根据 gcc -O2,汇编为什么 "lea eax, [eax + eax*const]; shl eax, eax, const;" 比 "imul eax, eax, const" 组合得更快?

Assembly why is "lea eax, [eax + eax*const]; shl eax, eax, const;" combined faster than "imul eax, eax, const" according to gcc -O2?

我正在使用 Godbolt 来组装以下程序:

#include <stdio.h>
volatile int a = 5;
volatile int res = 0;
int main() {
    res = a * 36;
    return 1;


mov     eax, DWORD PTR a[rip]
imul    eax, eax, 36
mov     DWORD PTR res[rip], eax


mov     eax, DWORD PTR a[rip]
lea     eax, [rax+rax*8]
sal     eax, 2
mov     DWORD PTR res[rip], eax

所以它不是乘以 5*36,而是 5 -> 5+5*8=45 -> 45*4 = 180。我认为这是因为 1 imul 比 1 lea + 1 左移慢。

但是在lea指令中,需要计算rax+rax*8,其中包含1个加法+1个乘法。那么为什么它仍然比 1 imul 快呢?是因为 lea 内部的内存寻址是免费的吗?

编辑 1: 另外,[rax + rax*8] 是如何翻译成机器码的?它会被编译成额外的 2 条指令 (shl, rbx, rax, 3; add rax, rax, rbx;) 还是其他指令?

编辑2: 下面的结果令人惊讶。我做了一个循环,然后使用-O2生成代码,然后复制文件并替换上面的代码段来自 -Os。所以 2 个汇编文件在任何地方都是相同的,除了我们进行基准测试的指令。 运行 在 Windows 上,命令是

gcc mul.c -O2 -S -masm=intel -o mulo2.s 
gcc mulo2.s -o mulo2
// replace line of code in mulo2.s, save as muls.s
gcc muls.s -o muls
cmd /v:on /c "echo !time! & START "TestAgente" /W mulo2 & echo !time!"
cmd /v:on /c "echo !time! & START "TestAgente" /W muls & echo !time!"

#include <stdio.h>

volatile int a = 5;
volatile int res = 0;

int main() {
    size_t LOOP = 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
    LOOP = LOOP * 10;
    size_t i = 0;
    while (i < LOOP) {
      res = a * 36;

    return 0;

; mulo2.s
    .file   "mul.c"
    .intel_syntax noprefix
    .def    __main; .scl    2;  .type   32; .endef
    .section    .text.startup,"x"
    .p2align 4
    .globl  main
    .def    main;   .scl    2;  .type   32; .endef
    .seh_proc   main
    sub rsp, 40
    .seh_stackalloc 40
    call    __main
    movabs  rdx, 10000000000
    .p2align 4,,10
    .p2align 3
    mov eax, DWORD PTR a[rip]
    lea eax, [rax+rax*8] ; replaces these 2 lines with
    sal eax, 2           ; imul eax, eax, 36
    mov DWORD PTR res[rip], eax
    sub rdx, 1
    jne .L2
    xor eax, eax
    add rsp, 40
    .globl  res
    .align 4
    .space 4
    .globl  a
    .align 4
    .long   5
    .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 9.3.0"

令人惊讶的是,结果是 -Os 版本 始终-O2 快(平均 4.1s vs 5s,Intel 8750H CPU,每个.exe文件都是运行几次)。所以在这种情况下,编译器优化错误。有人可以根据这个基准提供新的解释吗?

编辑 3: 为了测量指令缓存行的效果,这里有一个 python 脚本通过添加 nop 为主循环生成不同的地址在主循环之前对程序的指令。用于Window,用于Linux只需要稍微修改一下即可。

#cd "D:\Learning\temp"
import os
import time
import datetime as dt

f = open("mulo2.s","r")
lines = [line for line in f]

def addNop(cnt, outputname):
    f = open(outputname, "w")
    for i in range(17):
    for i in range(cnt):
    for i in range(17, len(lines)):

if os.path.isdir("nop_files")==False:
MAXN = 100
for t in range(MAXN+1):
    sourceFile = "nop_files\mulo2_" + str(t) + ".s" # change \ to / on Linux
    exeFile = "nop_files\mulo2_" + str(t)
    if os.path.isfile(sourceFile)==False:
        addNop(t, sourceFile)
        os.system("gcc " + sourceFile + " -o " + exeFile)
    runtime = os.popen("timecmd " + exeFile).read() # use time
    print(str(t) + " nop: " + str(runtime))


0 nop: command took 0:0:4.96 (4.96s total)

