Raspberry pi NTP 在没有 conf 文件的情况下工作

Raspberry pi NTP working without conf file

在树莓派上,我在看/etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf下的NTP配置文件。所有行都被注释(默认情况下)但是当我 运行 timedatectl status 命令时,我得到:

Network time on : yes
NTP synchronized : yes

如果没有在 conf 文件中进行配置,NTP 如何工作? NTP 服务器链接在哪里?

Raspberry pi 3 ; Raspbian 9.13(拉伸)


Entries in this file show the compile time defaults. You can change settings by editing this file. Defaults can be restored by simply deleting this file.