如何为自定义 BAT 文件创建 HELP 命令?

How do I create HELP command for custom BAT files?

我已经编写了将文本转换为 uppercase 的小脚本,如下所示,并将此文件保存为 .BAT 扩展名



  help converttoupper


 # help converttoupper
 For more information on a specific command, type HELP command-name
 CONVERTTOUPPER This converts the text to upper case



即使我得到如下所示的东西,我也很好。我不想覆盖任何 windows 命令。

  helpme converttoupper


  helpme connectvpn


下面是安全处理 arg 捕获和帮助查询的示例。

安全捕获参数后,使用 Findstr 测试有效帮助开关的内容:

Set Args | %SystemRoot%\System32\Findstr.exe /bli "Args=\/? Args=-? Args=Help?" > nul && (Rem commands)

  • Set Args :允许将参数字符串通过管道传输到 findstr 而不会因有毒字符而导致失败。
  • /bli : findstr sawitches : 在忽略大小写的行开头匹配文字字符串。
  • "Args=\/? Args=-? Args=Help?" : Space 分隔的要匹配的字符串列表;视为匹配字符串 a 或 b 或 c
  • > nul :抑制任何匹配的输出
  • && :条件运算符; 'On command success'


@Echo off & SETLOCAL
 Rem -- Arg capture method is a modified version of Dave Benhams method:
 Rem -- https://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4288#p23980
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
 1>"%~f0:Params.dat" <"%~f0:Params.dat" (
  SETLOCAL DisableExtensions
  Set prompt=#
  Echo on
  For %%a in (%%a) do rem . %*.
  Echo off
  Set /p "Args="
  Set /p "Args="
  Set "Args=!Args:~7,-2!"
  @Rem duplicate Args for the purpose of counting doublequotes [destructive].
  Set "DQcount=!Args!"
 ) || (
  Echo(%~nx0 requires an NTFS drive system to function as intended.
  CMD /C Exit -1073741510
 ) || Goto:Eof

 If Not defined Args Goto:NoArgs
REM substitute doublequotes in Args clone 'DQcount'; count substring in string;
REM assess if count is even; If false "||": Remove doublequotes from string. If true "&&" and if entire
REM arg line is doublequoted, remove outer quotes.
 Set Div="is=#", "1/(is<<9)"
 Set "{DQ}=0"
 Set ^"DQcount=!DQcount:"={DQ}!"
 2> nul Set "null=%DQcount:{DQ}=" & Set /A {DQ}+=1& set "null=%"

 Set /A !Div:#={DQ} %% 2! 2> nul && Set ^"Args=!Args:"=!" || If [^%Args:~0,1%^%Args:~-1%] == [""] Set "Args=!Args:~1,-1!")

 For /f Delims^= %%G in ("!Args!")Do Endlocal & Set "Args=%%G" 2> nul


Rem help query assessment
  Set Args | %SystemRoot%\System32\Findstr.exe /bli "Args=\/? Args=-? Args=Help?" > nul && (
   Rem Args value has leading /? -? or help?
   If not "%Args:*?=%"=="" (
    Rem Args value contains leading /? -? or help? with additional Parameter
    Call:%Args:*? =%_Syntax && Goto:Eof || (
     Rem quit after Call to Syntax info if valid Parameter; else notify invalid and show valid syntax queries.
     Echo(Invalid query: "%Args:*? =%" : Does not Match a valid Help Query:
   Rem show valid syntax queries.
   For /F "Tokens=1 Delims=:_" %%G in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\Findstr.exe /R "^:.*_Syntax" "%~f0"') Do Echo(%~nx0 /? %%G
   ENDLOCAL & Exit /b 0
 ) 2> nul

 Set Args


Rem Demo syntax labels

Echo %~0 help info
Exit /b 0

Echo %~0 help info
Exit /b 0

您可以创建一个“假”函数。我们将其命名为 define.cmd 并将其放入 %systemroot%\system32


@echo off
for /f "tokens=1,*delims=? " %%i in ('type "%~1" ^|findstr ":?"') do echo %%j

然后在您希望人们阅读帮助的所有批处理文件中,以 :? 开始添加帮助行,使用您的 convertoupper.cmd 文件作为示例:

@echo off & set upper=
if "%~1" == "" echo incorrect usage & call define.cmd "%0"
if "%~1" == "/?" call define.cmd "%0"

for /f "skip=2 delims=" %%I in ('tree "\%~1"') do if not defined upper set "upper=%%~I"
set "upper=%upper:~3%"
echo %upper%
goto :eof
:? # help converttoupper
:? "define %0" or "%0 /?" will display this help content
:? For more information on a specific command, type HELP command-name
:? CONVERTTOUPPER This converts the text to upper case

现在您可以 运行 define converttoupperconverttoupper /?。如果你 运行 converttoupper 没有任何参数,它也会显示相同的帮助。