您应该通过 std::function 还是通过通用引用将可调用对象作为接收器参数传递?

Should you pass a callable object as a sink argument by std::function or by a universal reference?


#include <functional>
#include <iostream>

struct S1
    S1(const std::function<void()>& _func) : func{_func} {}

    std::function<void()> func;

struct S2
    template<typename F>
    S2(F&& _func) : func{std::forward<F>(_func)} {}

    std::function<void()> func;

int main()
    S1 s1{[](){ std::cout << "S1 function called\n"; }};
    S2 s2{[](){ std::cout << "S2 function called\n"; }};

    return 0;

我试图了解这 2 个构造函数实现的设计 benefits/drawbacks。 另外,两者在性能上有什么区别吗

我的主要问题是,当知道可调用对象的签名并将其作为 std::function 存储在 class?



我想我真正的问题是: 您是否应该在构造函数接口中公开 class 的 std::function 性质,或者这是一个必须隐藏的实现细节?




struct S3
    S3(std::function<void()> _func) : func{std::move(_func)} {}

    std::function<void()> func;


  • 来电者无法给您可移动的物品。在这种情况下,副本是不可避免的。这导致复制后跟移动:

    auto l = []() {};
    S3 s4{l};
  • 来电者给了你一个xvalue。在这种情况下,涉及 2 个动作:

    auto l = []() {};
    S3 s4{std::move(l)};
    // no more uses of l
  • 来电者给了你一个纯右值。这导致 1 或 2 个动作。自从 C++17 有了新的临时物化规则,你就可以保证一步到位。

    S3 s4{[]() {}};


TL;DR: 你应该使用带有概念的通用引用构造函数。

搬家并不总是便宜的。由于函子通常有大量的状态,移动等同于副本(没有 PImpl 惯用语)。有人可能会争辩说,在现代 C++ 中,很少使用仿函数,而当使用 PImpl 惯用语时,移动和复制都变得便宜。

但是,lambda 是幕后的仿函数,我认为用 lambda 实现 PImpl 惯用法并不容易或微不足道。这意味着 lambda 捕获的所有内容都是“移动的”,这对于原始类型和任何足够高效而不使用动态分配的内容(例如使用 small string optimizationstd::string 实现)不是任何比副本便宜。

我的意思是,所有可以避免的动作和副本都应该避免。现在,在这个有限的示例中,您不需要状态。但是,许多 functors/lambdas 会这样做,您的示例将适用于他们。

虽然@bolov 的解决方案易于制作,但使用通用参考和概念可能更好。考虑以下因素:

template <class F, class R, class... Args >
concept invocable_r =
  requires(F&& f, Args&&... args) {
    {std::forward<F>(f)(std::forward<Args>(args)...)} -> std::same_as<R>;
struct S2
    template<typename F> requires invocable_r<F, void>
    S2(F&& _func) : func{std::forward<F>(_func)} {}

    std::function<void()> func;
struct S1{
    S1(std::function<void()> f): func{f}{}
    std::function<void()> func;

虽然 S1 肯定不会输入那么多字符,但它几乎总是会产生额外的移动。


it can conflict with other constructors taking the same number of arguments, so it should be guarded using SFINAE or C++20 concepts. (This is a library problem, so not a big deal)

我不认为必须使用概念是个问题,尽管我将讨论 SFINAE 的问题。

it is less explicit about what kind of callables it expects (can also be constrained using concepts). (This could be considered a user problem)


as a result of the previous drawback, the point of error in case of unfitting callable is moved from the call site to the member initialization site, which is much harder to understand. (This is definitely a user problem).

现在没有概念,我完全同意你的看法。即使使用 SFINAE,一些错误消息也会变得 真的 令人讨厌。

但是请考虑以下代码行在 OnlineGDB 中生成的错误消息:

S1 s1{3};

main.cpp:34:12: error: no matching function for call to ‘S1::S1()’
   34 |     S1 s1{3};
      |            ^
main.cpp:29:5: note: candidate: ‘S1::S1(std::function)’
   29 |     S1(std::function<void()> f): func{f}{}
      |     ^~
main.cpp:29:30: note:   no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘int’ to ‘std::function’
   29 |     S1(std::function<void()> f): func{f}{}
      |        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^
main.cpp:28:8: note: candidate: ‘S1::S1(const S1&)’
   28 | struct S1{
      |        ^~
main.cpp:28:8: note:   no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘int’ to ‘const S1&’
main.cpp:28:8: note: candidate: ‘S1::S1(S1&&)’
main.cpp:28:8: note:   no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘int’ to ‘S1&&’


S2 s2{3};

main.cpp:35:12: error: no matching function for call to ‘S2::S2()’
   35 |     S2 s2{3};
      |            ^
main.cpp:24:5: note: candidate: ‘S2::S2(F&&) [with F = int]’
   24 |     S2(F&& _func) : func{std::forward<F>(_func)} {}
      |     ^~
main.cpp:24:5: note:   constraints not satisfied
main.cpp:16:9: note: within ‘template concept const bool invocable_r [with F = int; R = void; Args = {}]’
   16 | concept invocable_r =
      |         ^~~~~~~~~~~
main.cpp:16:9: note:     with ‘int&& f’
main.cpp:16:9: note: the required expression ‘same_as(f)((forward)(args)...)), R>’ would be ill-formed
main.cpp:21:8: note: candidate: ‘S2::S2(const S2&)’
   21 | struct S2
      |        ^~
main.cpp:21:8: note:   no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘int’ to ‘const S2&’
main.cpp:21:8: note: candidate: ‘S2::S2(S2&&)’
main.cpp:21:8: note:   no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘int’ to ‘S2&&’


main.cpp:35:12: error: no matching function for call to ‘S2::S2()’
   35 |     S2 s2{3};
      |            ^
main.cpp:24:5: note: candidate: ‘S2::S2(F&&) [with F = int]’
   24 |     S2(F&& _func) : func{std::forward<F>(_func)} {}
      |     ^~
main.cpp:24:5: note:   constraints not satisfied