1 nop: command took 0:0:4.94 (4.94s total)

2 nop: command took 0:0:4.90 (4.90s total)

3 nop: command took 0:0:4.90 (4.90s total)

4 nop: command took 0:0:5.26 (5.26s total)

5 nop: command took 0:0:4.94 (4.94s total)

6 nop: command took 0:0:4.92 (4.92s total)

7 nop: command took 0:0:4.98 (4.98s total)

8 nop: command took 0:0:5.02 (5.02s total)

9 nop: command took 0:0:4.97 (4.97s total)

10 nop: command took 0:0:5.12 (5.12s total)

11 nop: command took 0:0:5.01 (5.01s total)

12 nop: command took 0:0:5.01 (5.01s total)

13 nop: command took 0:0:5.07 (5.07s total)

14 nop: command took 0:0:5.08 (5.08s total)

15 nop: command took 0:0:5.07 (5.07s total)

16 nop: command took 0:0:5.09 (5.09s total)

17 nop: command took 0:0:7.96 (7.96s total) # slow 17

18 nop: command took 0:0:7.93 (7.93s total)

19 nop: command took 0:0:7.88 (7.88s total)

20 nop: command took 0:0:7.88 (7.88s total)

21 nop: command took 0:0:7.94 (7.94s total)

22 nop: command took 0:0:7.90 (7.90s total)

23 nop: command took 0:0:7.92 (7.92s total)

24 nop: command took 0:0:7.99 (7.99s total)

25 nop: command took 0:0:7.89 (7.89s total)

26 nop: command took 0:0:7.88 (7.88s total)

27 nop: command took 0:0:7.88 (7.88s total)

28 nop: command took 0:0:7.84 (7.84s total)

29 nop: command took 0:0:7.84 (7.84s total)

30 nop: command took 0:0:7.88 (7.88s total)

31 nop: command took 0:0:7.91 (7.91s total)

32 nop: command took 0:0:7.89 (7.89s total)

33 nop: command took 0:0:7.88 (7.88s total)

34 nop: command took 0:0:7.94 (7.94s total)

35 nop: command took 0:0:7.81 (7.81s total)

36 nop: command took 0:0:7.89 (7.89s total)

37 nop: command took 0:0:7.90 (7.90s total)

38 nop: command took 0:0:7.92 (7.92s total)

39 nop: command took 0:0:7.83 (7.83s total)

40 nop: command took 0:0:4.95 (4.95s total) # fast 40

41 nop: command took 0:0:4.91 (4.91s total)

42 nop: command took 0:0:4.97 (4.97s total)

43 nop: command took 0:0:4.97 (4.97s total)

44 nop: command took 0:0:4.97 (4.97s total)

45 nop: command took 0:0:5.11 (5.11s total)

46 nop: command took 0:0:5.13 (5.13s total)

47 nop: command took 0:0:5.01 (5.01s total)

48 nop: command took 0:0:5.01 (5.01s total)

49 nop: command took 0:0:4.97 (4.97s total)

50 nop: command took 0:0:5.03 (5.03s total)

51 nop: command took 0:0:5.32 (5.32s total)

52 nop: command took 0:0:4.95 (4.95s total)

53 nop: command took 0:0:4.97 (4.97s total)

54 nop: command took 0:0:4.94 (4.94s total)

55 nop: command took 0:0:4.99 (4.99s total)

56 nop: command took 0:0:4.99 (4.99s total)

57 nop: command took 0:0:5.04 (5.04s total)

58 nop: command took 0:0:4.97 (4.97s total)

59 nop: command took 0:0:4.97 (4.97s total)

60 nop: command took 0:0:4.95 (4.95s total)

61 nop: command took 0:0:4.99 (4.99s total)

62 nop: command took 0:0:4.94 (4.94s total)

63 nop: command took 0:0:4.94 (4.94s total)

64 nop: command took 0:0:4.92 (4.92s total)

65 nop: command took 0:0:4.91 (4.91s total)

66 nop: command took 0:0:4.98 (4.98s total)

67 nop: command took 0:0:4.93 (4.93s total)

68 nop: command took 0:0:4.95 (4.95s total)

69 nop: command took 0:0:4.92 (4.92s total)

70 nop: command took 0:0:4.93 (4.93s total)

71 nop: command took 0:0:4.97 (4.97s total)

72 nop: command took 0:0:4.93 (4.93s total)

73 nop: command took 0:0:4.94 (4.94s total)

74 nop: command took 0:0:4.96 (4.96s total)

75 nop: command took 0:0:4.91 (4.91s total)

