Lat/Long 数据帧的 UTM 转换失败

Lat/Long to UTM conversion failing for dataframe

在dataframe上使用utm.from latlon()函数时出现错误OutOfRangeError: latitude out of range (must be between 80 deg S and 84 deg N)"

当我尝试单个 lat/long 时,结果是 returns。 我不确定发生了什么。


    Lat          Lon
0   49.183630   -121.936812
1   43.901052   -78.939154
2   43.887452   -78.871573
3   42.882137   -82.445210
4   43.372565   -79.762019


假设 utm 函数定义为:

def f(x,y):
  return utm.from_latlon(x,y)


dataframe.apply(lambda row: f(row['Lat'], row['Lon']), axis=1)

假设您使用 utm 包:

import pandas as pd
import utm

df = pd.read_csv('latlon.csv')
df['utm'] = df.apply(lambda row: utm.from_latlon(*row), axis=1)
utm_cols = ['easting', 'northing', 'zone_number', 'zone_letter']
for n, col in enumerate(utm_cols):
    df[col] = df['utm'].apply(lambda location: location[n])
df = df.drop('utm', axis=1)


         Lat         Lon        easting      northing  zone_number zone_letter
0  49.183630 -121.936812  577477.332853  5.448413e+06           10           U
1  43.901052  -78.939154  665502.266670  4.862947e+06           17           T
2  43.887452  -78.871573  670968.577419  4.861574e+06           17           T
3  42.882137  -82.445210  381977.464091  4.748739e+06           17           T
4  43.372565  -79.762019  600294.444939  4.802933e+06           17           T