为什么在 运行 时返回未定义?

Why is this returning undefined when run?

function switchBooks(book) {
  book = "the book name";

var myBook = "new book";
myBook = switchBooks(myBook);


我是 JS 新手,想了解为什么会这样?

进一步补充 UnholySheep 的评论。您需要 return 函数的结果以便稍后在您的代码中访问它。

来自MDN Web Docs

The return statement ends function execution and specifies a value to be returned to the function caller.

在你的例子中,函数调用者是 switchBooks(myBook);

   function switchBooks(book) {
       var book = "the book name";
       return book; //This is the addition

   var myBook = "new book";
   myBook = switchBooks(myBook);



function switchBooks(book) {
 return book = "the book name";

var myBook = "new book";
myBook = switchBooks(myBook);