76 nop: command took 0:0:4.92 (4.92s total)

77 nop: command took 0:0:4.91 (4.91s total)

78 nop: command took 0:0:5.03 (5.03s total)

79 nop: command took 0:0:4.96 (4.96s total)

80 nop: command took 0:0:5.20 (5.20s total)

81 nop: command took 0:0:7.93 (7.93s total) # slow 81

82 nop: command took 0:0:7.88 (7.88s total)

83 nop: command took 0:0:7.85 (7.85s total)

84 nop: command took 0:0:7.91 (7.91s total)

85 nop: command took 0:0:7.93 (7.93s total)

86 nop: command took 0:0:8.06 (8.06s total)

87 nop: command took 0:0:8.03 (8.03s total)

88 nop: command took 0:0:7.85 (7.85s total)

89 nop: command took 0:0:7.88 (7.88s total)

90 nop: command took 0:0:7.91 (7.91s total)

91 nop: command took 0:0:7.86 (7.86s total)

92 nop: command took 0:0:7.99 (7.99s total)

93 nop: command took 0:0:7.86 (7.86s total)

94 nop: command took 0:0:7.91 (7.91s total)

95 nop: command took 0:0:8.12 (8.12s total)

96 nop: command took 0:0:7.88 (7.88s total)

97 nop: command took 0:0:7.81 (7.81s total)

98 nop: command took 0:0:7.88 (7.88s total)

99 nop: command took 0:0:7.85 (7.85s total)

100 nop: command took 0:0:7.90 (7.90s total)

101 nop: command took 0:0:7.93 (7.93s total)

102 nop: command took 0:0:7.85 (7.85s total)

103 nop: command took 0:0:7.88 (7.88s total)

104 nop: command took 0:0:5.00 (5.00s total) # fast 104

105 nop: command took 0:0:5.03 (5.03s total)

106 nop: command took 0:0:4.97 (4.97s total)

107 nop: command took 0:0:5.06 (5.06s total)

108 nop: command took 0:0:5.01 (5.01s total)

109 nop: command took 0:0:5.00 (5.00s total)

110 nop: command took 0:0:4.95 (4.95s total)

111 nop: command took 0:0:4.91 (4.91s total)

112 nop: command took 0:0:4.94 (4.94s total)

113 nop: command took 0:0:4.93 (4.93s total)

114 nop: command took 0:0:4.92 (4.92s total)

115 nop: command took 0:0:4.92 (4.92s total)

116 nop: command took 0:0:4.92 (4.92s total)

117 nop: command took 0:0:5.13 (5.13s total)

118 nop: command took 0:0:4.94 (4.94s total)

119 nop: command took 0:0:4.97 (4.97s total)

120 nop: command took 0:0:5.14 (5.14s total)

121 nop: command took 0:0:4.94 (4.94s total)

122 nop: command took 0:0:5.17 (5.17s total)

123 nop: command took 0:0:4.95 (4.95s total)

124 nop: command took 0:0:4.97 (4.97s total)

125 nop: command took 0:0:4.99 (4.99s total)

126 nop: command took 0:0:5.20 (5.20s total)

127 nop: command took 0:0:5.23 (5.23s total)

128 nop: command took 0:0:5.19 (5.19s total)

129 nop: command took 0:0:5.21 (5.21s total)

130 nop: command took 0:0:5.33 (5.33s total)

131 nop: command took 0:0:4.92 (4.92s total)

132 nop: command took 0:0:5.02 (5.02s total)

133 nop: command took 0:0:4.90 (4.90s total)

134 nop: command took 0:0:4.93 (4.93s total)

135 nop: command took 0:0:4.99 (4.99s total)

136 nop: command took 0:0:5.08 (5.08s total)

137 nop: command took 0:0:5.02 (5.02s total)

138 nop: command took 0:0:5.15 (5.15s total)

139 nop: command took 0:0:5.07 (5.07s total)

140 nop: command took 0:0:5.03 (5.03s total)

141 nop: command took 0:0:4.94 (4.94s total)

142 nop: command took 0:0:4.92 (4.92s total)

143 nop: command took 0:0:4.96 (4.96s total)

144 nop: command took 0:0:4.92 (4.92s total)

145 nop: command took 0:0:7.86 (7.86s total) # slow 145

146 nop: command took 0:0:7.87 (7.87s total)

147 nop: command took 0:0:7.83 (7.83s total)

148 nop: command took 0:0:7.83 (7.83s total)

149 nop: command took 0:0:7.84 (7.84s total)

150 nop: command took 0:0:7.87 (7.87s total)

