React Native - 在 fetch promise 中设置状态

React Native - Setting state in fetch promise


Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in a useEffect cleanup function.
at Screens/MapPage.js:71:45 in fetch.then.then$argument_0

错误行在setLocations(中。该应用程序工作正常,但我意识到此错误仅在我切换屏幕而不等待获取完成时发生。如果我不等待 setLocations 就返回主页。有没有更好的方法将状态设置为获取结果?我不明白我哪里做错了?

        fetch(baseUrl + "api/Product/GetAllProductLocalization", requestOptions)
            .then(response => response.json())
            .then((result) =>  {setLocations(;} )
            .catch(error => console.log('error', error));

您收到此错误很可能是因为 setLocations( 之前的某些更新卸载了您在 fetch 中调用的组件。

意思是,setLocations( 正在尝试更新已卸载组件的状态,此时它会引发警告。

作为一个友好的建议,您应该查看 react-query library, as well as axios 而不是 fetch。
