
Is there a way to ignore some machines (set to nothing) in job shop scheduling problem?

我正在开发一个作业调度程序,该程序具有 objective 的缩短制造时间,涉及在多台机器上调度多个作业,其中:

  1. 同一个作业不能同时在不同的机器上运行
  2. 给定机器上给定时间只能处理一个作业

但是,我想添加一个约束条件,即处理特定作业可能不需要某些机器。如下图,对于机器元素列表,作业1可以出现在机器0和机器2上,但不需要经过机器1(可以跳过这台机器)。为了指定空值,我添加了 np.nan。 (注意:如果您在此处插入 0、1 或 2 代替 np.nan,则整个代码将 运行 没有错误。)


from pulp import *
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import collections as cl
from itertools import product

# define model
schedule = LpProblem(name="Minimize_Schedule", sense=LpMinimize)

# define number of machines (m) and jobs (n)
m = 3
n = 3

# for each job, the processing time of each
times = [[2, 1, 2],
         [1, 2, 2],
         [1, 2, 1]]

# for each job, the order the machines will go in
# for job 1, machine 1 is not needed
machines = [[0, np.nan, 2],
            [1, 2, 0],
            [2, 1, 0]]

# variables

# objective function to minimize (the makespan)
c = LpVariable(name="C")
# starting time x, on job j (from all jobs n) on machine i (from all machines m)
x = [[LpVariable(name='x({} ,{} )'.format(j+1, i+1), lowBound=0) for i in range(m)] for j in range(n)]
# y is a binary, where 1, if job j precedes job k on machine i; else 0
y = [[[LpVariable(name='y({} ,{} ,{} )'.format(j+1, k+1, i+1), cat="Binary") for i in range(m)] for k in range(n)] for j in range(n)]

# sum of total time for all machines (m) and jobs (n)
M = sum(times[i][j] for i in range(n) for j in range(m))

# add objective function to schedule model
schedule += c

# job j can only begin after job i has been completed
for (j, i) in product(range(n), range(1, m)):
    schedule += x[j][machines[j][i]] - x[j][machines[j][i-1]] >= times[j][machines[j][i-1]]

# same jobs cannot occur at same time
for (j, k) in product(range(n), range(n)):
    if k != j:
        for i in range(m):
            schedule += x[j][i] - x[k][i] + M*y[j][k][i] >= times[k][i]
            schedule += -x[j][i] + x[k][i] - M*y[j][k][i] >= times[j][i] - M
for j in range(n):
    schedule += c - x[j][machines[j][m-1]] >= times[j][machines[j][m-1]]

status = schedule.solve()

print(f"status: {schedule.status}, {LpStatus[schedule.status]}")
print("Completion time: ", schedule.objective.value())

for i,j in product(range(m),range(n)):
    if x[i][j].varValue >= 0:
        print("job %d starts on machine %d at time %g" % (i+1, j+1, x[i][j].varValue))


# job j can only begin after job i has been completed
for (j, i) in product(range(n), range(1, m)):
    schedule += x[j][machines[j][i]] - x[j][machines[j][i-1]] >= times[j][machines[j][i-1]]


TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not float


作为另一次尝试,我尝试添加 None 而不是 np.nan,这返回了错误:

TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not NoneType

我认为您的表述存在一些问题(对于没有任何排除机器的模型)。它 runs/solves 对我来说是零值,所以我不确定你得到的结果是什么。但这是一个单独的问题。

如果您想在某些工作的上下文中“排除”某些机器,我认为您需要在索引方面做更多的工作。具体来说,如果你要写出一些约束的“数学”,你会做一些类似“对于计划中存在的每个作业-机器对 做一些约束...... “因此,我采用的方法是构建子集(根据需要)以仅包含有效的开始。下面的一个例子。另请注意,我喜欢使用 LpVariaible.dicts 方法来创建变量。我认为它更干净,然后你可以对它们进行元组索引,因为它们保存在字典中。

最后,术语的一些一致性将有助于提高可读性!当我认为您可以使用 j, j_prime, m, ...

解决此问题时,您有 i,j,k,m,n
from pulp import *

# define number of machines (m) and jobs (j)
machines = 3
jobs = 2

# for each job, the order the machines will go in
# for job 1, machine 1 is not needed
machine_sequence = [[0, None, 2],
                    [1, 2, 0 ]]

valid_starts = [(j, m) for j in range(jobs) for m in range(machines)  if machine_sequence[j][m] != None]

model = LpProblem("Example", LpMinimize)

# Improved Variable...?  using LpVariable.dicts
s = LpVariable.dicts("start time", indexs=valid_starts, lowBound=0, cat='Continuous')

# starting time x, on job j (from all jobs n) on machine i (from all machines m)
x = [[LpVariable(name='x({} ,{} )'.format(j+1, i+1), lowBound=0) for i in range(machines)] for j in range(jobs)]

print(type(s), s)
print(type(x), x)

# random constraint for j-m pairs that are valid
for j, m in valid_starts:
    model += s[j, m] <= 10

编辑...部分模型(1 个约束)


from pulp import *

# define model
schedule = LpProblem(name="Minimize_Schedule", sense=LpMinimize)

# define number of machines (m) and jobs (j)
machines = 3
jobs = 2

# for each job, the order the machines will go in
# for job 1, machine 1 is not needed
machine_sequence = [[0, 2],
                    [1, 2,    0 ]]