151 nop: command took 0:0:7.84 (7.84s total)

152 nop: command took 0:0:7.88 (7.88s total)

153 nop: command took 0:0:7.87 (7.87s total)

154 nop: command took 0:0:7.83 (7.83s total)

155 nop: command took 0:0:7.85 (7.85s total)

156 nop: command took 0:0:7.91 (7.91s total)

157 nop: command took 0:0:8.18 (8.18s total)

158 nop: command took 0:0:7.94 (7.94s total)

159 nop: command took 0:0:7.92 (7.92s total)

160 nop: command took 0:0:7.92 (7.92s total)

161 nop: command took 0:0:7.97 (7.97s total)

162 nop: command took 0:0:8.12 (8.12s total)

163 nop: command took 0:0:7.89 (7.89s total)

164 nop: command took 0:0:7.92 (7.92s total)

165 nop: command took 0:0:7.88 (7.88s total)

166 nop: command took 0:0:7.80 (7.80s total)

167 nop: command took 0:0:7.82 (7.82s total)

168 nop: command took 0:0:4.97 (4.97s total) # fast

169 nop: command took 0:0:4.97 (4.97s total)

170 nop: command took 0:0:4.95 (4.95s total)

171 nop: command took 0:0:5.00 (5.00s total)

172 nop: command took 0:0:4.95 (4.95s total)

173 nop: command took 0:0:4.93 (4.93s total)

174 nop: command took 0:0:4.91 (4.91s total)

175 nop: command took 0:0:4.92 (4.92s total)

程序由快转慢(再由慢转快)的点为:17S-40F-81S-104F-145S-168F。我们可以看到slow->fast代码的距离是23nop,fast->slow代码的距离是41nop。查看objdump,我们可以看到主循环占用了24个字节;这意味着如果我们将它放在缓存行的开头 (address mod 64 == 0),插入 41 个字节将导致主循环跨越缓存行边界,从而导致速度变慢。所以在默认代码中(没有添加nop),主循环已经在同一个缓存行中。

所以我们知道-O2版本慢不是因为指令地址对齐。 唯一的罪魁祸首是指令解码速度 我们发现了一个新的罪魁祸首,比如@Jérôme Richard 的回答。

编辑 4: Skylake 每个周期解码 16 个字节。但是,-Os-O2版本的大小分别是21和24,所以都需要2个周期来读取主循环。那么速度差异从何而来?

结论: 虽然编译器在理论上是正确的(lea + sal 是 2 条超级便宜的指令,并且 lea 内部的寻址是免费的,因为它使用单独的硬件电路),实际上,由于有关 CPU 架构的一些极其复杂的细节,包括指令解码速度、微操作 (uops) 数量和 CPU 端口,因此 1 条昂贵的指令 imul 可能会更快。

大部分主流架构的指令开销都能看到here and there。基于此并假设您使用例如 Intel Skylake 处理器,您可以看到每个周期可以计算一个 32 位 imul 指令,但延迟为 3 个周期。在优化代码中,每个周期可以执行 2 lea 条指令(非常便宜),延迟为 1 个周期。同样的事情适用于 sal 指令(每个周期 2 个和 1 个延迟周期)。

这意味着优化版本仅需 2 个周期的延迟即可执行,而第一个版本需要 3 个周期的延迟(不考虑相同的 load/store 指令)。此外,由于超标量乱序执行,两条指令可以针对两个不同的输入数据并行执行,因此第二个版本可以更好地流水线化。请注意,尽管每个周期只能并行执行一个存储,但也可以并行执行两个加载。这意味着执行受存储指令吞吐量的限制。总的来说,每个周期只能计算 1 个值。 AFAIK,最近的 Intel Icelake 处理器可以像新的 AMD Ryzen 处理器一样并行处理两个存储。第二个预计在所选用例(英特尔 Skylake 处理器)上同样快或可能更快。它在最新的 x86-64 处理器上应该快得多。

请注意,lea 指令非常快,因为乘加是在专用的 CPU 单元(硬连线移位器)上完成的,并且它仅支持某些 特定的constant 用于乘法(支持因子为 1、2、4 和 8,这意味着 lea 可用于将整数乘以常数 2、3、4、5、8 和 9)。这就是 leaimul/mul.



