配置与所需的架构不匹配:数据路径“/lib”不得具有其他属性 (umdModuleIds)

Configuration doesn't match the required schema: Data path "/lib" must NOT have additional properties (umdModuleIds)

当我运行ng build我得到,

❯ ng build
Building Angular Package
Configuration doesn't match the required schema.
Data path "/lib" must NOT have additional properties (umdModuleIds).


问题在于 version 13.0.0 of ng-packager a BREAKING CHANGE was introduced

We no longer generate UMD bundles. The below options which were used for UMD bundle generation has also been removed;

  • umdModuleIds
  • amdId
  • umdId

According to the comments in this thread these options have not been in use since version 2. 但现在它们会产生错误。