解决精度问题 (python)

Fsolve precision issue (python)

我遇到了 fsolve 的精度问题。

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fsolve


def f(x):
     return x*(np.sin(x)/np.cos(x))-1000


roots=np.around(roots, decimals=3 , out=None)
a = roots[roots >= 0]
g = np.unique(a)

result :

[array([10.842, 11.006, 15.165, 21.116, 22.382])]


我的代码遗漏了前三个解决方案,其他的也不准确。 您知道我怎样才能提高结果的精确度吗?

您可以使用 scipy.optimize.newton() with first and second derivative of the function f to get a more accurate result. You can do it by hand, or use derivative-calculator.net or wolframalpha. Pass both the first derivative fprime and the second derivative, fprime2 to newton(). If you do this, Halley's method will be used instead of a simple Newton-Raphson, which is more accurate (see the description below fprime2 in newton() 文档)。

def f(x):
     return x*(np.sin(x)/np.cos(x))-1000

def fprime(x):
    # first derivative of f
    # do this by hand or use derivative-calculator.net or wolframalpha
    return np.tan(x)+ x*(1/np.cos(x))**2

def fprime2(x):
    # second derivative of f
    # do this by hand or use derivative-calculator.net or wolframalpha
    return 2*1/(np.cos(x)**2)*(x*np.tan(x)+1)

res = newton(f,x0=[1,4,7,10,14],fprime=fprime, fprime2=fprime2)
res = np.around(res, decimals=3)

res 将是:

array([ 1.569,  4.708,  7.846, 10.985, 14.123])


这就是 f 的样子(好吧,f/1000 让特征可见):