# for each job, the processing time of each
times = [[2, None, 3],
         [1, 4,    5]]

valid_starts = [(j, m) for j in range(jobs) for m in machine_sequence[j]]

# x[j, m] = start time for job j on machine m
x = LpVariable.dicts("start time", indexs=valid_starts, lowBound=0, cat='Continuous')

# machine sequence constraint 
# for each machine in the job sequence (except the 0th), the start time of the
# machine must be greater than the previous start + duration
for j in range(jobs):                  # for each job
    for m_idx in range(1, len(machine_sequence[j])):     # for each machine in job's seq, except 0
        # convenience for bookkeeping...  
        curr_machine = machine_sequence[j][m_idx]
        prior_machine = machine_sequence[j][m_idx - 1]

        # so,
        schedule += x[j, curr_machine] >= x[j, prior_machine] + times[j][prior_machine]



_C1: - start_time_(0,_0) + start_time_(0,_2) >= 2

_C2: - start_time_(1,_1) + start_time_(1,_2) >= 4

_C3: start_time_(1,_0) - start_time_(1,_2) >= 5

start_time_(0,_0) Continuous
start_time_(0,_2) Continuous
start_time_(1,_0) Continuous
start_time_(1,_1) Continuous
start_time_(1,_2) Continuous



# makespan model for jobs with sequence of machine requirements
# that may exclude some machines

from pulp import *

# define model
schedule = LpProblem(name="Minimize_Schedule", sense=LpMinimize)

# define number of machines (m) and jobs (j)
machines = 3
jobs = 2

# for each job, the order the machines will go in
# for job 1, machine 1 is not needed
machine_sequence = [[0, 2],
                    [1, 2, 0 ]]

# for each job, the processing time on required machines
times = [[2, None, 3],
         [1, 4,    5]]
valid_starts = [(j, m) for j in range(jobs) for m in machine_sequence[j]]

# a convenience set that we will use later...  job-job'-machine combos
# for jobs that both compete for the same machine
jjm = [(j, j_prime, m)
        for j in range(jobs)
        for j_prime in range(jobs)
        for m in range(machines)
        if j != j_prime 
        and (j, m) in valid_starts
        and (j_prime, m) in valid_starts]

# x[j, m] = start time for job j on machine m
x = LpVariable.dicts("start time", indexs=valid_starts, lowBound=0, cat='Continuous')
# y[j, j_prime, m] = indicator that job j precedes j_prime on machine m
y = LpVariable.dicts("precedence", indexs=jjm, cat='Binary')
# makespan variable to capture the longest makespan
c = LpVariable("makespan", lowBound=0, cat='Continuous')

####### machine sequence constraint #######
# for each machine in the job sequence (except the 0th), the start time of the
# machine must be greater than the previous start + duration
for j in range(jobs):  # for each job
    for m_idx in range(1, len(machine_sequence[j])):  # for each machine in job's seq, except 0
        # convenience for bookkeeping...  
        curr_machine = machine_sequence[j][m_idx]
        prior_machine = machine_sequence[j][m_idx - 1]

        # so,
        schedule += x[j, curr_machine] >= x[j, prior_machine] + times[j][prior_machine]

####### single-use constraint (jobs can't be on same machine at same time) #######
for j, j_prime, m in jjm:
    # if y, job j precedes j_prime, if not, use big M
    schedule += x[j, m] + times[j][m] <= x[j_prime, m] + (1-y[j, j_prime, m])*M

    # one or the other case below must be true...
    # aside:  this is lazy as it will produce duplicates,
    #         but the solver will remove them
    schedule += y[j, j_prime, m] + y[j_prime, j, m] == 1

####### constraint to capture the longest makespan #######
schedule += c  # put the obj into model
for j, m in valid_starts:  # for every job started on every machine...
    schedule += c >= x[j, m] + times[j][m]  # capture the latest finish time

status = schedule.solve()

print(f"status: {schedule.status}, {LpStatus[schedule.status]}")
print("Completion time: ", schedule.objective.value())

for j, m in valid_starts:
    if x[j, m].varValue >= 0:
        print("job %d starts on machine %d at time %g" % (j, m, x[j, m].varValue))


status: 1, Optimal
Completion time:  11.0
job 0 starts on machine 0 at time 0
job 0 starts on machine 2 at time 2
job 1 starts on machine 1 at time 0
job 1 starts on machine 2 at time 5
job 1 starts on machine 0 at time 10

流量。使用 1-index 作业...对不起触发器

使用 j,m 对的一些附加约束。

# constraint 2: makespan
for j in range(jobs):
    for m_idx in range(1, len(machine_sequence[j])): 
        curr_machine = machine_sequence[j][m_idx]
        prior_machine = machine_sequence[j][m_idx - 1]
        schedule += c - x[j, prior_machine] >= times[j][prior_machine]

# constraint 3: only 1 job processing at a given time in a given machine
for j in range(jobs):
    for m_idx in range(1, len(machine_sequence[j])): 
        curr_machine = machine_sequence[j][m_idx]
        prior_machine = machine_sequence[j][m_idx - 1]
        for k in range(jobs):
            if j != k:
                schedule += x[j, prior_machine] - x[k, prior_machine] >= times[k][prior_machine] - M*(1-y[j][k][m_idx])
                schedule += x[k, prior_machine] - x[j, prior_machine] >= times[j][prior_machine] - M*(y[j][k][m_idx])