在 while True 循环中调用函数
Calling a function in a while True loop
背景 - 我有一个 .py
脚本,它对 API 进行 GET
调用,将响应保存为 .json
文件,在将 api_response
作为变量保存和返回之前,用于 def unpack_response
函数,该函数对 API 返回的数据
问题 - 由于 API 不可靠且经常超时,我在 def unpack_response():
中添加了 while True:
语句,目的是循环一段代码。重要的是,此函数的第一行调用了一个调用 API(api_response = response_writer()
) 的函数,该函数提供了 api_response
。自从实施 while True:
语句后,我的代码出现了以下错误 -
返回错误(自实施while True
UnboundLocalError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-a3f8a13befee> in <module>
36 print("---------------------------\n","EXCEPTION REPORT:", excep_row_count, "rows", "\n---------------------------")
---> 38 xlsx_writer()
<ipython-input-8-a3f8a13befee> in xlsx_writer()
1 # Function that writes Exceptions Report and API Response as a consolidated .xlsx file.
2 def xlsx_writer():
----> 3 df_raw, exceptions_df = ownership_qc()
5 # Creating and defining filename for exceptions report
<ipython-input-7-3c1d5b73cc07> in ownership_qc()
4 # Setting QC Columns
----> 5 df = unpack_response()
7 # Making a copy of df (normalized API response) to be written by def_xlsx_writer() function to same .xslsx as exceptions_df
<ipython-input-6-8c186a2a5f7a> in unpack_response()
16 # Holding Account refered to as 'name' in JSON file, and not found in column list. Therefore requires manual renaming.
---> 17 df.rename(columns={'name': 'Holding Account'}, inplace=True)
19 # Reordering columns, to match View in Addepar
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'df' referenced before assignment
实现while True:
def unpack_response():
api_response = response_writer()
df = pd.json_normalize(api_response['data']['attributes']['total']['children'])
df.drop(columns=['grouping', 'entity_id'], inplace=True)
df.columns = df.columns.str.replace(r'columns.', '')
column_name_mapper = {column['key']: column['display_name'] for column in api_response['meta']['columns']}
df.rename(columns=column_name_mapper, inplace=True)
df.rename(columns={'name': 'Holding Account'}, inplace=True)
column_names = ["Holding Account", "Entity ID", "Holding Account Number", "Adjusted Value (USD)", "% Ownership", "Model Type", "Valuation (USD)", "JP Custodian",
"Top Level Owner", "Top Level Legal Entity", "Direct Owner", "Online Status", "Financial Service", "Placeholder or Fee Basis",
"Account Close Date", "Ownership Audit Note"]
df = df.reindex(columns=column_names)
index = df.index
number_of_rows = len(index)
"DATAFRAME CONSTRUCTED SUCCESSFULLY:", number_of_rows, "rows", "\n---------------------------------------------")
return df
执行while True:
def unpack_response():
while True:
api_response = response_writer()
df = pd.json_normalize(api_response['data']['attributes']['total']['children'])
df.drop(columns=['grouping', 'entity_id'], inplace=True)
df.columns = df.columns.str.replace(r'columns.', '')
column_name_mapper = {column['key']: column['display_name'] for column in api_response['meta']['columns']}
df.rename(columns=column_name_mapper, inplace=True)
except KeyError:
print("-----------------------------------\n","API TIMEOUT ERROR: TRYING AGAIN...", "\n-----------------------------------\n")
df.rename(columns={'name': 'Holding Account'}, inplace=True)
column_names = ["Holding Account", "Entity ID", "Holding Account Number", "Adjusted Value (USD)", "% Ownership", "Model Type", "Valuation (USD)", "JP Custodian",
"Top Level Owner", "Top Level Legal Entity", "Direct Owner", "Online Status", "Financial Service", "Placeholder or Fee Basis",
"Account Close Date", "Ownership Audit Note"]
df = df.reindex(columns=column_names)
index = df.index
number_of_rows = len(index)
"DATAFRAME CONSTRUCTED SUCCESSFULLY:", number_of_rows, "rows", "\n---------------------------------------------")
return df
问题 - 这是我第一次实现 while True
你最终打破了 while true 循环,无论是否抛出异常都使用“break”。然后代码在以下行崩溃,因为未声明“df”:
df.rename(columns={'name': 'Holding Account'}, inplace=True)
如果相应地更改 while true 循环的中断,它应该继续运行直到成功:
def unpack_response():
while True:
api_response = response_writer()
df = pd.json_normalize(api_response['data']['attributes']['total']['children'])
df.drop(columns=['grouping', 'entity_id'], inplace=True)
df.columns = df.columns.str.replace(r'columns.', '')
column_name_mapper = {column['key']: column['display_name'] for column in api_response['meta']['columns']}
df.rename(columns=column_name_mapper, inplace=True)
except KeyError:
print("-----------------------------------\n","API TIMEOUT ERROR: TRYING AGAIN...", "\n-----------------------------------\n")
df.rename(columns={'name': 'Holding Account'}, inplace=True)
column_names = ["Holding Account", "Entity ID", "Holding Account Number", "Adjusted Value (USD)", "% Ownership", "Model Type", "Valuation (USD)", "JP Custodian",
"Top Level Owner", "Top Level Legal Entity", "Direct Owner", "Online Status", "Financial Service", "Placeholder or Fee Basis",
"Account Close Date", "Ownership Audit Note"]
df = df.reindex(columns=column_names)
index = df.index
number_of_rows = len(index)
"DATAFRAME CONSTRUCTED SUCCESSFULLY:", number_of_rows, "rows", "\n---------------------------------------------")
return df
您真的应该考虑添加一个 time.sleep(10) 以便延迟重试。
背景 - 我有一个 .py
脚本,它对 API 进行 GET
调用,将响应保存为 .json
文件,在将 api_response
作为变量保存和返回之前,用于 def unpack_response
函数,该函数对 API 返回的数据
问题 - 由于 API 不可靠且经常超时,我在 def unpack_response():
中添加了 while True:
语句,目的是循环一段代码。重要的是,此函数的第一行调用了一个调用 API(api_response = response_writer()
) 的函数,该函数提供了 api_response
。自从实施 while True:
语句后,我的代码出现了以下错误 -
返回错误(自实施while True
UnboundLocalError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-a3f8a13befee> in <module>
36 print("---------------------------\n","EXCEPTION REPORT:", excep_row_count, "rows", "\n---------------------------")
---> 38 xlsx_writer()
<ipython-input-8-a3f8a13befee> in xlsx_writer()
1 # Function that writes Exceptions Report and API Response as a consolidated .xlsx file.
