值

Separate values in select containing 2 object

我的包含 2 个不同的对象,obj1 和 obj2。

            <select multiple class="full-width" style="min-height: 200px" ng-model="vm.obj1" >
                <optgroup  label="First obj">
                    <option ng-repeat="item in vm.obj1" >{{item.valeur}}</option>
                <optgroup label="Second obj">
                    <option ng-repeat="item in vm.obj2">{{item.libelle}}</option>

obj1 = {[
 0: {valeur: non},
 1: {valeur: oui}

obj2 = {[
 0: {libelle: instance},

当我 select 值时得到的结果:


我希望这些值位于不同的数组中,因为它们都来自不同的对象,所以 1 个数组带有 ['oui'、'non'] 和第二个数组 ['instance']。我该怎么做?


您可以使用 ngChange 响应对 ngModel 值的任何更改并将其存储在新的 属性:

function ctrl($scope) {
  $scope.options = [{
      name: "A",
      options: ["A1", "A2"]
      name: "B",
      options: ["B1", "B2"]

  $scope.parseSelection = function() {
    const selected = {};
    // Loop over the selected options and check from which group they came
    $scope.rawSelected.forEach((value) => {
      $scope.options.forEach(({ name, options }) => {
        if (options.includes(value)) {
          // The option comes from the current group
          if (!selected[name]) {
            selected[name] = [];
    $scope.selected = selected;

angular.module("app", [])
  .controller("ctrl", ctrl)
<script src=""></script>

<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl">
  <select multiple ng-model="rawSelected" ng-change="parseSelection()">
    <optgroup ng-repeat="group in options" label="">
      <option ng-repeat="option in group.options">{{option}}</option>
  {{rawSelected}} - {{selected}}