删除的析构函数是否会更改 C++ 中的聚合初始化?

Does deleted destructor change aggregate initialization in C++?


struct B {
    ~B() = delete;

B * b = new B{};

无法在最新的 MSVC 中编译并出现错误:

error C2512: 'B': no appropriate default constructor available
note: Invalid aggregate initialization


假设只是 MSVC 中的错误是否正确?


C++ 标准中聚合概念的定义均未提及析构函数。

例如,C++ 20(9.4.2 聚合)中聚合的定义听起来如下

1 An aggregate is an array or a class (Clause 11) with

(1.1) — no user-declared or inherited constructors (11.4.5),

(1.2) — no private or protected direct non-static data members (11.9),

(1.3) — no virtual functions (11.7.3), and

(1.4) — no virtual, private, or protected base classes (11.7.2).

如果在 MS VS 2019 中执行此语句

std::cout << std::is_aggregate_v<B> << '\n';


另一方面,默认构造函数被定义为已删除(C++ 20 标准, 默认构造函数)if

(2.8) — any potentially constructed subobject has a type with a destructor that is deleted or inaccessible from the defaulted default constructor.


看来这是 MS VS 2019 的编译器错误。