单击按钮未获取组合框的正确 v_model 值

Button click is not fetching the correct v_model value of combobox

我试图在单击按钮时获取组合框的值,并在按钮单击处理程序中处理该值。但是,combobox.v_model 似乎仅在 按钮单击处理程序退出后 才正确更新。


  1. 当小部件显示时,在组合框中输入字符串 'xxx'
  2. 然后单击按钮并获取 combobox.v_model
  3. 的值
  4. 预期检索 'xxx',但检索到了 ''(空字符串)


注意:在点击按钮之前按下 'Enter' / 'TAB' 时,一切正常,但如果在组合框中输入后立即按下按钮,则无效。

import ipyvuetify as vue

name = ''

# vuetify combobox and button
combobox = vue.Combobox(label="Enter name", v_model="", items=[], autofocus=True)
btn = vue.Btn(children=['Process name'])
component = vue.Row(children=[

# --- event handler -------------------------
# Some processing of the combobox input needs to happen
# on a button click, but v_model is not updated
def on_button_clicked(widget, event, data):
    print(f"btn clicked: {combobox.v_model=}")
    name = combobox.v_model
    print(f'btn clicked: {name=}')
    # do some processing with name here

btn.on_event("click", on_button_clicked)


可能是 Vuetify 中的错误:vuetifyjs/vuetify#12567 (also refer to this post 在 ipyvuetify 问题跟踪器上)。