如何制作 Lightning Web 组件?

How to make a Lightning Web Components?

我需要使用此 Apex Class 制作 Lightning Web 组件,但我不知道如何将数据传递给 JS 和 HTML 以及如何创建该 lwc。我想制作一个 lwc,显示每次 lwc 组件为 used/called 时从特定电子邮件收到的每封电子邮件。也许做一个光环组件更好?我不知道。这是代码

public with sharing class Gmail {

public with sharing class GMResponseMessages {
    public Integer resultSizeEstimate;
    public GMThread[] messages;
public with sharing class GMThread {
    public String id;
    public String threadId;
public with sharing class GMMessage {
    public String id;
    public String threadId;
    public String[] labelIds;
    public String snippet;
    public String historyId;
    public String internalDate;
    public GMMessagePart payload;
    public String sizeEstimate;
    public String raw;  
public with sharing class GMMessagePart {
    public String partId;
    public String mimeType;
    public String filename;
    public Header[] headers;
    public GMMessagePartBody[] body;
    public GMMessagePart[] parts;  
public with sharing class Header {
    public String name;
    public String value;
public with sharing class GMMessagePartBody {
    public String attachmentId;
    public String superinteger;
    public String data;

public static void getGmail_API() {

      //GET https://gmail.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/{userId}/messages/{id}

    Http http = new Http();
    HTTPResponse response;
    HttpRequest request;
    String userEmail = 'myemail@gmail.com';
    request = new HttpRequest();
    response = http.send(request); 
    if(response.getStatusCode() == 200) {
    JSONParser parser = JSON.createParser(response.getBody());
    GMResponseMessages jsonResponse = (GMResponseMessages)JSON.deserialize(response.getBody(), GMResponseMessages.class);
    for(GMThread thread: jsonResponse.messages){
        System.debug('THREAD FOR');
        Http httpMsg = new Http();
        HTTPResponse responseMsg;
        HttpRequest requestMsg;
        requestMsg = new HttpRequest();
        requestMsg.setEndpoint('callout:Gmail_API/gmail/v1/users/myemail@gmail.com/messages/' + thread.id);
        responseMsg = httpMsg.send(requestMsg); 
        if(responseMsg.getStatusCode() == 200) {
            GMMessage jsonResponseMsg = (GMMessage)JSON.deserialize(responseMsg.getBody(), GMMessage.class);



您需要按照 documented pathways 在 Lightning Web 组件中调用 Apex 方法。

您可以使用 imperative call or a wire method 来完成此操作。由于您的 Apex 方法不带参数,命令式调用可能是可行的方法。