将 DataFrame 中的 NA 替换为每个国家/地区的平均值

Replace NA in DataFrame for multiple columns with mean per country

我想用同年其他列的平均值替换 NA 值。

要替换加拿大数据的 NA 值 ,我只想使用加拿大的平均值,当然不是整个数据集的平均值。

这是一个充满随机数的示例数据框。还有一些 NA 我是如何在我的数据框中找到它们的:

Country Inhabitants Year Area Cats Dogs
Canada 38 000 000 2021 4 32 21
Canada 37 000 000 2020 4 NA 21
Canada 36 000 000 2019 3 32 21
Canada NA 2018 2 32 21
Canada 34 000 000 2017 NA 32 21
Canada 35 000 000 2016 3 32 NA
Brazil 212 000 000 2021 5 32 21
Brazil 211 000 000 2020 4 NA 21
Brazil 210 000 000 2019 NA 32 21
Brazil 209 000 000 2018 4 32 21
Brazil NA 2017 2 32 21
Brazil 207 000 000 2016 4 32 NA

pandas 用其他年份的平均值替换那些 NA 的最简单方法是什么?是否可以编写一个代码,使其可以遍历每个 NA 并立即替换它们(居民、区域、猫、狗)?

注意 示例基于评论中的附加数据源

将多列的 NA 值替换为 mean() 您可以结合以下三种方法:

  • fillna() (每列迭代 axis 应为 0,这是 fillna() 的默认值)
  • groupby()
  • transform()

df = pd.read_excel('https://happiness-report.s3.amazonaws.com/2021/DataPanelWHR2021C2.xls')
Country name year Life Ladder Log GDP per capita Social support Healthy life expectancy at birth Freedom to make life choices Generosity Perceptions of corruption Positive affect Negative affect
Canada 2005 7.41805 10.6518 0.961552 71.3 0.957306 0.25623 0.502681 0.838544 0.233278
Canada 2007 7.48175 10.7392 nan 71.66 0.930341 0.249479 0.405608 0.871604 0.25681
Canada 2008 7.4856 10.7384 0.938707 71.84 0.926315 0.261585 0.369588 0.89022 0.202175
Canada 2009 7.48782 10.6972 0.942845 72.02 0.915058 0.246217 0.412622 0.867433 0.247633
Canada 2010 7.65035 10.7165 0.953765 72.2 0.933949 0.230451 0.41266 0.878868 0.233113

调用 fillna() 并遍历按国家/地区名称分组的所有列:
df = df.fillna(df.groupby('Country name').transform('mean'))

df[df['Country name'] == 'Canada']
Country name year Life Ladder Log GDP per capita Social support Healthy life expectancy at birth Freedom to make life choices Generosity Perceptions of corruption Positive affect Negative affect
Canada 2005 7.41805 10.6518 0.961552 71.3 0.957306 0.25623 0.502681 0.838544 0.233278
Canada 2007 7.48175 10.7392 0.93547 71.66 0.930341 0.249479 0.405608 0.871604 0.25681
Canada 2008 7.4856 10.7384 0.938707 71.84 0.926315 0.261585 0.369588 0.89022 0.202175
Canada 2009 7.48782 10.6972 0.942845 72.02 0.915058 0.246217 0.412622 0.867433 0.247633
Canada 2010 7.65035 10.7165 0.953765 72.2 0.933949 0.230451 0.41266 0.878868 0.233113



df = pd.read_excel('DataPanelWHR2021C2.xls')


# Check for number of null values in df


Country name                          0
year                                  0
Life Ladder                           0
Log GDP per capita                   36
Social support                       13
Healthy life expectancy at birth     55
Freedom to make life choices         32
Generosity                           89
Perceptions of corruption           110
Positive affect                      22
Negative affect                      16
dtype: int64



# Adds mean of column to any NULL values
df.fillna(df.mean(), inplace=True)


# 2nd check for number of null values

Out [5]: 没有更多的 NULL 值

Country name                        0
year                                0
Life Ladder                         0
Log GDP per capita                  0
Social support                      0
Healthy life expectancy at birth    0
Freedom to make life choices        0
Generosity                          0
Perceptions of corruption           0
Positive affect                     0
Negative affect                     0
dtype: int64