
pandas: compare columns row-wise and remove duplicates compred to the first column


import pandas as pd
data = {'name': ['the weather is good', ' we need fresh air','today is sunny', 'we are lucky'],
        'name_1': ['we are lucky','the weather is good', ' we need fresh air','today is sunny'],
        'name_2': ['the weather is good', 'today is sunny', 'we are lucky',' we need fresh air'],
        'name_3': [ 'today is sunny','the weather is good',' we need fresh air', 'we are lucky']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

我想按行比较列(意味着要比较具有相同索引的行)并用 'same' 一词替换重复项(如果它们与第一列具有相同的值)。我想要的输出是:

                  name               name_1               name_2  \
0  the weather is good         we are lucky               same   
1    we need fresh air  the weather is good       today is sunny   
2       today is sunny    we need fresh air         we are lucky   
3         we are lucky       today is sunny    we need fresh air   

0       today is sunny  
1  the weather is good  
2    we need fresh air  
3           same


import numpy as np

但要替换它们,我不知道如何为 np.where() 制定(条件,x,y)。以下 return 与列 'name' 和 'name_3':


IIUC,你想检查'name_1'、'name_2'、'name_3'列中哪些值在列名中具有相同的值,如果是,则将这些值替换为'same',否则保持原样。您使用 numpy.where 是正确的,但请尝试将您的语句重写为:

import numpy as np

cols = ['name_1','name_2','name_3']
for c in cols:
    df[c] = np.where(df['name'].eq(df[c]),'same',df[c])


                  name               name_1              name_2  \
0  the weather is good         we are lucky                same   
1    we need fresh air  the weather is good      today is sunny   
2       today is sunny    we need fresh air        we are lucky   
3         we are lucky       today is sunny   we need fresh air   

0       today is sunny  
1  the weather is good  
2    we need fresh air  
3                 same