
How to filter multiple rows based on rows and columns condition in pyspark

我想根据“值”列过滤多行。例如,我想从 channel_name 列中筛选 velocity,其中 value>=1 & value <=5,我想从 channel_name 列中筛选 Temp,其中 value>=0 & value <=2。下面是我的 Pysaprk DF.

start_timestamp channel_name value
2020-11-02 08:51:50 velocity 1
2020-11-02 09:14:29 Temp 0
2020-11-02 09:18:32 velocity 0
2020-11-02 09:32:42 velocity 4
2020-11-03 13:06:03 Temp 2
2020-11-03 13:10:01 Temp 1
2020-11-03 13:54:38 Temp 5
2020-11-03 14:46:25 velocity 5
2020-11-03 14:57:31 Kilometer 6
2020-11-03 15:07:07 Kilometer 7

预期的 DF:

start_timestamp channel_name value
2020-11-02 08:51:50 velocity 1
2020-11-02 09:32:42 velocity 4
2020-11-03 14:46:25 velocity 5
2020-11-02 09:14:29 Temp 0
2020-11-03 13:06:03 Temp 2
2020-11-03 13:10:01 Temp 1

我尝试了 channel_name Velocity,它工作正常。

df1=df.filter((df.channel_name ==  "velocity") & (df.interpreted_value >= 1 )  & (df.interpreted_value <= 5))

但我不知道如何为多个 channel_name 执行此操作,例如 VelocityTemp :下面是代码,也让我知道这是正确的方法还是我该怎么做。

df1=df.filter(((df.channel_name ==  "velocity") & (df.interpreted_value >= 1 )  & 
                  (df.interpreted_value <= 5))) &
              ((df.channel_name ==  "Temp") & (df.interpreted_value >= 0 )  & 
                  (df.interpreted_value <= 2)))) 

您需要使用 or (|) 而不是 and(&) 运算符当您组合子句时:

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
import pyspark.sql.types as T
df = spark.createDataFrame([
  ("2020-11-02 08:51:50", "velocity", 1),
  ("2020-11-02 09:14:29", "Temp", 0),
  ("2020-11-02 09:18:32", "velocity", 0),
  ("2020-11-02 09:32:42", "velocity", 4),
  ("2020-11-03 13:06:03", "Temp", 2),
  ("2020-11-03 13:10:01", "Temp", 1),
  ("2020-11-03 13:54:38", "Temp", 5),
  ("2020-11-03 14:46:25", "velocity", 5),
  ("2020-11-03 14:57:31", "Kilometer",6),
  ("2020-11-03 15:07:07", "Kilometer", 7)], 
  ["start_timestamp", "channel_name", "value"]).withColumn("start_timestamp", F.to_timestamp("start_timestamp"))

df_filtered = df.filter((((df.channel_name ==  "velocity") & (df.value >= 1 )  & 
                  (df.value <= 5))) | # or instead of and
              ((df.channel_name ==  "Temp") & (df.value >= 0 )  & 
                  (df.value <= 2)))


|    start_timestamp|channel_name|value|
|2020-11-02 08:51:50|    velocity|    1|
|2020-11-02 09:14:29|        Temp|    0|
|2020-11-02 09:32:42|    velocity|    4|
|2020-11-03 13:06:03|        Temp|    2|
|2020-11-03 13:10:01|        Temp|    1|
|2020-11-03 14:46:25|    velocity|    5|

您当前应用的过滤器将 return 什么都没有,因为您首先检查频道名称是否等于一个特定字符串,然后再检查它是否等于另一个特定字符串。对于 or,只有一个子句应该为真以将行包含在结果数据框中。