2 def xlsx_writer():
----> 3 df_raw, exceptions_df = ownership_qc()
5 # Creating and defining filename for exceptions report
<ipython-input-7-3c1d5b73cc07> in ownership_qc()
4 # Setting QC Columns
----> 5 df = unpack_response()
7 # Making a copy of df (normalized API response) to be written by def_xlsx_writer() function to same .xslsx as exceptions_df
<ipython-input-6-8c186a2a5f7a> in unpack_response()
16 # Holding Account refered to as 'name' in JSON file, and not found in column list. Therefore requires manual renaming.
---> 17 df.rename(columns={'name': 'Holding Account'}, inplace=True)
19 # Reordering columns, to match View in Addepar
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'df' referenced before assignment
实现while True:
def unpack_response():
api_response = response_writer()
df = pd.json_normalize(api_response['data']['attributes']['total']['children'])
df.drop(columns=['grouping', 'entity_id'], inplace=True)
df.columns = df.columns.str.replace(r'columns.', '')
column_name_mapper = {column['key']: column['display_name'] for column in api_response['meta']['columns']}
df.rename(columns=column_name_mapper, inplace=True)
df.rename(columns={'name': 'Holding Account'}, inplace=True)
column_names = ["Holding Account", "Entity ID", "Holding Account Number", "Adjusted Value (USD)", "% Ownership", "Model Type", "Valuation (USD)", "JP Custodian",
"Top Level Owner", "Top Level Legal Entity", "Direct Owner", "Online Status", "Financial Service", "Placeholder or Fee Basis",
"Account Close Date", "Ownership Audit Note"]
df = df.reindex(columns=column_names)
index = df.index
number_of_rows = len(index)
"DATAFRAME CONSTRUCTED SUCCESSFULLY:", number_of_rows, "rows", "\n---------------------------------------------")
return df
执行while True:
def unpack_response():
while True:
api_response = response_writer()
df = pd.json_normalize(api_response['data']['attributes']['total']['children'])
df.drop(columns=['grouping', 'entity_id'], inplace=True)
df.columns = df.columns.str.replace(r'columns.', '')
column_name_mapper = {column['key']: column['display_name'] for column in api_response['meta']['columns']}
df.rename(columns=column_name_mapper, inplace=True)
except KeyError:
print("-----------------------------------\n","API TIMEOUT ERROR: TRYING AGAIN...", "\n-----------------------------------\n")
df.rename(columns={'name': 'Holding Account'}, inplace=True)
column_names = ["Holding Account", "Entity ID", "Holding Account Number", "Adjusted Value (USD)", "% Ownership", "Model Type", "Valuation (USD)", "JP Custodian",
"Top Level Owner", "Top Level Legal Entity", "Direct Owner", "Online Status", "Financial Service", "Placeholder or Fee Basis",
"Account Close Date", "Ownership Audit Note"]
df = df.reindex(columns=column_names)
index = df.index
number_of_rows = len(index)
"DATAFRAME CONSTRUCTED SUCCESSFULLY:", number_of_rows, "rows", "\n---------------------------------------------")
return df
问题 - 这是我第一次实现 while True
你最终打破了 while true 循环,无论是否抛出异常都使用“break”。然后代码在以下行崩溃,因为未声明“df”:
df.rename(columns={'name': 'Holding Account'}, inplace=True)
如果相应地更改 while true 循环的中断,它应该继续运行直到成功:
def unpack_response():
while True:
api_response = response_writer()
df = pd.json_normalize(api_response['data']['attributes']['total']['children'])
df.drop(columns=['grouping', 'entity_id'], inplace=True)
df.columns = df.columns.str.replace(r'columns.', '')
column_name_mapper = {column['key']: column['display_name'] for column in api_response['meta']['columns']}
df.rename(columns=column_name_mapper, inplace=True)
except KeyError:
print("-----------------------------------\n","API TIMEOUT ERROR: TRYING AGAIN...", "\n-----------------------------------\n")
df.rename(columns={'name': 'Holding Account'}, inplace=True)
column_names = ["Holding Account", "Entity ID", "Holding Account Number", "Adjusted Value (USD)", "% Ownership", "Model Type", "Valuation (USD)", "JP Custodian",
"Top Level Owner", "Top Level Legal Entity", "Direct Owner", "Online Status", "Financial Service", "Placeholder or Fee Basis",
"Account Close Date", "Ownership Audit Note"]
df = df.reindex(columns=column_names)
index = df.index
number_of_rows = len(index)
"DATAFRAME CONSTRUCTED SUCCESSFULLY:", number_of_rows, "rows", "\n---------------------------------------------")
return df
您真的应该考虑添加一个 time.sleep(10) 以便延迟重试。