
Scala, pattern matching on a tuple of generic trait, checking if types are equal




 trait Feature[T] {
      value T
      def sub(other: Feature[T]): Double

 // implicits for int,float,double etc to Feature with sub mapped to - function


 class Data(val features: IndexedSeq[Feature[_]]) {
     def sub(other: Data): IndexedSeq[Double] = { {
             case(e1: Feature[t], e2: Feature[y]) => e1 sub e2.asInstanceOf[Feature[t]]


case class TestFeature(val value: String) extends Feature[String] {
     def sub(other: Feature[String]): Double = value.length - other.length

val testData1 = new Data(IndexedSeq(8, 8.3f, 8.232d, TestFeature("abcd"))
val testData2 = new Data(IndexedSeq(10, 10.1f, 10.123d, TestFeature("efg"))

testData1.sub(testData2).zipWithIndex.foreach { 
  case (res, 0) => res should be (8 - 10)
  case (res, 1) => res should be (8.3f - 10.1f)
  case (res, 2) => res should be (8.232d - 10.123d)
  case (res, 3) => res should be (1)

这有点管用。如果我尝试对 Data 的实例进行子操作,这些实例在 features 的同一索引中具有不同类型,我会得到一个 ClassCastException。这实际上满足了我的要求,但如果可能的话我想使用 Option 而不是抛出异常。我怎样才能让下面的代码工作?

 class Data(val features: IndexedSeq[Feature[_]]) {
     def sub(other: Data): IndexedSeq[Double] = { {
             // of course this does not work, just to give idea
             case(e1: Feature[t], e2: Feature[y]) if t == y => e1 sub e2.asInstanceOf[Feature[t]]

另外,我对 Scala 确实缺乏经验,所以我想获得有关此类结构的反馈。还有其他方法可以做到这一点吗?哪种方法最有意义?


class Data[T: TypeTag](val features: IndexedSeq[Feature[T]]) {

    val t = implicitly[TypeTag[T]]

    def sub[E: TypeTag](other: Data[E]): IndexedSeq[Double] = {
        val e = implicitly[TypeTag[E]]{
            case(e1, e2: Feature[y]) if e.tpe == t.tpe  => Some(e1 sub e2.asInstanceOf[Feature[T]])
            case _ => None


case class IntFeature(val value: Int) extends Feature[Int] {
    def sub(other: Feature[Int]): Double = value - other.value
 val testData3 = new Data(IndexedSeq(TestFeature("abcd")))
 val testData4 = new Data(IndexedSeq(IntFeature(1)))


泛型在运行时不存在,IndexedSeq[Feature[_]] 甚至在编译时就忘记了类型参数是什么(@Jatin 的回答不允许你用Feature[_] 的混合类型列表)。最简单的答案可能只是捕获异常(使用 catchingscala.util.control.Exception 中的 opt)。但是,要回答所写的问题:

您可以在运行时检查 类:

case (e1: Feature[t], e2: Feature[y]) if e1.value.getClass ==
  e2.value.getClass => ...


trait Feature[T] {
  val value: T
  val valueType: ClassTag[T] // write classOf[T] in subclasses
  def maybeSub(other: Feature[_]) = other.value match {
    case valueType(v) => Some(actual subtraction)
    case _ => None

更复杂的 "proper" 解决方案可能是使用 Shapeless HList 来保留列表中的类型信息:

// note the type includes the type of all the elements
val l1: Feature[Int] :: Feature[String] :: HNil = f1 :: f2 :: HNil
val l2 = ...

// a 2-argument function that's defined for particular types
// this can be applied to `Feature[T], Feature[T]` for any `T`
object subtract extends Poly2 {
  implicit def caseFeatureT[T] =
    at[Feature[T], Feature[T]]{_ sub _}
// apply our function to the given HLists, getting a HList
// you would probably inline this
// could follow up with .toList[Double]
// since the resulting HList is going to be only Doubles
def subAll[L1 <: HList, L2 <: HList](l1: L1, l2: L2)(
  implicit zw: ZipWith[L1, L2, subtract.type]) =

这样 subAll 只能在 l1l2 所有元素匹配时调用,这是在编译时强制执行的 . (如果你真的想做 Options,你可以在 subtract 中有两个 ats,一个用于相同类型的 Feature[T]s,一个用于不同类型的 Feature[_]s,但完全排除它似乎是更好的解决方案)