我可以使用 GCC 11.2(在 Linux 上使用 i5-9600KF 处理器)重现 -O2 执行速度较慢的情况。

减速的主要来源来自 -O2 版本 [=87] 中执行的 micro-operations (uops) 数量更多=]当然结合某些执行端口的饱和肯定是由于不良的微操作调度。

这里是 -Os:

    1049:   8b 15 d9 2f 00 00       mov    edx,DWORD PTR [rip+0x2fd9]        # 4028 <a>
    104f:   6b d2 24                imul   edx,edx,0x24
    1052:   89 15 d8 2f 00 00       mov    DWORD PTR [rip+0x2fd8],edx        # 4030 <res>
    1058:   48 ff c8                dec    rax
    105b:   75 ec                   jne    1049 <main+0x9>

这里是 -O2:

    1050:   8b 05 d2 2f 00 00       mov    eax,DWORD PTR [rip+0x2fd2]        # 4028 <a>
    1056:   8d 04 c0                lea    eax,[rax+rax*8]
    1059:   c1 e0 02                shl    eax,0x2
    105c:   89 05 ce 2f 00 00       mov    DWORD PTR [rip+0x2fce],eax        # 4030 <res>
    1062:   48 83 ea 01             sub    rdx,0x1
    1066:   75 e8                   jne    1050 <main+0x10>

现代 x86-64 处理器,解码(可变大小)指令,然后将它们转换为(更简单的固定大小)微操作 最终在几个 执行端口 上执行(通常并行执行)。有关特定 Skylake 体系结构的更多信息,请参阅 here. Skylake can macro-fuse 多条指令变成一个微操作。在这种情况下,dec+jnesub+jne 指令在每种情况下都融合为一个微指令。这意味着 -Os 版本执行 4 uops/iteration 而 -O2 执行 5 uops/iteration.

微指令存储在称为解码流缓冲区 (DSB) 的 uop 缓存 中,这样处理器就不需要 decode/translate 再次执行指令(小)循环。要执行的缓存微指令在称为指令解码队列 (IDQ) 的队列中发送。最多可以从 DSB 向 IDQ 发送 6 uops/cycle。对于 -Os 版本,每个周期只有 4 微指令的 DSB 被发送到 IDQ(可能是因为循环以饱和的存储端口为界)。对于 -O2 版本,DSB 的 5 微指令每个周期仅发送到 IDQ,但 5 次中有 4 次(平均)!这意味着 每 4 个周期增加 1 个延迟周期,导致执行速度减慢 25%。这种影响的原因尚不清楚,似乎与 uops 调度有关。

Uops 然后被发送到资源分配 Table (RAT) 并且 发出 到保留站 (RS)。 RS 调度微指令到执行它们的端口。然后,uops retired(即提交)。从 DSB 间接传输到 RS 的微指令数对于两个版本都是恒定的。相同数量的 uops 被淘汰。但是,在两个版本中,RS 每个周期(并由端口执行)都会分派 1 个 ghost uop。这可能是用于计算商店地址的微指令(因为商店端口没有自己专用的 AGU)。

这是从硬件计数器收集的每次迭代的统计数据(使用 perf):

version | instruction | issued-uops | executed-uops | retired-uops | cycles
"-Os"   |      5      |      4      |        5      |       4      |  1.00
"-O2"   |      6      |      5      |        6      |       5      |  1.25


 port  |   type      |  "-Os"  |   "-O2"
    0  | ALU/BR      |     0%  |    60%
    1  | ALU/MUL/LEA |   100%  |    38%
    2  | LOAD/AGU    |    65%  |    60%
    3  | LOAD/AGU    |    73%  |    60%
    4  | STORE       |   100%  |    80%
    5  | ALU/LEA     |     0%  |    42%
    6  | ALU/BR      |   100%  |   100%
    7  | AGU         |    62%  |    40%
 total |             |   500%  |   480%

端口 6 仅在 -O2 版本上完全饱和,这是出乎意料的,这当然解释了为什么每 5 个周期需要一个额外的周期。请注意,只有与指令 shlsub+jne 关联的微指令正在(同时)使用端口 0 和 6(没有其他端口)。

请注意,由于停滞周期,总共 480% 是调度工件。实际上,6*4=24 微指令应该每 5 个周期执行一次 (24/5*100=480)。另请注意,5 个周期中有 1 个不需要存储端口(平均每 5 个周期执行 4 次迭代,因此 4 个存储微指令),因此它的使用率为 80%。


tl;dr:因为 LEA 不做完整的乘法。

虽然@JeromeRichard 的回答是正确的,但其最后一句话隐藏了真相的基本内核:使用 LEA,您只能乘以特定常数,即 2 的幂。因此,不需要大型专用电路来进行乘法运算,它只需要一个小型子电路来将其操作数之一移动固定量。