布尔“匹配”表达式是否有 shorthand?

Is there a shorthand for Boolean `match` expressions?

这里有 match 表达式 isVertical 的 shorthand 吗?

let bulmaContentParentTile isVertical nodes =
    let cssClasses =
        let cssDefault = [ "tile"; "is-parent" ]
        match isVertical with
        | true -> cssDefault @ [ "is-vertical" ]
        | _ -> cssDefault

    div [ attr.classes cssClasses ] nodes

我假设像 match isVertical with 这样的表达式很常见,以至于有一个 shorthand 就像我们为 function 所用的那样,不是吗?

是的,它只是一个 if-表达式:

    let cssClasses =
        let cssDefault = [ "tile"; "is-parent" ]
        if isVertical then
            cssDefault @ [ "is-vertical" ]
        else cssDefault

引用自 F# docs:

Unlike in other languages, the if...then...else construct is an expression, not a statement. That means that it produces a value, which is the value of the last expression in the branch that executes.

这有点离题,但您可以使用 Sequence Expressions 来构建您的列表,恕我直言,对于此用例,它更具可读性。

let cssClasses = [
    if isVertical then