是的验证,如果一个字段为真,使用 switch 语句检查另一个字段的值

Yup validation, if a field is true, check the value of another field with switch statements

假设我有 3 个字段:showDiscountdiscountTypediscountValue

showDiscount设置为true且discountType为'PERCENTAGE'时,discountValue应该是必需的并且应该是从1到100。如果discountType是 'FIXED_AMOUNT',discountValue 至少应该是 0.01。



const schema = yup.object().shape({
    showDiscount: yup.boolean().required(''),
    discountType: yup.string().when('showDiscount', {
      is: true,
      then: yup.string().required(),
    discountValue: yup.number().when('showDiscount', {
      is: (showDiscount) => showDiscount,
      then: yup
        .when('discountType', (discountType, discountValueSchema) => {
          switch (discountType) {
            case 'PERCENTAGE':
              return discountValueSchema
                .typeError('Enter a number')
                .min(1, 'Enter a discount percentage of at least 1%')
                .max(100, 'Enter a discount percentage of at most 100%')
            case 'FIXED_AMOUNT':
              return discountValueSchema
                .typeError('Enter a number')
                .min(0.01, 'Enter a discount amount of at least 0.01')
              return discountValueSchema

当我尝试提交表单而不考虑 showDiscountdiscountType 的值时,出现以下错误:

discountValue must be a number type, but the final value was: NaN (cast from the value "").

when 可以接受多个字段,所以你应该可以做到

.when(['showDiscount', 'discountType'], (showDiscount, discountType, discountValueSchema) => {

虽然文档中没有明确说明此示例,但您可以在此处看到提示 https://www.npmjs.com/package/yup#mixedwhenkeys-string--arraystring-builder-object--value-schema-schema-schema